The Angel Inside - 50 - Ever again.. in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 50 - Ever again..

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The Angel Inside - 50 - Ever again..

Jay's POV
A month had passed by after I and Amy had parted our ways. Days felt miserable. Most of the time I would drown myself into work because I didn't want to go back home. There was no one waiting for me.

Between all the chaos my Mom and Dad were totally clueless about our divorce and totally unknown about the fact that I had been living alone in that house. Mom would at times talk about me and Amy like always, but now it had started pricking on my nerves to hear her name every now and then.

Even though our paths didn't clash even once, still there was no other way to avoid her face. She had the privilege to abandon me and never see my face for the rest of her life, but I didn't. Cause wherever I walked, there were either her fans or the damned large billboards that would pop up on my face. At times, I would curse.

To be honest, it was a big task to avoid her after the divorce, Amy's marketing team had been in its form. Amy's face was everywhere. Magazine, interviews, Billboards, Shows, speeches, success stories. You name it. It was never ending.

I heard ample of rumors that circulated about her personal life, but never did she revealed about her boyfriend. Or maybe she did have one and was planning to use him, just like me.

I couldn't help but dwell onto every possibility in my fate. I had bawled by eyeballs the day she left me. The only people who knew about the divorce were Noah and Emma, and they did a better job in distracting me.

Days felt same, until I heard my phone ringing. And surprisingly it was Mr. Joe, Amy's Secretary. It was 1 in the night. While I had been dozing off at my cabin. A visible frown displayed once I had picked the call.

Mr. Joe: Mr. Connor, apologies for calling you this late, but I need your help.

He seemed desperate.

Jay: What is it?

Mr. Joe: Uhh, Ms. Amy is totally wasted. She has been drinking alcohol and isn't ready to stop. Please, I can't handle her.

Jay: You should call her brother for that.

Though I didn't hold any personal grudge against Mr. Joe but to the circumstances my voice sounded rude.

Mr. Joe: Well, Mr. Park is on a business trip. He'll return by tomorrow. Please, Mr. Jay. I have to go to my son, it's urgent.

That's emotional Blackmail! My brain screamed.

Jay: Fine! Where do I need to come?

I deadpanned as Mr. Joe seemed to be silent.

Mr. Joe: uhmm...'IN HELL'.

What the hell?

Jay: hell?

Mr. Joe: That's the name of the club...

His words trailed off.

Driving to the designated premises of her so-called club, the logo glimmering in neon which had been written in bold letters 'IN HELL'. I entered the place, and maybe the bouncers already knew about my arrival, so they did let me pave my way inside.

And to my surprise it hardly had any crowd. My definition of club had always been been loud and noisy, reeking of alcohol and smoke, overcrowded. But my interpretation seemed to differ.

The club seemed dark, which was only illuminated with few colourful lights that seemed plain yet classy. The room contained few couches in different circular patterns and a huge bar counter on the other corner, where I could spot a lady sitting on the stool back facing me. She looked similar, hair containing few locks of purple highlight.

I could see Mr. Joe waving at me standing beside her. Moving closer, it was visible that she had been drinking, a lot. The island had been cladding with bottles and empty glasses.

Did she drink it all?

I approached further reaching a step away from her. Her side profile coming in view, but she didn't felt my presence. Though I had been determined to rub her name out of my life, but fate had her stuck to me like a glue.

She reeked of alcohol. Her hand clenching another glass that she was about to chug down. Bringing it to her lips she downed it in one go. The bartender was already dumbstruck by her capabilities and high alcohol tolerance.

Before she could go for another shot, my hand had already gripped hers. Her eyes peered at me. Looking at me with a blank face.

Jay: you need to stop.

Words escaped through the air, but I couldn't see anything changing. Her face was like always. Blank. Until I could feel her demeanor change. Her hooded eyes from before were now looking at me. Astonished. Amused. Her lips curved into her signature smirk.

Amy: Bullshit..

She mumbled maybe to herself while I couldn't help but frown. She cackled shoving my hand away from her, and she gulped the drink in one go.


I gripped her hand again, this time turning her figure to myself. Her eyes scrutinized me head to toe.

Jay: Amy that's enough.

I emphasized.

There was a light frown on her face, her brows twitching in confusion. She looked at the bartender, leaning her elbow on the bar's island.

Amy: you see him?

The bartender was dumbfounded, yet he nodded at her glancing at me.

Amy: are you sure? He's 6 feet tall, short brown hairs, a brunette with bangs.

Was she questioning my existence?

The bartender nodded again being confused as his irises danced back and forth to me and her. She got back to her posture, with a sly smile, tilted her head towards me.

Amy: My. My. My... Doctor missed me.

Her voice was deep, shuddering my insides. Though it was her natural accent, a bit slurry, but it sounded way too seductive like a witch's spell. Rising from the stool, she stood an inch away.

Her right wrist landed on my shoulder while her left hand rested on my jaw, her slender fingers slowly caressing my face. She felt cold, I could feel the chill from her metal ring. I realized it was our wedding ring. She still had it on. And the same necklace that I had gifted her was on her wrist, the wooden cross dangling from one of her cuffs of the blazer's sleeves.

Her fingers didn't seem to stop she continued to caress my skin sliding it towards my neck. I realized she was getting further to my chest, my heartbeats had been rapidly beating against the rib cage and I didn't want her to hear it, my hands curled into fists. She was testing my patience, until I finally held her wrists making her sit back again. Clearing my throat I gave her a stern look.

Jay: stop drinking. We need to leave from here.

Amy: I must be hallucinating. But.. You look real.

There was a pause until she finally cackled again, her whiskey eyes gazing at me, only me.

Amy: But... Who cares..

She continued laughing. My gaze went towards her facial features, and there was a change. Her once chubby cheeks were gone, her skin sticking to the jawbone. It looked as if she had applied makeup, a lot of make up. Which she didn't do usually. But why was I even bothered about it?

I huffed in annoyance shutting my train of thoughts and held her wrist dragging her outside with me. Shoving her inside the car like some sack of potatoes. I clicked my tongue on seeing Mr. Joe coming towards me. He stopped a few steps away.

Mr. Joe: Thank you so much Mr. Connor.

Jay: I think you wanted to go?

Though this was sounding rude but him calling me to look out for Amy, felt intentional. Mr. Joe had been with Amy for years as her secretary. So it shouldn't be hard for him to handle or convince her to leave for home.

There was silence.

Mr. Joe: I know it doesn't matter to you Mr. Connor, but she has been like this since the day you both parted ways. She would work for the whole day and would drink at nights or gulp down pills. She's being sick again like before.

My ears perked at his words but still I looked away. I didn't want to make it look like I cared about her. No I didn't care. But hell I did!

Jay: What shall I do about it?

Rude. Again.

The tension was rising. He gave me a small smile totally understanding what was I going through.

Mr. Joe: I shall take my leave.

With that he left towards the parking lot. While I looked at window to spot Amy, smiling at me.

This was going to be trouble.

I realized Amy's house was way far away from this place basically in the forest, huge ass mansion of showpiece. So the only option left was back to our house. The whole drive Amy had been staring at me like a creep. At times, she would poke my arm to ensure I was real, just for me to pass her a glare on which she would chuckle and distract me.

With all those peek and pokes I had managed to drive to our house. I kinda felt Amy was acting drunk on purpose, she didn't once lose her balance after drinking so much and followed behind me like a lost puppy.

Pushing her in the designated room, I pointed the bathroom and asked her to brush her teeth and wash her face, she went in without any further questions.

Drunk Amy was so annoying!

Soon she was out of the washroom. She inched near me. My eyes met her facial features, her natural skin was now clearly visible. She looked pale and sick. Faint mark of dark circles under her eyes as if didn't sleep for nights.

I sighed, distracting myself and pointing her bed.

Jay: sleep.

Finally tucking her blanket I made her lay on the mattress, which wasn't really working. She had been looking at me without even a blink. She gripped my hand as if I would disappear into thin air.

Hesitantly, I sat on the bed facing her while she sat upright leaning her back against the headboard. Her hand still clutching mine.

Amy: you hate me, don't you?

This time her usual playful gesture and smirk had disappeared. She appeared serious. I looked away at the question, not really wanting to talk about anything.

Jay: you should sleep.

Amy: I am sorry.

Jay: It wouldn't change anything. What's done is done. Your shitty sorry won't change the humiliation that you had thrown upon me. You see our worlds are different.

I spitted the same words that she did the other day. This wasn't me. I was loosing my calm, and she looked hurt and guilty. But I felt no remorse on my actions.

Amy: I know, I did hurt you a lot. But would you stay if I said I had blood on my hands? Blood of innocents.

I was puzzled.

Jay: What a- are you talking about?

I couldn't help but fumble on my words.

Amy: you see. I never feared death. Because I had nothing to lose. But the day you entered my life, you ruined my plans. It would have been easy if I had been a heartless bitch like before. I never cared who died or who was hurt. I...I am really sorry. I did hurt you a lot, kinda ruined your childhood with mine.

Her words escaped in a slow pace, eyes gazing down at our hands. I wasn't able to understand what was she even talking about. Or was it the alcohol talking.

Amy: you suffered a lot because of me. I wish I could change things back then.

Her slow chuckles sounded bitter. The next moment she shifted on the bed and embraced me in a hug. I was motionless. Her words felt surreal. The same woman that made me loathe her a month ago was now holding me like a lover. Her head laid on my chest, hearing my heartbeat. She was almost sitting on my lap, but I couldn't push her away. My hands remained still on the sides, controlling the urge to grab her waist and slam her tight against me.

Amy: I know I am still hallucinating, my brains have been screwing me ever since. You would disappear in the morning. I know but still, I wish to talk to you like a fool. Every other day.

She looked in my eyes. I couldn't anticipate the emotions that her eyes held. They were soft, glimmering with something that I felt was love. A lazy smile curved through her lips. Her thumb reaching to my lips, rubbing them. I closed my eyes at the sensation forgetting her words from before.

Amy: I wish to kiss them, but I don't want you to waste your first on someone undeserving as me. Find someone who is worthy for it. But remember, you are mine.

She whispered near my ears and I could feel her smiling. Her lips landed a peck on my cheek. Few seconds passed by but I got no movements. My eyes fluttered open only to find her figure sprawled over the mattress.

Did she faint? Seriously! In the middle of such intense moment she decided to fall asleep. What a tease!

Why was I even expecting something though? We are no one to each other! Yes! I don't care!

With that I stood up and left the room, giving no heed to my aching heart or Amy's words echoing my head.

Author's POV
The sun had risen the next morning as rays of sunshine peeped through the window waking up Amy in the process. Her head ached as if she had hit her head on the bricks.

Her blurry vision slowly being clear as she took a close look of her surroundings. Was she dreaming or it was her brain playing games again?

She touched the bed as if they were clouds that would disappear and would let her meet the reality. But nothing changed. It was the same room. She spotted her blazer neatly hanged on the chair's headrest.

She was still wearing her formal attire. Likewise, she still remembered hallucinating about Jay in the club. Any amount of alcohol or intoxication could never fade her memories. She was trained for that in the underworld.

She would still stay in her senses even after drinking so much. In case if her rivals try to spike her drinks or torture her. She would still continue to keep that blank face. And wouldn't spill any information about her clan until death.

But last night, she wasn't sure if her brains had been bonkers like every other day. Playing with her, finding Jay in every other moment of the day. He would feel so real, yet it was her hallucination.

Her employees kinda thought she was being crazy. She was a psychopath for sure. Her mood would alter throughout the day. At times, she would lash out on people, ample of controversies and media trials up on her head. But she wouldn't give a damn.

She would down number of pills, even after being warned so many times of the hazards. But shunning her thoughts away was all that she wanted. She couldn't sleep or think straight.

She descended the stairs after exiting her room. Not only that, but she spotted Jay who had been making a cup of coffee, like he did on every weekends, just to spend the morning with her.

She was surely hallucinating. The thought struck in her head.

Jay: your head must be aching. Have your coffee.

He spoke not looking at her, placing the cup of coffee on the kitchen counter, he slid the cup to her who continued to stare at him.

She took a seat on the stool near the counter. Finally, after wiping away the invisible dust on the counter, Jay looked at her. It felt awkward.

Jay: Last night, Mr. Joe called me to pick you up. Your brother is here, have this coffee and you can leave.

He tried to sound stern but failed terribly. Her eyes darted to the living room to find Alex seated to the couch, winking an eye to her to which she rolled her eyes gazing back at Jay.

Amy: does he know?

Jay knew what she had been asking about. Their divorce that added a bitter feeling in his veins.

He shook his head in denial.

There was silence again until the doorbell ringed. Jay wasn't expecting anyone this time. As the door opened 2 tall men entered the house. It was Edward and Eric. Behind them followed a clueless Alex who had just opened the door not knowing what these 2 unknown men had business for.

Edward: you don't seem to give heed to my words, huh?

He glared at Amy.

Amy on the other hand rolled her eyes, Edward had warned her to stay away from Jay. She knew he was trying to manipulate her and break her ties with Jay. She knew how much Edward wanted her to be his, but she ignored him and straight away had denied of his every move to hit on her.

Alex: who are these guys?

Edward: should I tell him, Ash?

His voice contained menace. Was this a threat? She glared at him.

Alex: Tell what?

Edward: that your dear sis is not only a CEO.

Jay and Alex forehead appeared with a frown as their brows twitched. Amy who stood behind Jay glared at Edward with predatory eyes.

Amy: Don't. You. Dare. Ed.

She emphasized each word with a warning.

Edward could only chuckle at her antics while Eric knew the situation was going to turn ugly. He was the calmest and wise in the group. He even tried to stop Edward, but the waters had reached the level once Ed found out about Amy being with him all night under the same roof.

Edward: tell me Ash what's so special about him? You chose him but not me. Tell me Amy.

He smirked evilly.

Edward: Was it Money? Fame? Looks? Or is he now your personal favorite toy?

His venomous words boiled her blood, with each step towards Jay, but the last one had Amy triggered. She walked briskly past Jay, launching a punch at Edward's snickering face.

His head turned to the left due to the impact as her fist collided to his jaw, drawing blood from the side of his lips. The rest of them gasped at the sight.

Edward: Pretty Territorial..huh!

He laughed liked a lunatic.

Amy: better watch your mouth Ed!

Amy gritted her teeth in rage, her eyes held fire, eagerly wanting to snap his neck, choke him to death until his eyes bulged out. A painful death for sure.

Edward: Or what you won't tell your toy about your sinful deeds. You are a criminal. Ash. A ruthless one...

From the underworld.....


Hey guys! Took me much longer to upload this one. But hope you all like it. And stay tuned cause we are up close to the story's climax. So don't miss out 😎

Thank you 😊
Peace ✌️