You're my favorite rhythm... - 32 - THE END in English Love Stories by Pramila books and stories PDF | You're my favorite rhythm... - 32 - THE END

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You're my favorite rhythm... - 32 - THE END

She is the only music I crave....
She was always hidden in the lyrics I hummed all day....


"Brother... please go fast..." Ananya tries to rush the auto driver. She saw people busily going here and there, She had no idea what their purpose was or where they were going. "They may all have some goals today, but what if I fail in my goal?" She took a deep breath. "Well... I'm not going to quit. I'm doing this for my father and... And also for myself"

Her father's words echoed on her ears "I don't know what's on your mind but I hope Anand gives you a beautiful life. I know my sudden change may confuse you.... Before meeting Anand I thought all rich people were the same. But when I met him today, I saw the same love in his eyes that I saw in your mother's eyes.I have never forced you for anything, you can marry Anand or anyone else, Otherwise you can be my daughter till your death. The decision is yours." These are the Words that Ananya wants to hear from her father but also doesn't.

In the middle of the night, on the top of the terrace, with a cup of coffee in her hands, she asked herself "How will i forget a voice that is running on a repeat mode day and night in my mind?"

Ananya opened all the gifts and letters Anand had sent in the past few months. She didn't care about those letters until yesterday because she want to stay away from him. But today's situation is different.

She hugged back silent tears as she read all his love-filled letters. Some make her cry, some make her blush, and others make her fall for him all over again.

But his last letter seemed to bring her world to a halt.
"Hey ANU... Why does everyone want a happy ending in the stories? Maybe because they don't get one in real life.
Many desires flutter in my heart. I woke up thinking of you everyday. How did you forget me longing for you?..... ANU.... No one can love you like me, and if you can't understand this, I'm happy to let you go.

Our story is one of many thousands and the world will not suffer if it ends soon...

I'm Damn sure... You'll meet many people who would promise to gift you the stars but i hope... you will wait for the person who will make you shine as one. You're lucky... i can't be that person, because I'm already being a city destroyed by the flood and hopelessly waiting for someone to share their lights with me.

Find someone who isn't afraid to admit that they miss you. Someone who knows that you're not perfect, but treats you as if you are. Someone whose biggest fear is losing you. One who gives their heart completely. Someone who says I love you and means it. Last but not the least, find someone who wouldn't mind waking up with you in the morning, seeing your wrinkles, and your gray hair, but still falls in love with you all over again.

Don't get mad when you see me again, because i can let you but can't unlove you. Anyway, if you need me, you know where to find me, I'm always here for you.
With love.... "

Ananya clutched the letter close to her chest. Tears welled from deep inside and coursed down her cheeks like a river escaping from a dam and Her eyes became bloodshot.


The auto driver applied a sudden break, That brings Ananya back to reality.

"What happened brother?"

"I think some accidents may have happened madam... This is quite normal here" The auto driver replied without turning his face.

Ananya waited for a few more minutes and got out of the auto and started running towards the airport.


Announcements at the airport were repeated in several languages.

David : Anand.... Bro... Are you sure? Can you really live without her?

Anand : I don't know David... But I'm sure I can't force her in any way. This is how a love should be and I want her to be happy whether she is with me or not. Did you know… “letting go” is actually an art, and I am an artist now, hahaha.

David : Stop talking like this. Come let's go, we shall never see this beautiful city again in this life.

David carried the shoulder bag in one hand and pulled Anand with the other. They started walking towards the Check-in Counter.

"David bro..." A sound from behind stopped them. Both men's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. David turned back but Anand did not. Because Anand knew whose voice it was, how could he ever forget that voice that always comforted him.

"Ananya... What are you doing here?" David started walking towards her.

"How dare you decide to leave without seeing your little sister?" Her anger was not going to subside without a fight. She continues to scold David without even giving him a chance to speak.

"Definitely we should talk about it bro, meet me at the cafeteria." She started walking without waiting for David's reply.

"Thank God you gave me another chance, I was so afraid of my rebirth." David takes a moment to thank God.

"Hey Anand... Why are you standing here like a statue? She calls you."

"She calls you, not me..." Anand bowed his head.

"You idiot... You don't understand the language of love. She was talking to you from the minute she arrived. I am your senior in this matter so listen to me. You won't get a better chance than this. Go and talk to her right now." David pushed Anand from behind.

Anand saw Ananya sitting in the corner of the cafeteria. His whole body began to sweat and his hands and feet trembled. "Surely she was going to slap me with his sandal."

Anand slowly approached her. Ananya wears headphones in both ears and Act like she doesn't notice him. Anand initially wanted to sit next to her but changed his mind and sat in front of her.

He cleared his throat "Anu..."

"Stop calling me that. Who gave you the right to call me like that?" She forcefully pulled the headphones from her ears.

"Why? Why Anand? I give you my heart, and you break it to pieces. Why? I value your opinion. You never fail to make me regret it. I put my trust in you and you misuse it. Now you want me to love you. You are so cruel." Ananya looked at Anand with fire in her eyes and Anand stared at her calmly with no emotion on his face.

"Say something... I'm talking to you... Do you know how much it hurts? I'm a fool, I wanted you to experience how I see you. You broke my heart but it still loves you with all the pieces. At first I thought it was a silly crush. But the day I saw you through the window of my heart, I went completely crazy. You're the star that keeps me up at night. You're the song that keeps me alive. Of course I can't live without you but... but I don't want you anymore, get out of my life." As she turned her face towards the long, gigantic mirrors framed there, the flight, Anand was about to board was taking off.

"So you admit that you can't live without me. Thank god... I thought this would never happen in my lifetime" Anand pretended to worship God.

"Did the next word not catch your ear? I said I don't need you to live....

How can I live with someone who doesn't even have a single romantic bone in his body?"
Ananya's words brought laughter to herself, but she controlled herself.

"Are you complaining that I don't have a romantic bone? BAE... Do you dare to look into my eyes and say this? Just try..." Anand got up from his seat and sat beside Ananya.

"Look at me..." He turned her towards him and this time Ananya showed no resistance. He felt her cold hands and held tighter. Anand tucked her night-black hair behind her ears.

"If I dare shout to the world how much I love you, I'll simply whisper it in your ear. I've taken many different paths, but they all lead me back to you. Do you remember when you once told me, “Live your life by the compass, not the clock”? You were always my compass Anu. And sometimes, i secretly kiss you through your pictures on my phone. i find comfort that at least your memories will stay to keep me warm at night. Well, I hope our paths cross again one day...maybe I'll receive a wedding invitation." After a small break he continued, "You are going to fall in love with the person who will be your soul mate. Don't worry if you can't find your love, love will find you in its own mysterious and magical way, because souls like you deserve to be loved." His eyes gave off a hint of love, but his lips uttered unloving words.

"So, you mean what you say, can you live without me? Is it really easy for you to see me with third person?" Only now, Ananya understood what real heartbreak feels like.

"I don't know but definitely i can't punish you... i can't..." He sounds very soft. Ananya realized now that her words had killed him.

"Anand... I said that in anger, don't take it too seriously."

"Yes i do,... Because my mother always said, when we say something in anger, we only speak what is on our mind." He smiled softly and placed a warm kiss on her forehead. "Be safe, okay" Anand suddenly gets up and tries to leave without any more conversation.

Ananya grabbed his hands to stop him. "Do you think I will let this thing go so easily? Do you think it's so easy to escape from me? You're the one who proposed me, and it's not good to back out now. If you keep doing this, you won't be able to guess what I will do next." Ananya spoke in a threatening tone.

Anand looked at her in surprise and crossed both his hands over his chest. " Sounds interesting... Let me know what will you do?"

"Ooh, if you want to know, listen carefully. I will print 1000 copies of your letters and paste them on all the walls of this city especially in front of your house. Then I will post our selfies on all social media. I will tell everyone in this world that we both were in a relationship. If you do not accept me after that then I will file a complaint against you. I will file a complaint that you cheated me in the name of love and raped me. Yes i do..." She took a glass of water from the table, drank it in a gulp and stared at Anand.

Anand covered his mouth with his hands, his eyes wide in shock, Words refused to come out of his mouth.


His Brain: How could she demonize a nice guy like me. Is she blackmailing me?

His heart: Of course, But I can see a lot of love in it. After all, we cannot live without her. She always makes me skip a beat.

His brain: Stop talking nonsense, pumping blood is the only job you have to do, Thinking is my type, I'll deal with it.


"You don't take me seriously?, okay fine... see you in court." She slung her handbag over her shoulder and started walking briskly from there.

Anand grabbed her hands and pulled her towards him, "Let go of my hands" Ananya tried to free her hands from him.

"You're impossible,... You don't even allow me to touch your hands, but you accuse me of abuse. You are heartless, how can you speak ill of a good man like me." Anand let go of her hands and took a step back."HAHA... See your face" He smiles at her and Ananya forgets to even blink her eyes seeing him smile like this because it's been a long time since she saw him like this.

"Don't smile..." She starts beating him. Anand held her hands to stop her and asked why with his eyes.

"Cause... because... your smile... you don't know Anand, when you smile, my whole world stops and stares at you. I love that feeling and... the butterflies i get when i see you smiling. Your smile is contagious. Stop smiling and Look at me... would you lie to me?" She looks deeply into his eyes.

"Why would I lie to you, when you're all my secrets." Truth shone in his eyes.

"So tell me, why don't you compose songs these days? Why haven't you released any music albums lately? Am I the reason? Tell me Anand..." Ananya shrugged his shoulders.

"Who told you this?" Anand stared at David who was sitting in another corner and by seeing Anand's reaction, David started counting the stars in the bright day.

"Nothing to blame you for, Actually I made a promise and tried to keep it. I promise you, right? Whenever I compose a song, you will be the first to hear it. You are my favorite feeling, I wrote all my songs with those beautiful feelings. If those lyrics don't pour honey into your ears and heart, then they don't want to be medicine for anyone in this world." Anand was very serious this time. Forget the lyrics, what he just said was like pouring 100 tons of honey into her heart.

Ananya grabbed his shirt with her hands, "Anand... I love you... YES... I LOVE YOU... not only for what you are but for what I'm when i am with you. I want this feeling to last forever. Will you marry me?" Anand could easily read her eyes pleading to him to say "yes".

"Anu... Before I say anything, can i hug you until i feel at home? And is it okay, if i do that for a little longer this time?" Without a second thought, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

Anand pulled her more closer. They do not know how many minutes they have been standing like this. As they stood there together, hearts beating as one, they know that this is a only beginning of a love that would last for lifetime and beyond.

Anand tries to move but Ananya doesn't let him, she tightens her grip even more.

"Hey girl... Give me a minute and I'll be right back."- Anand

"Nope... Just say you will marry me and I will let you go wherever you want"- Ananya

"Just a minute please... please..." As soon as she loosened her grip Anand ran away and returned in a minute as he had said.

Anand got down on one knee with a beautiful diamond ring on his hand to propose to her.

"On days like these when we feel apart, hold my hands and lead me back to you, And On days when it's hard to love, let's love each other a little more. I promise... Even if life leaves you, I will not leave you. You deserve the world Anu and all the good things it has to offer, and if I fail to find that world for you, I promise to give you mine. Can i be yours? Can you be mine? Will you be my valentine?"

Ananya nodded her head up and down in agreement as the words refused to come out of her mouth in glee. Ananya also knelt on the ground and hugged him. Anand puts the ring on her beautiful fingers, as a symbol of love.

Anand suddenly picked her up and carried her in his arms. "One day I will be on knees for another girl, that day I will tie our daughter's shoelaces. Hahaha... OH GOD...Anuradha will kill me if she sees me like this with you."

"So let's talk to our parents, I can't wait any longer..."- Ananya

"Ahhh... I need some time, I have two possessive queens in my house."- Anand

"Two days..."-Ananya

"Just two days? That's too short"-Anand


Ananya was struggling to feed Jaju. Now Jaju has learned to walk so she is always running here and there. Every day passed like a rocket for Ananya, because Jaju needs a 24 hour guard, otherwise she starts hiding herself in closets, climbs into cars, cuts guitar strings, etc etc... If she could not do such pranks, she asked difficult questions that no one could answer. Only Anand had the ability to handle her. Jaju has always been daddy's little princess.

"Pop (Daddy), Where did you meet mom? She was the complete opposite of you, is anyone forcing you to marry her?" Jaju asked Anand while looking at Ananya to tease her.

"It's a great story, sweetheart. Dad always does music concerts. You also came to the concerts last time, didn't you?" Jaju nodded, Anand knew about Ananya so he always found the best ways to tease her.

"Ohh god... baby, how can I forget that day, at that concert, She told me she was a big fan of me and then she asked me for my autograph. I never let my fans down, right? That's why I gave her an autograph., but I didn't notice that I had signed the marriage contract. I was deceived." Anand kept his face innocent.

"Ouch..." Jaju covered her mouth with her hands in shock. "Did mommy cheat on you?"

"Mummy cheater.... Mummy cheater" Jaju started running around shouting.

Ananya chases Jaju and tries to catch her but Anand locks the door to stop Ananya and get some punches as a gift for that.

Anand locks Ananya's hand behind and kills the distance between them. Ananya turned her face away to avoid direct eye contact. Anand pinched her bare waist to grab her attention.

"Can't you behave properly?" Ananya almost screamed in a high-pitched tone.

"Of course darling... I'm a well behaved man but not around you..." Anand giggles.

"What do you want now?"-Ananya

"Me?.... Okay.... Can i order a large hug and side of kisses and don't forget the extra love? I don't want to dream anymore baby, because dreams about you are never as good as reality. I just want to lay my head on your chest and fall asleep to the rhythm of your heartbeat. Can you let me?" Anand's words make his intentions clear. Suddenly his arms runs around her waist and he tilts her cheek against his lips.

"Nope... Anand... You..." As she tried to get away from him, her watch started beeping loudly and they both looked down and it says "Abnormal Heart Rate Detected".

"OMG Save me... Why are you always afraid to come near me Anu?" He tilted her head back, his eyes staring longingly into hers.

"Because... because... Yes I'm scared, There's a universe inside you, I'm a little star, what if I lose myself in you? Why do you love me so much? what did i do to you, Do I really deserve this much love? I am getting addicted to you day by day and if it continues I will not be able to take myself back. Can't you keep your love with you, you show so much?" Ananya's entire body seemed to tingle at the way his fingers touched her skin, heat emanating from his hand.

"Bae...You can keep falling into me and I will always be your safe place. And YES I LOVE YOU...Because You're the only thing i want to do in every sense of a word. Love is a beautiful confusion Anu, and it's confused you too. Did you know? My plan was to stay single but your love changed that. Why do you want me to keep my love with me, sweetheart, we can't read minds, so we have to express our love. I want my children to say...'Leave Romeo and juliet, we want our love story to be like Mom and Dad'. The words i write are inspired by the dexterity of your eyes. Nothing feels better without you..." Anand pulls Ananya close to his chest and he starts dancing slowly with her.

" Till the end of my life... YOU'RE MY FAVORITE RHYTHM..."

Ananya blushed hearing what Anand said.

"Well, in my book, that makes you a rock star."

When Ananya opened her arms for him, he gently smiled at her and swept her off the floor with his hands.


"The pure essence of love... A new era of love has begun here..." David closed his diary (probably a report) signed it with a big sigh and opened a new one for his next mission.