Crazy Love - 6 in English Love Stories by Harsha meghnathi books and stories PDF | Crazy Love - 6

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Crazy Love - 6

Ishita keeps shouting and Vishwajeet goes away saying to her that after taking bath, wrap yourself in the towel kept here and call me later, I will send the maid to help you.

Ishita could not do anything, she had to take a bath because now she was completely drenched. She started crying while bathing and after some thinking, she started bathing again saying to herself, “Miss you mom, Miss you dad”.

Whenever Ishita was in trouble, she always remembered God. Because his grandmother used to tell him that his mom and dad are in heaven. And if you cry remembering him without any reason, then they will not be able to live there properly. There also they will be worried about Ishita. Their soul will not rest in peace. When Ishita was young, she would immediately become silent after hearing such things from her grandmother.

And now Ishu had become used to it, she used to cry remembering her parents once in a while.

Actually, when Ishu was 7 years old, her parents died in a car accident. Since then Ishu lives with his uncle and aunt.

After the death of his parents, his grandmother was his only support, but one year after the death of his parents, his grandmother also passed away.

His uncle and aunt also took great care of Ishu.

Ishita had been teaching school children in a nearby small village for the last 3 months. She was not a teacher there. She was studying the learning ability of children as part of her Ph.D. She also had to study some backward caste people of this village whose literacy rate is very low. She was sent here by the university to study for a PhD. Only 4 days were left for his studies to be completed. Ishita was very happy that after 4 days she would submit her theory, after that she would not have to come so far every day.

But she did not know that something else was written in her destiny.

At this time, after taking bath, she slowly gets out of the bathtub with the help of her hands and one leg. She wipes her body with a towel kept nearby and wraps it in the towel. But now she thinks whom should I call? What should I call him sir?, or Viswajeet. She sits there wondering how to call.

On the other hand, a large crowd had gathered on that bridge. There were many people like policemen, news reporters etc. Then the crane took Ishita's scooter out of the water. As soon as they saw Scooty, Ishita's uncle and aunt standing on that bridge started crying loudly. She was sure that Ishita was no more.

Just then the policeman comes to Ishita 's uncle and says, Mr. Roy, have courage, the body has not been found yet. She may be alive.

Then another policeman comes there and says sir, there are more than 1000 crocodiles in this river, this is what the villagers here say. The villagers were also saying that no one who falls into this river survives.

Hearing this, Ishita's aunt Mrs Roy started crying loudly and said oh my Ishu...Ishu where are you? Come back my girl. Saying this she becomes unconscious.

Mr Roy takes care of her and takes her to the hospital in the ambulance lying there.

The same news was coming on all the news channels that Mr Roy's niece had met with an accident. But his body has not been found yet.

Vishwajeet was also sitting and watching the same news on the phone. Then he realized that Ishita still had not come out of the bathroom.

He knocks on the bathroom door and says “Ishita, have you taken a bath?”

Hearing Vishwajeet's voice, Ishita sits and wraps her towel properly again and says, "Don't come inside. Please send my clothes to some maid."

Vishwajeet asks have you wrapped the towel.

Ishita says, yes

As soon as Ishita said yes, Vishwajeet immediately came into the bathroom and before Ishita could say anything to him, he lifted Ishita in his lap and made her sit directly on the bed.

Ishita's mouth remained open.

Ishita says angrily, I told you to send the maid, then why did you come.

Then Vishwajeet gives her a naughty smile and says, 'You are heavy but I can't miss the chance to carry you in my lap.'

Then Vishwajeet gives her a dress and tells her to get ready quickly.

There are still some guests downstairs who want to see your face and bless you before leaving.

I have no interest in all this. Therefore this ritual has to be completed as soon as possible. Later I have to take you to the hospital for X Ray.

Ishita became happy after hearing the name of the hospital. Because she thought she would get a chance to escape from here.

Then Vishwajeet goes to take a bath and Ishita starts getting ready.

When Vishwajeet came back after taking a bath, Ishita was ready.

She was dressed simply but still looked so beautiful that Vishwajeet was not able to take his eyes off her.

Vishwajeet was also looking so handsome while wiping his wet hair with a towel that Ishu kept looking at him.

Then both of them get ready and come down.

Both of them sit on the sofa.

All the relatives come forward to show his face.

Everyone was lifting her veil and blessing her. May everyone always be happy. May you always remain married. May you two always remain a couple. As if giving blessings.

Just then a woman gets up, she lifts the veil of ishita and says, "Hey Vishwajeet, Sanjana's complexion is completely different from that of her parents, I had seen it in childhood, now she has changed so much that it does not seem that she is Sanjana."


After all, who is this Sanjana?

To know please read crazy love part 7