Love By Accident - 21 in English Love Stories by Amitanshu Samal books and stories PDF | Love By Accident - 21

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Love By Accident - 21

Here Ayesha and Arnav arrived at college. She got off from the bike. Arnav parked his bike in the stand. Both waited iin the parking area for Sahil and Ritu. They knew what they had done. After all they left their best friends in the mid way of the road while they were eating each other’s peace and brain. Arnav was no sorry for them. But Ayesha felt a little guilt for leaving her friend behind. Arnav said,
“Hey, don’t be upset. They deserve that. Who quarrels over sitting on bike? Pretty annoying kids.”
“I am not upset. But I am thinking whether they will come on foot or on bike?”
“They will come on bike.”
“How are you so sure?”
“Because I know my friend very much. He won’t do anything stupid by leaving her alone on road. Beside both of them are getting late for classes.” Arnav explained.
“Hmm” Ayesha simply nodded.
Arnav in the head was not thinking anything about Sahil and Ritu. He just wanted to continue the conversation with the girl who is standing beside her. His mind was saying, ‘don’t ask. Don’t ask.’ But his heart said ‘Say yaar. Nothing will happen. It’s just a friendly talk. What else? Ask her.’ Mind said ‘ What are you thinking? What will she think?’
“What have taken in breakfast?” He finally spoke without listening to his brain.
“Out of syllabus question? Why do you want to know?”
“Ummm, Just curious. You know. Just time pass.”
“Achha. Roti and sabji. You?”
“Bread, egg and banana.”
“So nutritious. You always eat bread, egg and banana.”
“Not everyday. But yes more often. Why?”
“No that is bit high standard breakfast.”
“And what made you think so?”
“I have seen in movies. Rich families eats food like that way. And middle class families eat like you know, Chewda, upma, Roti. Etc.”
Arnav laughed out loud. “You are really so filmy. Stop watching bollywood.”
“Why? Don’t you like bollywood?”
“It’s not that I hate it. But I really can’t understand the concept of it. What does it trying to explain? I really like the old movies. 90’s and 2000’s.”
“Hmm. Me too. And you like the music too?”
“Yeah that’s my life. I love it more. How do you know?”
“I see you all time putting your airpod in your ear.”
“Hmm. You are really a good observer.”
“I can bet on that.”
“Hm. And about the breakfast. My whole family eats normal breakfast like roti and chewda except me. My diet plans are different. It is necessary for my workout.”
“Do you go to gym?”Ayesha was surprised.
“Why are you so surprised?”
“How do you manage time?”
“After college in the evening. But, absolutely, not during the exams.”
“Ohh. You really stick to clock.”
“Ummmm. You can say that.”
“And wait. I have been thinking that……….. as you have helped me a lot in lots of things, I should……….. Ummm……….. give you a treat, which is on me. So when are you free?”
“That’s somewhat unsual from you. I mean I am the one who gives you the treat. Anyway. There is no harm in a free meal……… and about time; When you are comfortable. I am always free.”
“So tomorrow? After college?”
“Ohk. Done.”
“And your gym?”
“I will do it in after the treat.”
They were talking that Ayesha noticed Sahil and Ritu were coming. “Ye lo. Ye bhi aa gaye. Lagta hey tum sahi the.” Ayesha spoke.
Arnav turned back and saw them coming. Sahil stopped the bike in front of Arnav. Ritu got off from the bike as soon as possible. Sahil parked his bike and came near Arnav.
“What the heck? What are you thinking? You left me all alone with her. And since when Ayesha became your partner?” He said in one breath.
“Why are you giggling? Is that what best friends do? Oh sorry. I forgot that you got new best friend.” Ritu yelled at Ayesha.
“Sorry yaar. Maaf kar do.” Ayesha and Arnav said in unison and they both looked at each other and laughed and high-fived.
“Pata nhin kis sangati mein pad gaye” Sahil said to Ritu.
“If we keep talking like this we are gonna be late. And girls. We will drop you at your doorstep. So no need to worry.” Arnav said.
“No no we will take the bus. Thank you.” Ayesha spoke.
“Ohk then. Bye. See you tomorrow.” Arnav bid them good bye and went off. Sahil followed him after.
“Hi. Where are you? I have been waiting here for half an hour. And what are doing?” On the phone a sweet, angry voice was speaking.
“Ya ya I am coming. Just five minutes. Ok?” Arnav said from the other side.
“Ohk. Come fast.”
It was about 6.00pm. Ayesha was standing outside a café waiting for Arnav. She told Arnav to come directly after college. But he refused saying he had some work to do. So she ended up choosing 5.30 pm. But Arnav, he had not arrived yet. She was waiting outside the café and clicking on the phone screen anxiously.
After 2 or 3 minutes, she saw him coming on his red pulsur. He was wearing a white shirt with sleeves folded upto his elbows and light blue denims with a pair of brown classic sneakers. Seeing him made her stomach ache and it’s not for the first time. Whenever she sees him, her heart forgets to beat. Her mind hides in her dreams and her limbs don’t follow her orders. It has been happening for few weeks by now. But she was ignoring it saying to herself that it was just physical attraction and infatuation. Arnav parked his bike and came near her. He observed her from head to toe in a quick. She was wearing a hand crafted blue colored salwar suit. Her hair open and pair of round earings. She was just looking awesome. He was just stunned seeing her beauty. Unexpectedly and unintentionally he uttered.
“How beutiful and gorgeous! Wow.”
“Thank you! And you too.” Came a reply. She was blushing. Arnav noticed it and he seemed to enjoy it and a proud smile appeared across his face.
“Thank you.” He said.
“What made you so late? You are half an hour late. If you are busy then you could have told me. We would meet another day.” Ayesha said.
“I just had a work to do. But now I am free all the night till 10.”
“And what will you after 10.00pm?”
“Dinner at home. Or else my mom will kill me. Now If you are done with your questions can we go inside?”
“Hmm. Let’s go.”
They entered into the café. The freshly brewed coffee and the baked pasties and bread were mouth watering. Although Ayesha didn’t like coffee, but the smell of the café suddenly gave her cravings for it. She was peeking past the serving counter towards the brewing machine. A guy was preparing an order. She went towards the counter. Arnav followed her. The counter lady asked her about the order with a smile on her face.
“Good evening mam! What would you like to order?”
“Ummm. I don’t want to order now. I will order after sometime. But………. I just wanna ask……. That……..”
“Tell me mam. How could I help you?”
“I just wanna…. see how that guy is making the coffee. He seems so professional in his job. Look, how he is making that coffee. How he is pouring the milk. How he is making hearts and different shapes on its surface. If you don’t mind can I record it.”
Arnav was listening how she was describing about the guy (at least he thought that) and he didn’t like it. He said Ayesha,
“Why are you disturbing them? Let’s finish our job. I am getting late.”
“You just said that you are free till 10 o clock. Now you are saying you are getting late?”
“Just order something. And what will you do with that recording? You can see this on youtube.”
“Yes. I can see. But it is real. And see how efficiently he is working. And besides that please wait some minutes.
“Fine. Do what you want to do? But I have got only one hour. After that I will go.” He said and he seems to be angry.
“Ohhk. Fine. I will come and see this another day.”
“Order something. Till then I will get a seat.”
“Ohk. What would you like to…”
“An espresso.”
“Are you angry?”
“No. Just be fast. I have jobs to do. I have assignments to do.”
“If you say we can meet another day.”
“Just order something and let’s go.”
“Sorry… Please.. I just wanted to watch how efficiently he was making the coffee.”
“Hmm ohk.” Arnav said without giving attention and he was scrolling through his phone. Ayesha understood that she should have behaved like that.
“If you’re not listening then ohhk. Actually I wanted to tell you something. The treat was only one thing. Since you are not listening I think I shouldn’t tell you.”
After listening this Arnav lifted up his face and looked curiously towards her. She knew that this would work.
“What ever you want to say just say it clearly.”
“Actually I just wanted to ask whether you are free on Friday?”
“It depends. But why?”
“It’s my birthday….”
A moment of pause….
“What…. What……. What……..?” Arnav said in such a loud voice that the customers surrounding them looked at them with surprise.