PANDORA'S BOX - Survival Of A Hundred Misfortunes - 2 in English Mythological Stories by Asavela Prince books and stories PDF | PANDORA'S BOX - Survival Of A Hundred Misfortunes - 2

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PANDORA'S BOX - Survival Of A Hundred Misfortunes - 2

Chapter 2

A Blending Tempest
With a distrustful articulation, Imprint went to Leo.

"What do you mean by that? The point of interaction closely resembles a game's point of interaction."

"Did you enlist for any game? We're scarcely eighteen years of age, and we don't have character contributes our heads. That foreboding glimmer of light... I could sound a piece jumpy, yet my stomach is telling me in any case, and my stomach has never fizzled," Leo said, driving Imprint to another acknowledgment.

Leo and Imprint had been companions as far back as they could recollect. Their families were familiar with one another, and they had lived in similar area their entire lives. They knew pretty much everything there is to know about one another, their confidence in one another strong, very much as natural as can be.

Mark accepted Leo's knowledge and instinct were unrivaled, as he had never seen them fall flat.

"We should call home and check in the event that the equivalent is going on," Leo said as he began to squirm with his wristwatch.

The class was worked up as they generally examined what they accepted to be another game. Babbles occupied the room, making it excessively boisterous for Leo and Imprint to settle on their decision.

They went out into a perfectly spotless corridor which had cleaning bots periodically cruising by, a passage that was simply before their group.

Remaining in the lobby with her back resting up against the wall was a powerful delight, a stunner that was accepted to be one of the main ten in the whole school.

Her lovely brilliant hair streamed down her shoulders as her dazzling blue eyes looked at her watch with uncertainty. Her demeanor moved from uncertainty to doubt as she seemed, by all accounts, to be paying attention to something.

"Hello, man, quit researching we got an emergency on our hands" Imprint pulled at Leo's shoulder as he saw him gazing at the young lady.

" Definitely, sorry..."

They strolled towards the glass window from which the brilliant beams of the sun radiated through as they kept on squirming with their wristwatches.


Lia and the moderately aged lady had stunned appearances on their countenances as they took a gander at one another.

Their psyches were excessively stunned to handle anything as they saw something beyond a passing glimmer of light; it was a dream, or rather, a bad dream of what was on the way.

Ring!!! Ring!!! They were surprised out of their gazing challenge as the wire telephone in the room rang.

The moderately aged man got the telephone

"Charles, what is going on with this..."

Similarly as he was going to reply, another ringing sound was heard, yet from an alternate wire telephone. Then, he heard a humming in his ear, trailed by a ring on his telephone. The room developed loud as the ringing of telephones occupied the space.

The blood depleted from his face as he didn't have any idea what to do.

He put the telephone down dropping the call.

"Try not to get any of the calls, set me up with my little girl"

Lia gestured missing mindedly as she did everything that she was said to do.

"Boss, did you... see what I saw? We... We have bound humankind"


Swallow!! Swallow!! Swallow!!!

"Quicker you b*tch... that f*cker hung up on me, how dare he," A plumb man said as he held the head young lady who was sucking his dick pushing his seven-inch dick down her throat.

The sensation he felt made him c*m into the young lady's throat, savoring the delight that came from it. With her eyes moved back the young lady fell on the ground, cum streaming down her lovely face. She seemed to be a little north of sixteen and unpracticed in the demonstration of pleasuring a man.

" What the f*ck is this connection point, I realize without a doubt has the opportunity to do with that undertaking," The man said as he gazed at the blue straightforward screen before him.

On the screen, it read;


0yrs 0mnths 0wks 0days 59hrs 57mins

NAME: William Stones

RACE: Human

Development: ???

AGE: 46/70

Soul energy: 120/10

Imperativeness: 85/100

Strength: 5

Readiness: 2

Perseverance: 2

Knowledge: 12

Mana: 0

Abilities: None


He got up off the bed he sat on, dressed, and advanced out of the room leaving the lady lying without moving on the ground.


"Leo, what did they say," Imprint asked alarm striking in his tone.

" Same "

"What is your take, is it an outsider intrusion of some sort or another" Imprint asked.

"I don't have the foggiest idea, however I advised them to head into the dugout until the clock hits zero. In the case of nothing occurs, it's presumably only my neurosis," Leo expressed, attempting to persuade himself.

" Man, I will advise my people to do likewise"

Once more imprint began squirming with his watch.


"Settle down, we should hear what Charles needs to say," a lady who had all the earmarks of being in her twenties commented while sitting among different dignitaries on the World Association board of trustees.

The dignitaries of the world had assembled to examine the obvious issue at hand. The world government upheld the investigation of the sea and was consequently engaged with the issue they had regarded themselves as in.

"Lady, Executive, much obliged. We can honestly say that the screen before our eyes is the consequence of Undertaking Atlantis." Charles said, his eyes dashing through individuals present.

Some gave him the piercing glare as his look met theirs.

Charles clumsily moved his look as he proceeded. He tapped on the table making a projection rise up out of it.

" This was a tablet found in the container, it appeared to be a delineation of the supposed hardships and from what we have seen of the remains on the sea bed we can expect this isn't the primary such a quandary has come to pass for our planet."

A projection of a tablet showing different occasions showed up on the table.

Horrendous pictures were engraved on the projected tablet, displaying an unnerving cluster of catastrophes. These included scenes of beasts and human figures fighting for endurance in the midst of falling rocks, spinning winds, gigantic floods, seething rapidly spreading fires, and urban communities diminished to rubble. The tablets showed a troubling embroidery of disasters.

The lobby was loaded up with quiet as everybody present focused on the tablet. Contemplations of getaway dashed through their brains, driven by the conviction that their reality was near the very edge of destruction because of their voracity and interest.

"We were special to have a brief look at the past as well as the future as we were quick to look into the items in the case, a dream you could say. Confusion will before long fall upon the earth and I don't figure mankind will win" Charles shouted as he brought down his head feeling regretful for bringing such a disaster into their reality.

"How about we leave this reviled planet. The space apparatus ought to have the option to oblige us all," a silver haired man with energetic blue eyes said.

"Apologies, Mr. President, our time is up, and we won't make it," Charles said, saying out loud what everyone was already thinking.

They had around ten minutes more until the primary setback followed.

They checked each other in alarm out.

"Thus, is it past the point of no return," the president asked, a sensation of sadness washing over him.

"I accept the first is some sort of flood, we could possibly get to safe..." Before Charles could get done with talking the overwhelming majority of the dignitaries had surged out of the lobby, their objective safe spots to stow away.

Charles murmured at the sight, his considerations being involved by his family whom he had reached to get wellbeing.

" Won't you go along with them?" the director asked Charles who had plunked down.

" No I have acknowledged my destiny, may this act as my recovery, for bringing destruction onto the world"

The administrator gestured seriously as she left the room.


Leo and Imprint had reached their family members and companions. Some chose to cooperate while others felt what they were referring to was bullsh*t.

Leo and Imprint attempted to persuade their cohorts yet it was without much of any result.

Who could trust such an outlandish truth?

Two minutes stayed on the counter as it dashed towards nothing.

"Leo, what would it be a good idea for us we do now" Imprint asked after a portion of his mates disregarded him.

" I simply wish my instinct is off-base, how about we conceal in the school's fortification. In the event that nothing occurs and, acclaim God but..." Leo answered feeling rather restless.

The clock was ticking toward an obscure future. A portion of the understudies who chose to cooperate had gone to the shelters. Leo and Imprint cast one final look at their cohorts who would not go along with them prior to advancing to the nearest fortification.

[ 0yrs 0mnths 0wks 0days 0hrs 0mins ]

[ First Mishap; Miasma Flood ]

Leo and Imprint were surprised as they had not yet arrived at the fortification. The Earth shook somewhat as the hints of huge waves reverberated all through the corridor.

" here "

They heard an unmistakable, practically charming voice and, decisively, surged towards it, ending up in the young ladies' restroom. A durable shelter entryway was disguised behind the mirror, and a wonderful blonde teen young lady with clear blue eyes gazed at them from within.

"Are you holding up for..." Before she could wrap up talking, the glass windows and mirrors in the room broke and broke as monstrous floods of water struck the school building, hurrying in and unleashing devastation in their way.

Imprint and Maxwell surged in however not before the water began to saturate the young lady's restroom.

Energetically, they shut the dugout entryway solely after two or three downpours of water had entered.