A Jolly Days With Boys in English Children Stories by Vaman Acharya books and stories PDF | A Jolly Days With Boys

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A Jolly Days With Boys

A Jolly Day With Boys

(A Humorous Short story)

By Vaman Acharya

It was on Sunday at eleven am, the boys were playing hide & seek game in Hanuman street, Raghavpur town. Among them Rajesh explained to other boys about the hide seek game. The game started with Ankur as a seeker, who closed his eyes for a minute and counted 1 to 100. The other players hid in secret spots. Ankur then opens his eyes and tries to find hiders. The first one found is Ramesh, who became the next seeker. The game continues till the last player is found.

The unbearable heat did not obstruct the boys and they felt comfortable under the shadow of big trees. These boys were enjoying the holiday and calling each other by funny nicknames.

The boys were terribly afraid, when the last boy hidden could not be found even after five minutes.

Ramanath, a retired major in the army, who was relaxing outside his home, saw the boys playing the game. He was amused to hear the children calling each other by funny nicknames. He knows the real names of all the children. He observed the sudden panic of the boys. Ramanath suspected that something unwanted had happened and he should go and help them. When he got up, he felt somebody was behind him. He was none other than one of the players. He was Rajesh, the last boy hidden. Ramnath realised the cause of other boys' panic.

He called all the boys by clapping. The boys came running and declared Rajesh as the winner. Ramnath called all the boys inside his house and offered toffees, biscuits and cold drinks. The boys were happy and expressed thanks to their uncle.

Ramnath congratulated Rajesh and presented a gift, pen and notebook to him.

He asked Rajesh,

“Why are you calling each other by nicknames, instead of your beautiful names? Tell me your nick names one by one? “

"Uncle, before telling our nicknames, can you tell me your nickname first,” asked Rajesh smilingly.

Ramanath for a moment felt uncomfortable and did not expect such a question. He thought it would be better to enjoy it with children.

He said,

"My dear boys, can you see my bald head? Have a close look at it and count my hairs. Those who count correctly within five seconds will get more toffees.”

All the boys accepted this challenge. Ankur got up and physically counted and said five hairs. Murari said eight and Mukund said nine.

Ramanath replied,

"Thank you my boys. I can say it is as good as nothing. Take a toffee packet with ice cream and vanilla. Colleagues in the army used to call me in my absence as 'taklu'. One day, one of my colleagues in the canteen, thinking that I was not there, asked,''Where is takalu?"

I took it jolly and said,"I am here."

The situation was humorous.

At the same time Ramanatha's wife Soumya and daughter Prema arrived.

“My dear boys, can you suggest nicknames to my wife and daughter?”

“Aunty's nickname is Pari, which means angel. Prema madam's nickname is Pihu, which means sweet girl,” replied Rajesh.

All the boys were dancing and laughing. Ramnath, Soumya and Prema danced along with the boys.

Rohan asked Soumya,

"Aunty, if uncle calls you Pari, call him 'taklu'?"

"Rohan, I affectionately call him Ramu and he is my pati Parameshwar."

“Prema madam, if I call you ‘Pihu’, are you not getting angry?” asked Mukund.

“I like funny nicknames,” replied Prema.

The boys continued laughing.

Ramnath asked the boys,

"Can you tell me your nicknames one by one?"

Rohan said,

“Uncle Abhay's nickname is 'Munna'. Because he looks sweet and cute. Ankur's nickname is "tillu'. He is small in height. Mukund’s nickname is ‘Pinocchio’, which means having a long nose. It grows when he lies. Murari is called 'Lambu', because his height is 5’×6”. Ramesh's nickname is 'Tubelight'. His brain takes a few seconds to understand things. Lastly, I am Rajesh, my nickname is 'Rocky'. Friends say my physical strength is strong and my brain is super."

Ramnath and his wife Soumya could not control the laughter. They too again danced along with the children.

Ramnath told,

"Boys, you can continue playing and we too join with you.

"Which game would you like to play with us?" asked Soumya to Rajesh.

Ramnath suggested throwing a ball game. Those who take more catches would be the winner. Elderly couple joined them like children. Ramnath scored highest points and was declared as winner. Ramesh was second in score.

"Thanks a lot to Pari aunty, taklu uncle and Pihu madam,” said Murari smilingly.

Ramnath's family had enjoyed a day with the boys.