Love By Accident - 22 in English Love Stories by Amitanshu Samal books and stories PDF | Love By Accident - 22

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Love By Accident - 22

“What…. What……. What……..?” Arnav said in such a loud voice that the customers surrounding them looked at them with surprise.
“What happened? Stop shouting.”
“It is already Wednesday. And you’re telling me now. Leave it. What are the plans?”
“What plans? Just a small party and few friends at my house…”
“Ohh. That’s great. Ohk. Nice…And…….”
“And what…..?”
“I am sorry I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.”
“It’s ohhk. I shouldn’t have forced.”
By that time, the waiter had delivered the order in the table. They had some cookies and talked for a while. One hour used passed. Suddenly Ayesha asked,
“Why were you late?” and she could see a sudden change in expression on his face. He seemed to be tensed and something is eating him from inside.
“what happened? If it is something personal then it’s ok. You don’t have to tell me.” Ayesha said with concern in her voice.
“No. It’s not about personal. Actually.....”
“What? Age you in some troubles? Tell me if I can help you.?”
“It’s Ridhima…”
Upon hearing that name, Ayesha’s face dropped. She knew she had done something. “What did she do now?” She said in low pale voice.
“When I was in college bike stand after the college is over, my mom called me.
She asked me to pick Ridhima and come home.
When I arrived at the house, Ridhima and her parents had come to our house. They said they had to attend a family marriage out of town. They had asked Ridhima to come with them. But she refused to go with them saying that she had exams in college. So she had to study. So they decided to leave her at our house for few days. And now I have to take her to the college from home as well as from college to home with me. Furthermore the most important thing is that she is going live with us for 4 to 5 days. And this is…………”
“Terrible.” Her face turned pale. Imagining Ridhima in his house made her uncomfortable rather than anything. And she behind his bike…… It made her heart ache. Just like a piece of her heart is falling on ground.
“Hey don’t be upset. I will come to your birthday alone. And don’t worry about her.” Arnav said in a half smile.
Soon the waiter came with the bill. The waiter said,
“You both are looking beautiful, sir. Just like a perfect BF GF. Hope you found our café good and convenient. Please don’t forget to rate it on Google maps. It will help us a lot.”
Ayesha and Arnav looked at eachother. There faces had turned red. Trendy kinda liked it. But weren’t ready to accept it.
Arnav said “You are mistaken. We are not BF GF. We are just friends. And yes your care is very good though. But don’t you think you should make coffees and other order inside a room rather than making it infront of people.”looking at Ayesha.
“Is there any problem sir?” the waiter asked, concerned.
“No. No problem just suggesting.”
“Actually it’s our speciality. We make orders openly so that customers could see their orders being made.”
“Hmm. So that girls could get attracted towards the coffee maker.” Arnav was saying about the man but the waiter thought he was saying about the machine.
“I hope you like it sir.” The water said with a smile on his face.
“Pretty much.” Arnav replied.
Arnav tipped him. And they decided to return home.
They were outside the café. The front road was busy with a heavy traffic. True peace of the café had gone now. But one can clearly see their pale faces and both knew the reason. But Arnav doesn’t want to end that day like that, with sadness. So he said,
“Are you free some more time?”
“Ummm I think it will be late. Why? Do you have any other plans?”
“I don’t want the day you send like this. You know end at Ridhima’s topic.
I know a place let’s go there. I am sure you will love it.”
“For only half an hour. Ok ?”
They both sat on their respective vehicles and drove off. They passed through the main road, curvy lanes and dark streets. Arnav was going ahead and Ayesha was following his lead. After 10 minutes they are here. At the top of a small hill just behind the city. From there the whole city can be seen. A lonely place. Two small should can be seen at a small distance. The only light source was the light from the shops. But you can say it was dark. They parked there vehicles at a safe distance from the edge. There was a small dome shaped structure with a sitting area having some wooden chairs. They sat on the chair. There was a peace. A peace that seems to stretch the every extent of time to make these moments last forever. It was relaxing. Thy sat silently For a moment.
After some time, Arnav asked Ayesha, “Do you need something to eat?” She denied simply. They were just sitting there quietly. Both gazing towards the beautifully lighted city. The cars, bikes, the buildings everything were so tiny. The time has stopped due them. Although it was summer but the atmosphere above there was cold. They could feel the heat radiating from each others skin. The breathes were warm. The tension was rising. Arnav closed his eyes and felt the nature. He then started talking to his own.
“You know I love the nature the most. It gives me pleasure, peace, relaxes my senses. Whenever I feel alone or sad or depressed I come here. It is a pure bliss. Especially at nights under the moon and stars it feels like heaven to me. You couldn’t probably see the stars now. The dust are high. But you can see it In the monsoon. I have never brought anyone to this place. A very few people have known about this place. I don’t know why I brought you here. But I felt like I should bring you here. You are the first girl that I have talked with regularly. It seems like yesterday that we had an accident. And yet we are here. Sitting here. I don’t know what to say. But it felt something different with you. Something different that I have never felt with anyone. Believe me when I don’t see you for one day there is a something heavy in chest. I wait throughout the whole day just to get one glance of you. Now a days I just go to college just to see you just to spend some time with you. I know it’s kinda weird. But the feeling is genuine. I have never thought about it that way. You are my best friend. More than a best friend. You are special. I think I have started falling for you. I don’t want to force anything on you. I don’t even know if it’s right or wrong. It’s up to you whether you like me or not. What do you feel?... Ayesha...?
There was silence from the other side. He called her name again. But silence. He opened his eyes and looked beside him. He saw Ayesha was watching him. It was dark. So he couldn’t see her face clearly. But he could sense that she was red and breathing heavily. He moved his hands and touched her hand. He again pronounced her name... “Ayesha .”
She was silent. She just moved closer towards him. The cold white rays of moon was falling on her beautiful face which was increasing her beauty even more. Arnav was just looking inside her eyes. He was searching for an answer. And her eyes were saying everything.
“Are you sure?” she finally said.
“Never more sure in my entire life.”
She then moved more closer. Their faces were a few inches apart. They could feel each others breath. They could hear each others heart beats. Ayesha closed her eyes and moved even closest. She softly put her lips on his cheeks. Arnav was surprised. An electric current ran through his body. His mind stopped working. He was blank. She then moved away. “I have also fallen for you.” She said gently. Arenas was not in his senses. She called his name, “Arnav... Arnav...” He was feeling butterfly in the stomach. Ayesha shook him. He came to his present state.
“Huh?? Hmmm.. I... Me... Uhhh... mmm.”
“Wha... What.. should I say?”
“Say what you want to say.”
“Will... You... be... my... Girlfriend.?”
“Off course... Yes... It’s my pleasure to be your girlfriend.”
“And what about the kiss? It was unexpected for me.”
“It was, for me too.”
“Will we be married?? Will we have kids? We will travel all the over world together. We will enjoy together everything. I want to get old with you. And... And...”
“Stop stop. You are behaving like kid We do have time for that.” Ayesha was laughing seeing Arnav behaving like a child.
“Yeah. So can I hug you?”
“Hm hmm”
Then they moved closer. Arnav out his hands around her back. Ayesha also embraced him. The distance was sealed. The moment just stopped. It looked like a pure bliss. Just inside eachother’s arms feeling eachother with eyes closed. Listening to each others breath smelling eachother’s fragrances. Two love birds were just finding peace having their moment.
Suddenly the phone rings. They broke their tight hug . It was Ayesha’s. Ritu had called her. She picked up her phone.
“Ayesha... Age you it of your mind?” Ritu bursted from another side.
“What happened? Why are you shouting so loud?”
“Haven’t you the time? It’s 8.30 pm.”
“Oh my God. I am late.” Her expression changed.
“Exactly. And what are you doing? Who are you with?”
“I am coming. Don’t worry.”
She cut the call.
“It’s late. I will drop you.”
She nodded. Both went to their vehicles and drove off through the same narrow lanes, dark paths. It took them almost 20 mins to reach at Ayesha’s apartment. Ritu was in the balcony. Seeing them she came down to the gate. Arnav hot off from his bike and was talking with Ayesha.
“Finally you remembered you live here. By the way what took you so long?”
Both Arnav and Ayesha looked at eachother and smiled nervously. Ritu couldn’t understand what was going on. She looked at Arnav. She noticed something.
“Ek minute. Ye kya hey?? What is this lipstick mark on your cheek?” She said examining his cheek.
“What mark.. what mark. There is no mark.” Arnav quickly wiped his cheeks.
“wait...” She looked towards Ayesha. “You kissed him. You kissed Arnav. What were you guys doing? Did you kissed him on lips? Ayesha.......”
“Low low. Down your volume. I didn’t kissed him on lips.”
“So you are accepting you kissed him on cheeks.”
“Umm... no... I didn’t said that.”
“Arnav!! Are you forcing my best friend for something??” Ritu asked eyeing Arnav.
“No no. Do I seem like that type of guy.” Arnav replied nervously.
“Actually... we...”
“tell Ayesha. What ‘we’?”
“He... just... proposed me.”
“yes.” Ayesha said. She is turning all red now.
“But how, when, where??
“I will tell you everything but not now.” Ayesha told her. Ritu nodded. “Could you please let us alone for minute? We have an important conversation to do.” She added.
Ritu said “A good bye kiss. Huh??” Ayesha stroked her with her elbow and gestured her to go upstairs. Ritu winked at both of them and went upstairs.
Arnav and Ayesha were best the apartment gate alone. Arnav was smiling sheepishly. Ayesha noticed this.
“why are you smiling?” Ayesha asked him.
“Why shouldn’t I? After all my only one girlfriend in the whole world is going to kiss me.”
“Haan ji. In your dreams.”
“Then what’s more important than a kiss.”
“Ridhima. What will you do about her? And if she get to know about us then what will she do. I can’t even imagine. And your parents.”
“I will think about it. I am not letting her sit on my bike. I don’t like her perfume.”
“Seriously, that’s why you won’t let her sit behind you. Because you don’t like her perfume!!”
“I mean that I am already taken by the most beautiful woman in the world after my mother and sister. And it’s not right if I would let anyone sit on my bike. Perfume is just an additional reason but to offer her sit.”
“How you gonna manage?”
“Don’t be tensed. I will handle everything. ohk ?”
“Ohk. And another thing, my father will come on my birthday.”
“Nice. So I think I should be prepared.”
“Yeah pretty much.”
“Ohk. I have to go now. See you in college. Bye.” He said. He came closer and whispered in her ear, “What about the good bye kiss.”
She pulled him back and said “you… chup chap Ghar jao kuch nhin milne wala yahan par. Bye goodnight.”
He sat on his bike and waved her goodbye and drive off. Ayesha was standing there till he disappeared in the dark the night. She came to her room. Ritu was sitting on the bed waiting for her. She knew she now had to explain her everything. She went to the refrigerator and got some cold water, sat beside her and started explaining her everything in details.


Hope you will like this part. Do rate the chapter and Share your thoughts in the comment section. And spread love.