THE BESTEST SET OF FRIENDS - 1 in English Drama by Melodypriston. books and stories PDF | THE BESTEST SET OF FRIENDS - 1

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Hey guys so this is a story of Abby and her friend in just friends! So if your reading this without reading that then you won't know about what is going on sooo please go ahead and read that before this as well...
Now on to the story
September 20.;
(At Riley's home )
Abby : hey Riley!
Riley: hey Abby come on in-
Abby: happy birthday to you , Riley!
Riley : thank you abby.
Abby:well soo .... i got you a gift.
Riley:what is it?
*Abby hands in a red box to Riley*
Abby : find out.
*Riley slowly opens the box sees an iphone.*
Riley: whoah how did you get this?
Abby: my sister.
Swathi *Riley's sister*: ooh nice.
Abby : well why dont we go outside for a fun at the water park?
Riley: sure.
Abby: lets get ready first
*Abby and Riley gets ready.*
Riley: hop on to my car!.
Abby hops on *
At the waterpark*
Riley : lets enjoy!!!!
Abby :yup bestie
Riley slides down the slide*
Abby:this is soo fun!
(Riley sees ICey walking down the slide)
Riley : wait isnt that your sister.?
Abby: omg yea ... I wonder what the hell is hse doing there when they said that they are going to the beach... Hmm
Riley: lets go confront them?
Abby : no need, did you know that you are my only true friend since childhood...?
Riley: really? Ofc i am i mean all the other friends for you out there left you...for your sisters money...
Abby: and also your friends left you and they never stayed! Am i right?
Riley: yea... Wait it is like that verse in one song...
Abby"we used to be close but people can go to people you know to people you dont and what hurts the most is people can go to people you know to people you dont."
Riley: exactly isn't that by selena gomez?
Abby:yes. It just hits me hard... Oh now i am getting sad about all the people that left in my life...
Riley: me too , but we have eachother!
Abby : your always so optimistic Riley...
Riley: well what can i do to be happy you just got to be optimistic..
Abby: your right my sweet friend..
Riley: are we showering eachother with compliments?
Abby: welll ? What can i say?:)) oh look there (points out to someone???)*
(Abby sees her childhood crush there)
Abby:wait- is that ROY!?
Riley : yea...... Omg!
Abby : wait he is with Jacob too..
(Abby goes up to them , riley follows shyly)
Abby: hi!
Roy: uhmm.... Sorry do i know u?
Abby : yea! I am your classmate Abby priston! Duh!
Roy: oh so your that nerd?
Riley: excuse me!?
Jacob: hahaha ! You dont know? Your one out of ten
Abby: oh-
Riley : and so ? You look like a negative hundred to me rat!
Jacob: wow ! Really? More like that is you
Abby : HEY! Shut up , roy's minion , we are Done with you two!!!
Roy : yea yea lets enjoy this day dude lets not ruin it by talking to one
Abby: hmph be it! I dont care
(Someone sees this and comes over)
???: stop being rude to her ! I wont allow bullying in this zone.

To be continued ...

So yes!!! Feel free to rate this story to see how this goes!
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