After all this Time - 5 in English Love Stories by Elizabeth books and stories PDF | After all this Time - 5

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After all this Time - 5

Chapter 5

'It's so yummy yum' Mili give him a thumbs up licking the last bit of cheese cake from her plastic fork.

' You liked it?? It was good right?' He took a bit of his cake too which was yummy yum as Mili said.

' Yeah ...really yummy. We should eat more cheese cake ...right Ammu?' Mili looked at Ammu then busied herself with another piece of cake, without waiting for a reply.

Advaith looked at his, totally gone silent, guest who was currently frowning looking at her plate. She hadn't eaten much, most of the food was there, untouched.

He hasn't played the host role for a while, so he wasn't sure what went wrong with his lunch preparation. According to him, Pasta was good , so was the cake. Mili had enjoyed it really well unlike Amaya.

She was looking happy and a little bit awkward when they came but the sunny smile has vanished as the worry lines formed on her forehead , she had gone silent.

When he thought about it, there was a lot of silent moments happened between them.
Some were awkward and uncomfortable , some were comfortable , some were totally this one.

Silence was one of her ways of talking, he comes to understand this by now.
She takes some time to process and some times it will lead to a total meltdown...he had seen a few different versions of Amaya's silence by now .

If he had to take a guess, probably he was the reason for her worry , at this moment.

When he requested her if he could go with them to drop Mili off, she accepted immediately, without even asking why he would do that, which he was grateful for. Because there wasn't a particular reason he could give about his sudden interest except that he enjoyed being with them.

Mili was this goofball who could light up an entire universe if needed, and for Amaya, she had made a soft spot for herself in his heart, which was debatable considering they barely know each other.

Probably she was pondering and probing over the same thing...but wasn't ready to ask or didn't want to hurt Mili who was too excited over the same news that they were going together.

' How are we going there? By bus ? Or a cab or aeroplane,if Adhi could fly one! ?'
Mili raised her eyebrows while tapping her little fingers over her chin and grinned mischievously.

Amaya blinked realizing that she hadn't thought about it yet.

' By a cab that okay?' she smiled down at the little girl.

' yayy...aeroplane would have been more nice but a cab is nice too' Mili did a little happy dance as she kneeled down to sit with Charlie who was happily munching over a treat.

' I have requested you for personal assistance Amaya. Your manager has agreed to. I thought you already knew about this ?' Adhvaith was finishing his food too and was ready to clean the table.

Amaya shook her head as she retrieved her phone from her purse.
She checked her phone for the same.
There it was. She had received the mail in the morning itself but she was too busy to check.

Adhvaith noticed how her shoulders relaxed as she checked her mail.
If she has no issues with the request, their will be no problem and they could take the cab arranged by the resort itself. He had fill in the forms and request in the morning itself.

' Thank you' Amaya smiled a little as she put her phone away.

' How did you know that there's such a facility available here?' She raised her eyebrows a little, just like Mili.

' Mithila had told me when she came yesterday morning that I could actually ask for personal assistance here...she reminded me again in the morning today '
Her expression changed from confusion to understanding in a second.

If he had known that Amaya was worried about her going back and forth to check him everyday might start a rumor about her, he would have put that request beforehand. He didn't know and Amaya didn't mention it either. It was Mithila who had told him to put in the request and get the approved service. He has to pay for the service and ask for approval for safety reasons but It was worth it.

He was going through his wardrobe to pick something nice other than sweats when it occurred to him.
What was his intention?
Why was he taking extra effort to be present with them? He only knows them for the past few days but still there's a kind of craving to be part of their lives. He had lost that kind of feeling a few years back.
He was hibernating, literally. He hasn't done anything or written anything in these past few years. He had been sleeping a lot and avoiding human interactions as much as possible.
If it wasn't for his doctor's strict instructions and worried eyes of his mom, this trip would not have happened.

He was all set to live in his doctor friend, Nathan's cousin's home for a while.
' You need a change , a breath of fresh air. You can't live like this for ever...' in Nathan's words.
He wanted to tell him that he was doing alright , thank you very much, but couldn't unseen the worry in his friend's eyes. So it was decided...Nathan had picked this place too...he made all the arrangements and accompanied him till the airport , making sure that he left for good.

Due to some maintenance work, he had to change his plan to stay at the friend's house at last minute. Staying in this resort, which was the closest option for him. He wasn't thinking much about his new arrangements. Hell, he wasn't thinking much about this change of place will bring something new to him either and then Amaya had came to him that evening and ran for her life after seeing him.

She was a little bit odd , somewhat peculiar. He was greatly piqued when she came to apologize to him for giving him a scare when they met for the first time. She was troubled by something that he was sure but was unintentionally kind always.

Today, they were going to her house. He doesn't know much about her family except that her sister , Mili's mom had passed away. He knew nothing about her , yet she was kind enough to let him join with them , for Mili.

Suddenly, he was unsure about going with them. He loved Mili...spending a little bit more time with her would just brighten him up. He has been acting like a normal human being for the past twenty four hours. He had smiled and laughed a lot, cooked food and most importantly, slept a little less. He was engaged most of the day...he was willing to do so. That was something.
But, going with them, he might be putting Amaya in a tight spot with her family .
He remembered how much she was frowning throughout their lunch, which she had barely touched.
He was staring at his clothes contemplating what to do, his phone started ringing. It was Amaya.
He took the call hesitantly.

'hello' He could listen Mili babbling about something in the background.

' Hello Amaya?'

' Are you ready? We are waiting here in the reception. The cab has also arrived.' there's no time to back out now.
' Yes...give me five minutes.' He mumbled.

She replied OK but didn't disconnect the call. Both held their phone in silence respectively.

If he's going to do this, he just need to make sure that Amaya is alright with his sudden intrusion. He can't put her in a rig because of his selfish reasons.

' Amaya, is it going to be okay if I came with you two? I was too excited to spend more time with Mili that I ignored, I might make a bad impression on your family. I don't even know who are there in your family. I won't come if it's not okay '
He waited for her response patiently.

' Adhi...come fast..' Mili was calling him chanting it over and over.

He smiled. Oh...he really really wanted to go but Amaya would be the one to decide.

' It's going to be okay I guess. It's not like I have a huge family to begin with. Only my mother is there. Amma probably won't mind, she never did care about such things. '
He could hear the tinge of bitterness and a lot of hurt in her voice.

' Moreover, Mili is too excited to take you with us and as for me , it's part of my job. There are some beautiful places that I could show you on our way back.
It's ok, don't worry about it '

She sounded like she had resolved the issue already. So he has to go now.
He changed quickly . It was a sunny day and they will be back before night. So he settled with a black t shirt and black jeans along with a denim jacket.

When he came to the reception, Mili ran up to him , smiling widely.

' Let us go Adhi...' she pulled him to their cab and introduced him to the driver, whom she had befriended already.

They set off immediately. Mili was chatting away most of the time either with him or with the driver, who was a middle aged bald headed man with a thick mustache with kind eyes.
He knew the entire place like the back of his hand. So the journey wasn't boring at all. They stopped in between and had a cup of tea , Mili had a glass of fresh juice and insisted that they should take some pictures of the tea estates like the customary tourists and she made funny faces in all their pictures.

Amaya joined them for all those activities even though she was a little silent and aloof.

The driver was capable of talking non stop about all the tourist attraction around their and his personal experience with other visitors.

" Sir, you should visit Marayoor, there's a waterfall, it's located in a secluded place but it's beautiful ' he kept mentioning about all the tourist attraction places which Advaith had no intention to visit.

However, he enjoyed the journey . Lush greenery on both sides of road, unpolluted environment, good climate and Mili. His journey was perfect but short. They were at Amaya's hometown in no time. He can't say it's a town though. It was more like an old village with scenic view and it was gorgeous.

Amaya asked the driver to stop the car at the far end of the gravel path which lead to her house. Advaith wasn't sure weather to follow them to the small house at the end of the path. He looked at Amaya who was getting Mili's bags out of the car. Mili hopped out of the car and dragged him along with all her might.

' Come Adhi, I will show you my home and Ammamma is there . You could also meet my friends if you want but you will have to wait for some time' She added thoughtfully.
He nodded but kept looking at Amaya for approval.

' It's ok Mili, Adhi don't have time to stay long. We are going to travel a little more. Ammu is working right now...don't you remember?'
She gave a pointed look towards him.
So it's ok to go to the house but he has to leave quickly, that's the plan.

Mili pouted. ' Take me with you too. I want to see too' she stopped walking and looked at Amaya with those doe eyes.

' We will go another time bubs....promise'
Amaya hugged Mili's little frame to herself.

He could see that how reluctant she's to let go of Mili.
Mili hugged her back tightly. ' Ok Ammu, next time we will have a lot of fun together. '
Advaith watched them silently as they hugged and made promises to do fun things next time.
It was somewhat adorable and painful at the same time. He felt like an intruder who was caught in their world.

' Adhi , you must come too.'
Mili shouted as she ran ahead of them

' I am sorry, Mili doesn't know that you are here on a vacation and probably won't see her ever again. Don't break her bubble though. I will tell her later.'
He sensed a bit of disappointment in her words but he was surprised that he was the one who was more disappointed among them.

Right, he is on vacation and he has to go back eventually.
He can't stay forever and it will be wrong of him to make mili believe that he won't leave ever.
That little girl has lost her mom already and from what he speculated, her father wasn't in the picture either.
It's so unfair.

Advaith walked beside Amaya, wondering over and over why he had joined them for this journey.
He should not have made ties when he didn't plan to stay at all.

' My Amma, she lives here alone with Mili. '
Amaya bit her lips , looked like she was contemplating how to choose her words.
'She is a bit difficult person. If she say something unpleasant, please don't take it seriously. Honestly, Amma can be very rude but it's just her way of talking. Please don't mind.'

Her eyes met him, the dark orbs showing the panic inside her,
Silently asking for understanding , asking for look the other way if her mother said something rude.

All the more reasons which pointed that he should not have came.

' Sure' he nodded in agreement, trying to reassure her that it's okay , no need to worry about him.
After all it's nothing new for him. Growing up, he had seen enough of the troubles his parents had put him through. He heaved a sigh.

Mili had reached the house already and disappeared through the front door, which was ajar.

Amaya entered into the house next. Advaith stood close to door, from where he could see the cracked wall of the living room, painted in sky blue an eternity ago.

The house was really old, which definitely need some alterations and a lick of paint everywhere.

' Come inside.'
Amaya had came back to the door after putting Mili's bags away.

He showed him into the tiny living room, which was crammed up with so many things that he didn't know what to look for or where to sit. The old sofa had seen better days , definitely.
Amaya bit her lip again, nervously eyeing the pile of old news papers spilling from the table in the corner.
She picked up the greasy glasses and an old China plate which still had crumbs of biscuits from the teapoy.

' Sorry it's a mess here '
She took all the glasses and plates from the teapoy, apologizing again about the junk filled room.

' Don't worry about it' he reassured while looking at the old picture frames on the wall. Dust was collecting all over the surfaces including those frames. Looked like her mother didn't care about all these things.

There was a series of old pictures.
Two little girls in school uniform, they looked similar even though one was a little bit taller than the other. He could recognize Amaya immediately even though he hadn't seen any of her old pictures before.

The one little girl, who was hesitant to smile , shyed away from the camera, which was Amaya.

The other girl must be Mili's mom, who looked bright even in the pictures.
Then there was a picture of the brighter girl dancing in glittery costumes.

Another picture of Amaya playing with dough , her eyes crinkled in amusement, smiling widely to the camera.
It was so cute. He wondered how her smile became so strained now. He hadn't seen her in this much ease and filled with laughter yet.

There was an old family portrait too. Two girls and their parents, all of them smiling. The photo has lost almost all the colors from it . He could bet on his life that nobody has even touched it over the years.

All the pictures showed a happy family, which no longer existed. He sighed.

' Those are old pics Adhi...'
He hasn't noticed that Mili had came back to the living room.

' I know Mili. Where were you?'

' I went to find Ammamma but they are going to fight I think...' Her little face drooped.
Ammu told me to go and see my friend next door. She doesn't want me to listen what they are saying...that's why.
She hushed.
He looked at Mili as he worried what to do.

' It's ok Adhi....they fight sometimes but they both are good. I love them both'

' Is that so?? Then go meet your friends, I will wait for Ammu and then will leave together ' he patted her head lightly.

' Really? I thought we would go to see my friends together. But it's ok.' She bit her lower lip thoughtfully

' Comeback to see me okay? I will miss you Adhi..' she opened her arms to give him a hug.

As he knelt down, his arms wide open to engulf her in a hug, Mili giggled.

' you are so tall a coconut tree' she giggled again like she happened to notice that only now.

Kids could find any simple thing as very amusing. Especially Mili. It was wonderful to talk to her even though her attention span lasted for less than ten seconds, there was this sheer energy she brought with her wherever she was , which never stopped amusing him.
He would miss Mili, definitely.

Mili had already left , when he picked up the noise from the other room. It wasn't loud but not so quiet either.

' Why did you do this Amma?? You already know that this is the only thing that had left for us. How could you sell it right away without even thinking?'

It was Amaya, her voice was tight and strained because she wanted to yell but held herself back.

' I had been thinking about this for a while now Amaya. It's just a piece of land, which is in my name . I could do whatever I want with the property.

Adhvaith stayed quiet, rooted to his spot. He wasn't sure what to do. He should not have stayed here.
Amaya and her mom were arguing like Mili had mentioned.

' A piece of land Amma? That was bought by Acha. He had worked hard there. Why was the hurry to sell it off? I was here two days ago Amma, why didn't you tell me then?'
Her voice quivered.

' If I have mentioned then, would you have let me sell that ? I need the money , it's not like you are making enough money for all of us? If it was up to me I would have sold this goddammit house too. I didn't want to create trouble that's why i didn't tell you'

The exchange was all so bitter, Adhvaith wanted to get Amaya out of there. But he was an outsider here.
It would be wrong of him to get in the middle of an argument.

' Amma, you know that I am doing all in my power to keep us well? Do you think it's easy for me to live everyday?
Do you even know how many extra shifts and part time jobs I had to do to get this place out of debt?
It took me around 4 years and another loan to get it back and you sold it? For what? Why do you need so much money? '

He could sense her frustration from the fast way she was talking .
Should he just go inside and drag her outside?
Or not? It is between them right? It's better if they could resolve it themselves.

' Money? You haven't changed a bit even after all that happened. ' Her mom laughed, like it's a cruel joke.

'What's so great about you paying the bills? It's your duty. You owe to do so. You are doing what every other kid does for their parents. You are not so great and I am not going to tell you otherwise... and let's be honest Amaya, it was you who cared only about money and you made such a fuss last time that I lost Ashi. It was because of you Amaya, you are the reason why Mili lost her are responsible for all the doom that happened here. All I did was selling the property but you have robbed a life Amaya.'

There was utter silence.
It was so sad to hear even for himself when he doesn't know what's going on there.
Amaya was responsible for her sister's death? He had known Amaya only for a few days, but he could see that Amaya was a gentle soul, a great aunt for Mili .
He wondered why her mom was so harsh and he worried about Amaya.
He wanted to get her and leave as soon as possible.

He was hovering near the door when Amaya came through .
She looked at him in shock ... like she had forgotten that he was there too.
Stricken, she wrapped her arms around herself and walked past him.

'Let's go' Her shoulders were shaking from the effort to not to cry infront of him.
He wanted to reach out but it was difficult to console someone who was adamant to show that they are doing fine.
So he held back and followed her outside. However, he was too concerned about all that happened inside,to let the facade she was putting on to distract him.

' Are you alright? '
She stopped walking but didn't talk.
Then she turned towards him, anger flashed in her eyes , she clenched her jaw.

' What if I am not? What would you do then? Will you go and explain Amma that I am not that money seeking wench that she thinks I am? you believe her? '

He shook his head, but she wasn't looking at him.

'Why did you come with me today?
To see me like this? I am so ashamed of myself right now. You should not have come today. It's so humiliating...' she looked away and took.a deep breath.

She was talking way too fast for him to follow. He wanted to tell her that he didn't believe what her mom had said but it was so difficult to see her like this.
She is struggling to keep her tears away.

' I am sorry ' that's what came out of his mouth.

' Why ?? Because I am this pitiful existence? I don't want your pity, I don't want anyone's help. '

Even though she was telling all thse , she was screaming inside that she needs someone to understand her. To tell her that they believed her , that it's okay and it will be okay...

If she is going to push every one away, it was time that someone stood by her side. That was what he thought when she started walking again.

' Amaya , I am sorry that your mom sold the property without telling you first. I am sorry that your mom thinks you are just doing your bare minimum but i can tell you that you work really hard and take all the responsibilities seriously and not every kid do that for their parents. I really don't know what happened but I know that you won't do any harm to anyone. I am sorry that I overheard your conversation and I am really really sorry that you are not allowing yourself to cry.
It's okay to cry you know, I really don't mind'
She turned her head slightly towards him but avoid to meet his gaze.

But the tears came running down her cheeks . Then she sat down in the ground and wrapped her arms around her knees and cried.
Her entire body shook violently but no voice came out. He doubted that it wasn't her first time to cry like this, in pain, in silence.
So he just knelt down beside her and patted her back like she was a little puppy whom he had found in a sidewalk, lost and lonely .

It was totally strange. He knew that.
He hadn't felt the urge to protect someone from the emotional trauma they are going through like this ever before.

It was different with Nila. Everything was different with Nila, because she was so strong, it was him who always seeked comfort from her but it was different with Amaya.
It was the first time that he felt that he needed to protect her , needed to comfort her.
He asked himself while he sat there , patting her back , trying to give a silent support while she was crying her eyes out.

He was unable to find the answer even after she stopped crying and got up from the ground.

The entire journey back to the resort, they sat silently.
Even the overly chatty driver felt the need of silence.
They did not visit anywhere, but he couldn't care less .
Amaya didn't even look at him once. She was staring outside throughout the journey.
At least she wasn't crying...that's good then. He thought.

' Chetta, drop us near that small bridge . No need to go to the resort.'
He looked at her in confusion. Small bridge? Whic bridge was she talking about?. Except for the resort and his friend's house, he barely knows anything about this place.

So he decided to leave it up to Amaya where she wants to go.
Maybe she needs a little more time before they go back to the resort.

The driver dropped them near a small bridge, which was inconspicuous and small. If not for a local, it's difficult to know there's a bridge at all.

' There's a sunset viewpoint there. It's beautiful but many people doesn't know this place. I thought it would be nice to show you at least this. We didn't get to go anywhere, consider it as my apology and a peaceoffering?'
She stood there without looking at him at all. She kept her eyes far away and didn't even spare him a glance.

She was right, there wasn't a sole around there and it seemed peaceful. It is nice to watch sunset, especially with Amaya.

' Sure' with his reply, she started walking towards the small bridge, over a narrow creek, which then lead to a narrow path. Lots of trees and all kinds of foliage. They walked around five more minutes to reach the tiny clearing.

They could see the hillside from there. Except for the clearing, the entire area is covered in tea plantation and they could see the gushing streams in the valleys below.

The sky was a mixed shade of orange and yellow. It was like every other sunset yet so unique and breathtakingly beautiful.

'It's stunning ' he was mesmerized for a moment.

Isn't it? I knew you would love this. Only
the staff in the resort know this place and it's the part of a private property but the management has access to it. So this is a space we take our special guests some times. It's nothing grant but it's special and unadulterated. '

She took a deep breath, soaking herself in the slightly misty atmosphere. There was the smell of cardamom in the air.
It was special.

' I am sorry ' she was looking at him now, her eyes were sad. The tip of her nose was a little red , results of all the crying. Her usually neat hair was a little mussed. Advaith resisted the urge to tuck those few strands behind her ear, it would be inappropriate.

' I am sorry. I should not have yelled at you. My anger was misplaced. It was me who agreed to take you there' she said again, seeking for his reply.

' It's okay. I didn't mean to overhear you but I was a bit stupid to stay there even after Mili's warning ' he grinned sheepishly.

' Mili warned you?' Her eyebrows raised in concern.

' She knew that something wasn't right when you asked her to go and meet her friend. I should have followed her but I stayed. I am sorry too'

' Our Mili is way more mature than her age. I don't want her to feel hurt over the things going on between me n Amma ' her voice was hollow.

' Oh...she added that you guys fight with each other occasionally but are good people and she loves you both'
Advaith looked at her , who was smiling a little, looking at the sky.

' That's so Mili, ever so sweet and hopeful....'

Me and my Amma, it's complicated, we don't get along well' she added. He noticed that her smile slowly vanished from her lips.

I don't know how to deal with her , It's all my fault'

Her shoulders sagged. He could see the disappointment and hurt in her face.
Advaith wished he could just take away the weight she's carrying on her shoulders. But it does not work that way right?
Everyone carries their own weights, he knew how it felt too. After all, he was carrying them too.

' Everything that goes wrong is not your fault Amaya, sometimes it's mutual. Your Amma was really harsh with you...I can tell that this wasn't the first time either...'
He looked at her but keep going since she was listening.

'Relationships itself is difficult and when we argue, we turn a blind eye over every nice thing that happened and only concentrate over the difference and difficulties. Don't tell yourself that it's all your fault. The world tells us the same thing more than enough times in every single day. If you believe it and start putting yourself off, it will only make you unhappy. '

He tried to sound genuine and gentle. He didn't want to add to her hurt.

She looked at him with her eyes wide in awe.

' Why are you looking at me like that?'
He tilted his head little, studying her expression.

' It's kind of reminded me of Hiraeth. I used to wonder where that world of moving words went when you started writing murder mysteries...God!! Good to know that it's not completely lost' she smiled.
The sadness that was prominent a moment ago melted a little.

' Let's sit down for some time and watch the sunset. Your clothes might get dirty a little but I promise that the view is worth it'

' Yes yes....I am sure it's going to be perfect he said as they sat down in the ground. Their arms brushed as they found a proper position to sat and watch comfortably. .
None of them pulled their arms away , so they sat together, very close yet separate.

' Tell me one thing Amaya, why do you hate all my best selling books and only love my least popular, nobody knows it existed kind of book? I thought that you were my romance book fan, but you are a hiraeth fan . How come?'
They were watching the sky which was changing its color to a deep orange and crimson red. He wished that he had his camera with him. Even then , the real beauty can be visible only to the naked eye.

' I don't hate them but they are scary, so I can't read them. Why you have to find a dead body in almost every chapter and there's this eeri feeling throughout the book. I am just scared to read it...that's all and yes I like those romantic fictions too. The characters were amazing, with almost zero toxicity. But Hiraeth is special, even though I thought that it's full of gloom and doom when I started reading it'
She chuckled, then bit her lip consciously.

' What ? So why did you buy that gloom doom book Ms happy smile?'
Advaith found it super cute that she was flustered about criticizing his works left and right.

' Hm...because I thought the writer was handsome maybe?' She tipped her chin a little, showing that she still appreciated it , made him laugh.

' I am very grateful that you bought the book even if it was for my looks'

Amaya smiled but looked away.

' I loved the book and I still read it almost every day. The book always comforted me and it gave me the impression that the writer went through all the agony and that's why I felt better whenever I read it. I felt less lonely ' Her voice shook with emotion.

The sincerity in her words hit home.
He wrote the book when he was struggling. He wrote all that down, so that he could be free himself.
Now Amaya was telling that his book helped her, even though it was not a self help book more like a memoir.

' I wrote it when my parents were going through their divorce. Until we moved from Bangalore to the states, I thought they were a great couple. I never knew that they were staying together only for us , me and my elder brother.
When we started college, they thought that it's time to call it off and unlike my brother I took it really hard.
I was already struggling with my engineering course and the new realization that my parents weren't happy with each other and they want to end it, I felt lost.
I was a mess at that time, I stopped talking to my parents and dropped out of the college. I didn't trust anyone.
I wrote down whatever I was going through at that time and I kept writing because it strangely felt good and when my brother found out , it was him who contacted an editor then through him , a publisher.
So the book is really special for me, glad to know that someone else also felt good because of it. Thank you '

He was really grateful that she had told him why she liked the book and this was his first time telling someone all about how he started writing except for his doctors .

' I am sorry to hear that. How are they doing now?' She enquired. Her voice very gentle and kind almost a whisper.

' They are separated and happily married to their new partners. I go and visit them at time to time. I have come to accept that everything doesn't has to be perfect and I should not hold my self accountable for their life. I can barely control my own life , then who am I to judge them and be mad with. So I found comfort in that and I really really hope that you won't beat yourself up for all the troubles you are having with your Amma . Think this way, Parents are just people like us with kids, they could mess up and disappoint us n be totally wrong. When we understand them in that way, it's easier for us. So don't worry..Okay??

It will be alright and don't forget to use the opportunities and people to make you feel better. You can be a little bit selfish you know?? Because you deserve to be happy. '

He was being honest here. Amaya was being too harsh on herself. He had seen her struggling alone and he wished that she would stop being hard on herself and seek the help and comfort from others.

Their was a stillness in the air around them , sun was gradually setting in the horizon, The deep orange was fading into shades of yellow and pink. It was stunning.

' What about now? Can I be a little bit selfish?' She asked. It was unexpected and Advaith looked at her in confusion but she didn't look at him.
' What?' He wanted to look at her face and find out what was she thinking.

Then she leaned her head a little and put her head on his shoulder.
Advaith didn't move. It was totally unexpected . He could feel the weight on his shoulder and the light smell of her shampoo in his nostrils, it was subtle yet intoxicating.

' I am going to use you for a moment to comfort myself. It's not that uncomfortable..right?'

He just nodded to let her know that it's okay.
Even though it was totally unexpected and unintentional, his heart fluttered.
Even though it was unreasonable , he wished that they stayed that way for a long time.
What was going on???
