A Romantic Revenge - 9 in English Women Focused by Dona Das books and stories PDF | A Romantic Revenge - 9

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A Romantic Revenge - 9

The event started with the opening song of the anchor himself . It was a band song, he started singing as the other band members came on stage, the bass started to give Beats and the drums and finally the electronic Guitar.

"I am knocking knocking in the door of your heart.
I am knocking knocking in the wildest dreams.
It hurts, it hurts when you turn away....................

The lights have gone wild. The audience was so loud that the guys backstage couldn't hear their own voices. The anchor is going crazy in notes. He raised his hand and clenched his feast after a verse.
"Welcome to the annual showcase of GURUKUL HIGH..."
"I respect all the audience and VIP guests to spare their precious time for our students in the GURUKUL HIGH. I assure you won't be disappointed tonight."
"After such a huge warm up we should be looking for a gorgeous performance to cool our minds right? Ladies and gentlemen please welcome our first performers Jully from the Dance department and Roma from the Combine Department."

Jully and Roma came on the stage then the stage lit up in pink lights. They were standing in one line and then they crossed as the beat started. Roma got microphones she sang gracefully

"I got better things to do with my time ..........
I sorry that hurt you......
I know , you wanna know me..."

They both have the best synchronization as a group. At the end of the song jully and Roma hold each others right arm and stretched to pull each other in the opposite direction and stood in the both corners of the stage with pride when Roma said screamed in her microphone
"Are you ready, GURUKUL HIGH."
The audience answered yes.
The lights suddenly started to flicker. The pink and white light turned in red and golden flashes started to play on the stage. When the song rifted into a crazy dance break. Crazy beats were playing in the box. Just in parallel Roma and Jully started whacking in the corners when they came to the center and Jully vanished in the fog of the back. Roma was breathing a leg in front and just after her crazy split in the group, jully came from behind almost flying no she was doing acrobat. She jumped over the head of Roma. She was still holding a strain of hair from her log ponytail with her never ending charms.
The audience were now giving whistles with claps and cheering
"Once more , once more."
They bowed in front of them and got off the stage. The anchor came back
"Whoa, whoa seems like I was wrong about the resting part right. Our audience doesn't have any leaps today. So before moving to our singing performances I would like to inform you that there is a voting box open in the corners of the stage here. Our audience has the power and freedom to vote for any of the performances and we will be taking it for the yearly evaluation of our academy. One more important thing is whoever is voted the most. I mean you guys choose as the best will have the privilege to work with one of our respective producers present here. So do give your best to all the participants and the audience keeps voting. Your votes are important to us."
"So moving to our next performance. It's a solo performance by our new student Kuhu Lama. Give a round of applause for our next participant."

Kuhu's heart was still beating. She is still digesting the fact that she is going to perform in front of these big people. Especially when other performances were so good. She was standing in the entrance of the stage when the anchor came backstage.
"Kuhu are you ready."
"Yes" she said in a trembling voice.
"Don't panic, it's your first performance I told them so they will be a little generous."
"Did you check your ear price? It's working right?"
"Go, don't waste anymore time."
She was walking towards the stage , and stepped on the stairs. One stair she climbed she felt like she was revisiting every moment of her life. Her bullying, her dad's face, his voice and even the incident in the basketball group. She stepped on the stage finally with such confidence that she has never felt throughout her entire life. She came to the center of the stage holding her guitar in her hands. She was dressed in a white frock and white shoes. Of course the audience didn't expect too much from this ordinary looking girl. But she was actually looking so pretty.
She stood in front of Mike and closed her eyes and started singing with little hum

"First love I came back......
The day we met beside the lake...... The moment you saw me in eye......
I came for to you, now don't say Goodbye."

The crowd which is heated due to the rocking performance has calmed down now. There was a pin drop silence. Almost everyone has tears in their eyes . The lights turned pink and white fog was placed on the stage floor. Maybe Kuhu was successful in communicating with the audience with her emotions. The performance ended and everyone clapped with teary eyes. She didn't open her eyes throughout the performance so she was so surprised to see all the crowd cheering for her. Kuhu bowed to the audience with teary eyes.