SKILL DEVELOPMENT - 1 in English Human Science by Arya Tiwari books and stories PDF | SKILL DEVELOPMENT - 1

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Skill development is the process of acquiring new skills or improving existing ones. It can be done through self learning, formal education, or on-the job training.

There are many reasons why it is important to develop your skills. Let us take a look at few:

 To stay competitive in the job market

 The world of work is constantly changing and the skills that are in demand are always evolving. By developing your skills, you can stay ahead of the curve and make yourself more marketable to employers.

To improve your job performance:

Having the right skills can help you do your job better and more efficiently. This can lead to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and opportunities for advancement.

To Achieve your personal goals:

Whether you want to start your own business, travel the world, or make a difference in your community, having the right skills can help you achieve your goals. There are many ways to develop your skills. Here are a few ideas:

Take a class: there are many different types of classes available, both online and in person. This is a great way to learn new skills from experts.

Get certified: Certifications can demonstrate your skills and knowledge to potential employers. There are many different certifications available, so you can find one that is relevant to your field.

Volunteer: volunteering is a great way to gain experience and develop new skills. You can also network with people in your field and learn from their experiences.

Take on new challenges:

·       Don’t be afraid to take on new challenges at work or in your personal life. This is a great way to stretch yourself and learn new skills.

 Read books and articles:

There ae many great books and articles available that can teach your new skills. This is a great way to learn at your own pace and in your own time.

Types of skills:

Looking at the ‘skill types’, It is generally dissected into two taxonomies:

1.       The first taxonomy skills are divided into groups: soft skills and hard skills.

2.       The second groups skills are the three-skills taxonomy. They are divided into three groups: transferrable, personal, and knowledge-based.

Soft and hard skills taxonomy

1.       Soft skills

Soft skills are subjective skills. They are not measured, taught, or required for any specific job. If you can’t put the skill on a key performance indicator, chance are, it’s a soft skill.

What the soft skills include:

·       Patience- Patience is a soft skill because it’s not one that’s measured, but is nonetheless an important skill to help you complete tasks.

·       Communication- communication skills are not measurable, but remain important for achieving your objectives in a range of jobs.

·       Empathy-  People with empathy are better at connecting with others, which is great in a range of jobs from teaching to sales.

·       Cultural competence-  People with cultural competence are able to communicate with, include, and accommodate people from a range of cultural backgrounds.

·       Multitasking- People who can multitasks will succeed in a range of different busy and demanding workplace settings.

·       Goal Setting- If you can set your own goals, you’re in a better position to succeed whatever task you set yourself.


2.       Hard Skills-

Hard skills are objective skills. They’re measurable and required for a specific job. They’re usually taught at trade school or on the job and unambiguously measurable (you either have the skill or you don’t)

What the hard skills include:

·       Speaking a second language- You can either speak a second language proficiently for a job or you can’t. When push comes to shove, can you have that conversation in Hindi or Malayalam?

·       Writing computer programs- To write computer programs, you need to know the coding language required.

·       Building an electric circuit- Electricians know how to construct a safe electrical circuit. The rest of us aren’t so lucky and wouldn’t be able to bluff it.

·       Cooking a meal- If someone puts the ingredients down in front of you, could you cook the meal? A chef probably could because they have the hard skill of cooking.

·       Touch typing- This measurable through tests that assess the amount of words per minute you can type. This is often required for secretarial and clerk work.

·       Computer animated design- you couldn’t just bluff this. If, on the first day of your jobs, you’re asked to create a 3D animation of a chair, you’d need to know the steps and procedures for getting the job done.

·       Multivariate analysis- This is a type of quantitative analysis that you can either do or not do, depending on your past training.

The 3-Skill Taxonomy-

1.       Transferable Skills-

They are professional skills that can be used across a range of different careers and professions.

They are valuable because you can take these skills when you change careers. They’re foundational skills that, once you have, you’re a much more desirable employee.

What the transferable skills include:

·       Communication Skills- If you can communicate effectively within a team (while being persuasive and achieving compromise).

·       Organization- People who are organized are more likely to succeed, no matter the task in front of them.

·       Analytical Thinking- Analytical thinkers can identify problems, define them, get key information from a dataset, and develop logical solutions to the problems.

·       Critical Thinking- Critical thinkers can critique information by identifying weaknesses, seeing them from various perspective, and foreseeing problems.

·       Computing- People with basic computing skills like word processing and working on computer datasheets can bring this transferable skill to a range of jobs.

·       Writing- Strong writers can apply their writing skills to jobs as diverse as journalism to being a virtual assistant.

2.       Personal traits and attitudes-

Personal skills are skills that could also be considered personality traits. They require emotional intelligence and reflect how you behave yourself in a range of situations. They are valuable both at work and in your personal life. They’re obtained through both nature ( you were born like this) and nurture (you learned these skills through trial and error.)

What the personal traits and attitude include:

·       Independence- A person with independence can complete a task by doing their own research and only asks for help when they have exhausted their personal research.

·       Integrity- A person with integrity does the morally right thing.

·       Patience- Patience is a necessary skill for many professions. It’s especially important for mentors, coached, and leaders.

·       Compassion- A person with compassion is in a good situation to ensure their workplace is an inviting place to be.

·       Assertiveness- An assertive person can make sure they’re not taken advantage of in the workplace.

·       Resilience- Sometimes work gets tough, but a resilient person can persevere through the difficulties.

3.       Knowledge Based Skills-

Knowledge-based skills are skills developed for your particular profession, They reflect your ability to complete various tasks in your job.

These skills are learned either on the job or through formal education. You often go to university or conduct an apprenticeship in order to obtain these skills.

What are knowledge-based skills are:

·       Computer programming- you need to get training on how to write code to become a computer programmer.

·       Copy-writing- A journalist knows just how to write perfectly to compel readers to keep on reading.

·       Cannulating- A nurse knows how to cannulate a vein in order to execute their job. Most non-nurses have no idea how to do this.

·       Search engine optimization- An SEO specialist knows how to make articles rank on search engines on Google.

·       Driving- Most of us learn to drive, but truck drivers need much more fine-tuned skills to complete their jobs. This skill is what makes them employable.

Skillsets in the AI Era

In the AI era, there are rapidly growing fields and new skillsets are in high demand in many industries. Some of the areas one need to look at, are:

Data Science- Data Scientists are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. They use their skills to solve problems and make predictions.

Machine Learning- Machine Learning engineers develop and train machine learning models which are used to automate tasks and make predictions.

v  Natural Language Processing- NLP engineers develop and train models that can understand and process human language. These Models are used in a variety of applications, such as chatbots, machine translation, and text analysis.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer- AI engineers develop and deploy AI systems. They work with data scientists, machine learning engineers, and NLP engineers to create AI systems that solve real-world problems.

Creativity- AI can automate many tasks, but it cannot replace human creativity. Creative Skills, like problem-solving, ideation, and design, are needed in the AI era.

Critical Thinking- AI can help us to make better decisions, but it is important to be able to think critically about the output of AI systems. Critical thinking skills will help us to identify the limitations of AI and to use it effectively.

Adaptability- The world of work is changing rapidly, and AI is one of the key drivers of this change. It is important to be adaptable and to be willing to learn new skills.

Collaboration- AI can help us to collaborate more effectively, but it is important to be able to work with other and to build relationships.

The Skillsets In Brief

Developing your skills is an ongoing process. The best way to start is to identify the skills that you need to develop and then find ways to learn and practice those skills. The essential skillsets that you need will vary depending on your career goals. However, some of the most important skills include:

ü  Communication Skills:-  The ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, is essential in any job.

ü  Problem Solving Skills:- the ability to identify and solve problems is a valuable skill in any field.

ü  Critical Thinking Skills:- The ability to think critically and analyze information is essential for making sound decisions.

ü  Teamwork Skills:- The Ability to work effectively with others is essential in many jobs.

ü  Leadership Skills:- the ability to lead and motivate others is a valuable skill for those who aspire to management positions.

ü  Technical Skills:- The Specific technical skills that you need will vary depending on your job. However, some common technical skills include proficiency in computer software, programming languages, and data analysis tools.

There are many resources available to help you, so don’t be afraid to ask for help or seek out opportunities to learn new things.