Shephali - Part 9 in English Women Focused by Dona Das books and stories PDF | Shephali - Part 9

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Shephali - Part 9

I suddenly heard a knocking sound from the balcony window. I removed the curtains and tried to see what that was. I saw the shadow of Shephali and immediately opened the door. "Shephali, are you crazy? What are you doing here at this hour?"
"We both came today. We don't have much time left now. Please l will make it short."
They came into the room and I sat in the bed of surprise.
"What are you guys up to now? I am not in a good mood today Shephali please come tomorrow."
"Boudi, tomorrow you won't find me here . Yes I am eloping with him."
"What! You are finally doing it. Don't take any step in the heat of the moment. I mean you have your child now. Please.....
"Boudi, I am leaving for a better reason. I am never meant to have a normal life to begin with, I am a rap victim. Even though my husband loves me people like them are still lingering around me. I still don't feel totally secure. I need someone more powerful to avoid this."
"Is this supposed to be a joke to you Shephali. You are telling me subodh's love is not enough He is a stable person. You are a mother....
"I am doing this for its own sake. The baby is the successor of this family and he needs his father to be protected. I can't take him with me.*

"You have already decided that you are running away from the situation then why did you even bother to come to me. What if I tell them now and stop you from running away. Both of you will be in danger especially that doctor."
"Cause you won't, I know that. After subodh you are the only one I have ever considered as a true family. Do you know why I am feeling like this ? Because I am an orphan. No one will come to protect my back if someone powerful tries to harm me. If I had parents do you think I would be treated like that. So I just want to go with someone more powerful. I know he will protect me."
I was thinking how Cruel our society might be to make a little girl think like that. Maybe I was going to the post traumatic experience that day or maybe I was just tired I couldn't help but think that what if I didn't marry in a household like this. What if I choosed to study instead will my life be better than this? I hate to admit that but I thought like this that day. As if my lips uttered those words themselves
"Go if you want to go now. I might change my mind tomorrow."
"You will support me boudi. I know..
"I am not rooting for you. I only said won't tell anyone for now. If you want to leave then no matter how much we want to lock you will be eventually get upset with your life. We can't keep you here against your own will."
She stood up and preparing to leave when I told her.
"But remember that you have started to gamble with your life now. If you get profit it might be double the cost. But if you loss the bet then you might have to pay a bigger price for that."
She didn't turned and left the room. I watched her going away with the doctor. That was the last time I saw Shephali, My Shephali.
Next morning when I woke up everything felt like a dream to me. But soon I realised that tt wasn't a dream. I soon made an excuse to meet subodh that my husband gave me some files to show him. I decided no matter what I said I have to tell everything to him atleast. I entered the room and he was writing something on paper.

"Subodh I have something to tell you. Don't be too surprised okey. Shephali ran away with your doctor friend. Tomorrow...... Leave it we have to report it to the police. They might be near..."
And in reply that fool said with a straight face
"Boudi, calm down. I know that."