Love betrayal and Redemption in English Short Stories by Neel Mukadam books and stories PDF | Love, betrayal and Redemption

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Love, betrayal and Redemption

Once upon a time in a busy city, there were two best friends named Willey and Donald. They did everything together and were as close as can be, just like how the city always rushed with activity.


“Hello, my bachelor friend,” Willey greeted his friend Donald. “Are you the host of the U.S.A. Radio show?” Donald replied, “Yes, I am. But you won’t be able to come to my show today, Willey. You’re the guardian of Mr. Wilson’s daughter, remember? You should take care of her.” Willey left for Mr. Wilson’s house immediately. Upon arriving, he said, “Sir I have returned.” Arthur Wilson was happy to see him and instructed, “Please take good care of Tamina.”


Donald had warned Willey that someone named Victor wanted to hurt Tamina. Donald said, “Assassin Victor is trying to kill her.” Willey now concerned, hurried to Tamin’s room and asked, “Tamina, what would you like to eat?” Tamina replied softly, “Please, bring milk some.” Willey brought her the milk and said, “I’ve thought about marrying you, but I doubt your father would permit us. What do you say? Shall we run away together?”


Tamina, shocked by the proposal, slapped Willey and sternly replied, “You are a fugitive! Ask my father about our marriage.” Willey, abiding by her wishes, went to Arthur Wilson’s room and cautiously asked, “Sir, I would like to marry your daughter.” Arthur after a moment’s reflection agreed, “Very well, but promise to take good care of her.” And so, Willey and Tamina’s wedding took place at the local Church which was a beautiful and happy day for them.


Now, in another part of the city, there was a man named Victor. He had a bad plan to hurt Tamina. Meanwhile, at Victor’s home, he discussed his sinister plans with his sister. “Jonasen Sir has given me a contract to kill Wilson’s daughter, he boasted.  “What do you think, sister?” Victor’s sister concerned for her brother, said, “You must not take anyone’s life, Victor.” Victor got angry. Frustrated, Victor left for the bar. Late in the night, he spotted Tamina outside the bar. In a drunken stupor, he approached her and launched a vicious attack.  In his drunken state, Victor killed Tamina and soon lost consciousness.


The next day, Victor returned home and confessed to his sister, “Sister, I killed Tamina, Wilson’s daughter. I was drunk.” Victor’s sister Mohava deeply disappointed, sighed, “I thought my brother was a teetotaller. Drinking is a terrible vice. Now, you must face the consequences of your actions and go to jail.” When Willey heard about Tamina's death, he was very sad and angry. He rushed to Victor’s home and shouted at him, “You, you heartless coward! You killed my wife. You have taken away the love of my life!" Victor's sister, Mohava, saw her brother's guilt and said, “Victor is a hypocrite. living a lie. He must be handed over to the authorities to face justice."


Today, Willey lives as a hermit, forever mourning the loss of his beloved Tamina. Victor met his end in the cold, unforgiving chambers of the gas chamber, and Victor’s sister, Mohava, remained a spinster, forever scarred by her brother’s actions.


So, in the big city's story, the lives of Willey, Tamina, Victor, and Mohava come together in a tale of love, betrayal, and how our choices can change everything.