Psychology of People for not converting to other religion in English Spiritual Stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | Psychology of People for not converting to other religion

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Psychology of People for not converting to other religion

If we look at our current society, we tend to believe that our religion is our religion and their religion is their religion. We should respect all religions because peace is the bigger religion. It would have been nice if we followed the same philosophy throughout the ages, but you can’t really be satisfied with a society where you will have to be a slave throughout your life and your son’s come with the same fate for their entire lives. Even the slaves are not servants of that time, they are literally animals with two legs which can be used for anything, even satisfying sexual urges and even then after having the child of your master in your womb, your child will also be his son’s slave. Now, think of a society where the pet of the master is well fed and treated, then the ones working for him and the slaves have no dignity or knowledge of anything other than survival. Should one follow the same religion as his master does in a society like that where following their father’s religion can lead to such fate or follow an ordinary person who reaches out to them instead of their masters and acts as their voice in a society where they have no voice? Normally, the ordinary people were attracted to the prophets not due to their charisma, but in the initial phase due to their courage to stand up for them. Definitely, the bold men with ordinary appearance, but with higher legacy as any person with no legacy will not survive in front of the lords and just be killed at the moment. So, at that time the prophets were normally ordinary or poor men of a higher legacy, who could connect to both ends of the society.

From then onwards, we all know the story of how people tend to convert from one religion to another. 1st prophets were sent and in the initial phase the layman tended to be attracted to the messiahs of every religion and then the prophets were either hunted or attacked. Finally, due to the suppression of the layman, the royalties got defeated by the messiah and gradually the entire nation followed a particular religion. So, laymen are always the greatest tool for expanding a religion as they are too suppressed and have always been away from the educational teachings of any religion. However, though in the early days the messiahs reached out to the laymen, whenever that religion took the form of a structured book, these laymen were left out of the teachings entirely. And so new messiahs were required to re-educate them again and again. Even today’s structured education has kept the religious scriptures apart from the mainstream education.

However, the bigger question lies in the fact that why did the messiahs speculate the verses through word of mouth instead of a written scripture? It is because anything which had anything to do with money were considered lies. If the messiahs had speculated a total written scripture instead of proving the verses were from god by applying those in their regular life and the lives of the people surrounding them, then the messiahs themselves would be considered as fakes. Because if the people received the books for free then first they would never understand those due to lack of their literacy and the books would end up in the hands of the rich. Also, throughout the ages it is considered as a known fact that people can easily write a lie instead of telling one. So, even if the god had sent a written scripture, it eventually had to be speculated through word of mouth, making the messiah a questionable person who reads other authors' lies to convince the poor into a religion.

Now, there are two types of religion. One is Monotheism and the other is polytheism. Is the purpose of achieving the acceptance of the god similar or different? To my belief against all odds is the same. It is certain that such a belief can shock many, but in fact the purpose is exactly the same. The Polytheists believe in different gods for fulfilling a particular purpose from a particular god and for the Monotheists, they perform vows of sacrifice to fulfil a particular purpose. However, the only difference is that the polytheists believe that a particular god engaged in a particular job is far better for fulfilling a particular desire or purpose. On the other hand, the monotheists believe that there is only one god, who can fulfill all desires if asked with purity and in many cases they vow to sacrifice a life or sometimes a hobby. But, to the naked eyes, they both are performing rituals to satisfy their god or gods.

Why are there so many gods in the Polytheist religion and one god for the Monotheist religion? The Monotheist religion also expresses that they have many prophets and prophecies are sent from the god to the prophets through Angels. Now, the question is gods are powerful entities and prophets are not. Exactly, Angels are powerful creatures and humans are not. One similarity in both forms of religion is that people accept the fact that Angels or powerful beings are better than humans. But, in the case of the polytheist religion and the monotheist religion the part that is left aside is that the creator of all addressed the angels to worship the humans which portrayed humans as more valuable to the singular creator then the angels. Other than that the formation of the angels in the monotheist religion are similar to the formation of the gods in polytheistic religions. The functional characteristics of main three gods engaged in guarding the Heavens, the Earth and the Underworld in the polytheist religion are same as the function of the main angels of those similar characteristics in the monotheist religion and there are many more prophets, angels and gods in both system of religion. In the case of polytheism, the difference is no human can ever spread religion, only god can and in order to do that they appear in the world in the form or avatar of human or by unison with a woman to create their offspring. In the case of Monotheism, the angels reach out to the parents first and then from those parents, prophets are born. Normally, all the prophets follow a similar family legacy.

However, from my belief there is the twist, the reaching out part of the angels in the monotheists get twisted in the form of reincarnation of gods in the avatar of men in the polytheist. The number of gods and prophets might have a similarity overall, but in the early days, no people really wished the gods to appear in any other nation except their own and so, similar stories of all the gods were spread throughout the world in every different nation.

Now, the difference is why one nation emphasizes a particular powerful god and the other nation emphasizes another particular powerful god, it is due to the demographic of that nation. For more populated or dense nations, they started to emphasize on the god of death to reincarnate and take care of their worldly belongings over and over again. On the other hand, the less populated nations with more land emphasized on the god of heavens for eternal glory as they believed people reach the heavens directly after death. However, for commonality the story of Noah in Jews & Christians, Nooh in Islam, Manu in Hindu, Dardanus in Greek is an ideal example.

To begin with the main topic of people from older religions not willing to convert to the teachings of the new religion, the first in the list should be the ones which have been erased to the form of perfection from the histories and simply turned into fairy tales. The religion of Greeks and Romans which have turned into mythologies. Now the thing is these were the religions which were practiced 2000-3000years back in societies where peace was never the definition of survival, power was. So, in a society where one had to hunt for food or simply submit to others for food and blood of men were required to satisfy the gods, they would never hope for any man to be their savior. Instead, they would search for man with any sort of superiority to be a direct descendant of the gods. So, a society which searches for god among men, would never convert to another religion, because without that religion no other religion says that god can be born from men. This is probably why Jesus was portrayed as the son of god among the Romans to discredit their gods and to convert the Romans into the religion of the new god.

Next is why don't the Hindus convert from their religion to the teachings of other religions. Normally, what they actually say is, it is an old religion and they have evolved through generations. However, they possess the same belief that no man can be god, but god can reincarnate in various forms in the societal hierarchy and one should respect their parents similar to their gods. So, in a society where family values are the main thing and they have an abundance of agricultural lands, the best thing the people would emphasize on is to follow their family values and take care of their inherited skills and inherited lands. Thus, the people of such a society created castes to maintain the hierarchy for smooth functioning and in the process of following their parents as gods, they never bothered to get out of the caste system. What does such a structured society do? They would follow the god of death above all and incinerate their body to burn away their sins. And return back to the land of the living to take care of their parental lands without the fear of heaven and hell. Finally, a society which is so focused on taking care of their inheritance and where parents get the same priority as gods with no fear of punishment after death, it is very difficult to convert them to another religion as everybody fears eternal punishment.

Now, when we consider the religion of Buddhism, they follow the similar storyline as the Hindus do and Gautam Buddha or Siddartha is also considered as the 9th avatar of Bishnu. However, he was sent at a time in the Hindu civilization when caste became so dominant that the ordinary people of the civilization were left out of the teachings of religion. Only Brahmans had the rights to spread religion and the Khatrio as the rulers of the lands had access to the teachings. Other than these two castes no other castes were considered to have the access to the teachings or even have the say in any sort of religious matters other than following the ruler. At a time when religion was in the hands of the Brahmans, Buddha came as a prince from the Khatrio caste, but didn’t have the right to spread the teachings of it. In order to break the caste policy of the Hindus, he left his kingdom and everything in the way in search of true knowledge of religion. He turned himself into the lowest in all of the castes which is in simple terms a beggar to break the caste policy and spread the teachings of love towards every animal represents the love towards the god which itself means not only lives of the people are precious, but the lives of the animals must also be valued. This extreme respect towards all living things and similar to Hinduism, a religion where there is no fear of punishment after death made Buddhists very difficult to convert to other religions. 

When we consider the faith of Judaism, it is the 1st scripture of Abrahamic religion where instead of believing in multiple gods the practice of one god took the form of a society/culture. The instructions came directly from the god to the prophet Musa who even after killing a person by accident and not being so eloquent was forgiven by the god himself. Also, after having known about the prophecy of Musa’s arrival, the Pharaoh was unable to kill him and instead raised him as his own adopted son. The Pharaoh never expected anyone who is raised by the gods like him could ever raise a voice against him. Musa was so adored by the god that he made his brother a prophet to cover Musa’s speech inability, which was a drawback for spreading the messages and the god tested all the limits of the Pharaoh’s pride which were crushed by Musa gradually. It was an ultimate showdown of power between the ultimate god and the false god who depended heavily on magic. In the process, Musa was able to perform various feats of miracle similar to the pharaoh’s magicians and ultimately divided the ocean to pave the path of Israel’s Promised Land. Though Musa was not considered as the son of the god, but he was the only prophet who defeated a self-proclaimed god, was the most adored prophet by the god and the god visited him and talked with him directly for which it was difficult to convert the Jews to the teachings of other religions.

Then, when we consider the faith of Christians, It is the most accepted scripture of Abrahamic religion where Jesus was born from Mary and without having any father. Mary was considered the purest form of woman at that time and Jesus was addressed as the son of Mary. Now, the thing is why the birth of Jesus was so different from all the other prophets and so widely discussed. It is not just because of him being special but it was a society where it was considered that the demigods were born from the illegal physical relationship with a woman and a god. Thus, it was very necessary to send a prophet in such a fashion who couldn’t be claimed by any man or even any of the Roman gods. He was able to speak from his birth and he came with the entire scripture right from the start. Thus, it wasn’t necessary for him to have any connection with the god or any of the angels throughout his life, so that nobody can ever claim that he was in touch with any of the Roman gods in his lifetime. He was a bastard who was able to demonstrate more feats of miracle than any mere mortal ever could excluding the only feat of strength which was the sign of the gladiators. And he showed no interest in ruling which was another different sign from the rest of the Roman self-proclaimed demigods. He was first considered as the most awaited king of the Jews, but due to his approach towards humanity and disregard towards the strategy of becoming the king, he was put on a cross to die where he went on without any sort of hesitation (in Islam he was sent back to the heavens directly before crucifixion).  However, in both cases, he was sent to the heavens. According to the Christians, he reincarnated after three days. So, considering such a feat of miracle the regular Roman people started believing him as the son of the god, which was a regular culture of the Romans to address miraculous people as demigods and the religion of Christianity spread accordingly. Hence, the Christians don’t tend to convert to other religions as they believe considering such miracles and the social demographics that Jesus is the only true son of the Ultimate God and as the Romans believed at that time the son is the closest way to reach the god himself for forgiveness.

So, the next religion that needs to be considered is the religion of Islam. The messenger of Islam, Prophet Mohammad was an orphan and was known for his trustworthiness as Al Amin. Now, consider the time of the 6th Century Arabs, a deserted place, where no one has anything but a place to stay at night, Date trees for food and Camels, Dumba Bakras for food and travel. In a society where food is so scarce, property is the mentioned items, the less the number of mouths to feed, the better. So, it was a natural practice to slay the daughters to have less mouths to feed, marrying the mother for ensuring inheritance of the property and discrediting the orphans for ensuring less rights in the property. Thus, the best fit for such a society was a prophet who had no father to claim his land and no mother to marry for the land. He had to survive on the milk mother and had to be raised by the Grandfather. Normally, people don’t bother if someone tells the truth or not and Prophet Mohammad didn’t lie but maintained resolve in disclosing the entire truth. Then, how is that he was considered as Al Amin, it’s most probably because he never hesitated to address his grandfather as grandfather instead of his father and even after being fed by his milk mother he never forgot the roots of his own mother. However, his truthfulness and modesty became an example, even after being an orphan with no rights to property when he was able to marry the richest woman of Arabs and even after that he distributed all his property to the poor. And then in extreme poverty, instead of sacrificing his daughters, he didn’t hesitate to raise them with sincerity. After the revelations came to him, he became the opposite of the so-called priests among the Arabs. Instead of revealing that instructions came directly from the god, he mentioned that those came from the angel Gibril and proved with example that his revelations worked. He being the Al-Amin became the required tool at that time, which discredited all the priests as he was known among all for not lying and people gradually started believing in his religion and the revelation took form so slowly that all people were well versed in the teachings of that religion so that no one could ever discredit this religion and take away its teachings like other religions from the layman. He was the most tactician among all the prophets as one who after being an orphan turned into a businessman due to his truthfulness and then from being a businessman due to his honesty managed to achieve such good friends who believed in his teachings till their death and in order to spread that religion they supported him in managing an army with sufficient soldiers. But the devotion of the soldiers made that army a furious one which was able to defeat all the tribes of Arab and finally a King was formed. Maybe the King Prophesied by the Jews, but the one who ended up forming another religion. However, as the religion was so well versed among the people of the Muslims and the religion had effective results considering all as equals, so the Muslims don’t convert to other religions.

Hence, the ultimate god sent messengers in tribes where they were raised from ordinary people and then considered as the reincarnation of gods to rule the lands who were able to connect with the ultimate god to solve corruption from societies.

Then people themselves claimed to be gods among men to make decisions as other ordinary people are unable to take that, then the ultimate god sent messengers in societies which believed that Gods mate with humans to reproduce strong individuals to rule and create a just society.

Then when humans started to believe that gods are men among themselves at that time god sent messengers who claimed they were sent by the god but can perform miracles that can defeat the power of the human gods.

Then in a society where all considered that strong individuals are descendants of the  god there the god sent a messenger who had no necessity to connect with the god but could perform miracles on his own as he was taught from his birth by the god.

Finally in a society where the priests claimed they could connect with the god directly, there the god sent a messenger who claimed he could connect to an angel of the god instead of the god directly but his truthfulness made others believe in him.

So, gradually the god, himself shifted the preaching from sending individuals having direct connections with him to individuals having all the knowledge that was evident to the connection with him but miraculous enough to perform similar feats to individual having only connection with the angel but due to the behavioral strategy was able to preach the religion.

Now, it is a society where everybody believes that science can perform most of the similarities that god himself claimed to have and good leaders are required not preachers to create peace as the merciful god is not taking proper actions to stop all the calamities that is going on around the world. Also, it is considered as the last era of civilization where most will be sent to hell and so most of the people have no belief in getting to heaven as well. Thus, whatever fun they can get from the current life, they try to grab on to it without any hope for eternal happiness. Hence, when God is deducting the connection factor from the messengers to make them suitable according to the society, then who should be the proper fit to bring his messages to a society like this?