HAPPINESS - 83 in English Poems by Darshita Babubhai Shah books and stories PDF | HAPPINESS - 83

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Krishna played Raas with Radha on the banks of Yamuna.

Sakhi Sahiyar Krishna Raas Khele with Radha ll


In Vrindavan, the love addict forgets his good intentions.

Gop Gopis played Krishna Raas with Radha.



drinking jam madly

I am living in my own rhythm.


Let's just live whatever happens.

Looks like a torn liver.


Lest he sit down sulking.

I am afraid to say anything


Look at those who walk arrogantly.

Those who have remained wherever they were.


Alone we are not alone.

He too has been in loneliness.



Don't harbor hatred in your chest.

Avoid arguments as much as possible


Even if there is a possibility of dispute.

Get used to staying away.


You will stumble at every step.

move carefully towards the destination


By interacting with each other

Follow me like this in the morning and evening.


Anyway, you are like a pink rose.

Don't do it you red cheeks ll



This love is not easy; walk carefully on these paths.

So, make a deal of your heart only after thinking carefully.


The deceitful people of this world have become very dishonest.

Neither let yourself be deceived nor let anyone else deceive you.


Keep loving with true heart as you are.

Don't be fooled by your truths.


Don't lose sight of your love while walking like this.

Die only for someone who is ready to die for you.


All accounts will have to be given on the day of judgement.

Only the unknown, unseen supreme power must be feared.



Memories of days gone by keep coming back.

It snatches away the peace and tranquility of the heart.


We used to sit on the terrace for hours holding hands.

It brings yearning and pity to the eyes and lips.


Then give fresh wounds to those moments.

Who knows what comfort Nigodi gets?


Loneliness and long separation from lover.

There is only one wick to burn while alive.


Humming together in love

She sings forgotten songs in a sweet voice.



The journey of life has made me wise.

I have taught you how to live a good life.


Neither have any grudges nor any complaints against anyone.

I have played whatever character I got.


Facing difficulties at every turn.

I have hidden my pain and sorrow inside in silence.


Friends, remain filled with the same sense of belonging throughout your life.

Even our own people have treated us like unfaithful people.


The colors of the people of the world are so reflected that l

I have erased all traces of names from my heart and mind.



What happened when I met a stranger, I felt confused.

What happened to the grace of two eyes, what became the mess of the soul.


It is not sorrow that robs the heart, it is the disease of the whole life.

What's the rebellion in love? What's the problem?


If only my friend is visible to me while sleeping and waking up day and night.

What happened before praying to God? What happened in the world?


We will have to go out again in search of the friend of life.

What is the guarantee of giving life, what is the problem of life?


Please pray that this time it will be seen O friend, listen.

What was the gathering in the gathering, what was the mess.



It would have been better if we had not met on the rooftop.

It would have been better if love had never started.


At the time of entering the house full of love.

It would have been better if there was no wedding of stars.


Today at the time of first meeting, in the prostration of Hushan.

It would have been better if there was no night of wishes.


With the confluence of two souls, four unknowingly

It would have been better if I had not been ambushed by eye contact.


In the promise of living together with each other.

It would have been better if the universe had not been ruined.



Hold your hand and set out with your happiness.

May you always move forward with the passing of time.


The people of the world will not support you, they will make fun of your helplessness.

If you want to cry to lighten your mood, cry inside.


Even by mistake someone's heart falls in love.

When we are happy for a little bit, we get new pain.


I have lost my senses in this infinite love.

A heart and a heart that have their roots entangled in their soul.


Love and affection cannot be bought.

Fly with love as much as possible on your own strength.


Understand that the direction of the wind depends on its speed.

Fight the upcoming battles of life with a smile.



Let's start a new journey.

Let's meet again with an open heart.


Today, after erasing all the grudges,

Whatever happens, let's talk to each other.


Moisture in tone and sweetness in words.

Illuminate the universe with all your heart.


Try today with all your heart and soul.

Pray now with peace and tranquility.


It should come out in full bloom.

Let it rain with love and prayers.



hate it or love it

Whatever you do, accept it.


For the trouble to come.

prepare yourself ll


For two moments of happiness.

Friend, just give me a glance.


Live life with an open mind.

Don't waste your life


Remove the cover of helplessness.

remember with true heart



Don't stay away even if you are in front of me.

Don't make your heart helpless like this.


Love should be true and pure.

Live freely to your heart's content.


Today let us drink with God.

Siya Jigar from a jug ll


Listen, enlarge the shop of your heart.

Give to the little ones with open arms.


At parties with friends

Drink with respect for the moments.


Always a friend for peace of mind.

Keep up the blessings of Wise.




What happened that Sanam turned out to be unfaithful?

More enemies, less friends.


There is a smile on the lips of show off.

Whenever you look, your eyes will become moist.


When did happiness knock?

My whole life will be spent in agony and sorrow.


You will never leave your hand in the journey.

These hearts turned out to be illusions of the mind.


How long have you had high hopes?

Dreams and desires will come true


Neither did I sit next to you nor did we talk to you.

We left the door dejected.


What was to be written was not written in the letter.

Friends, Nigodi, the pen will turn out to be heartless.

When I saw the jam, my thirst increased.

When thirst increases, hope increases.


As soon as the spring season arrives

The quantity of memories has increased.


If someone keeps feeding me with love.

Drinking increases lust even more.


Just by the thought of meeting.

A sweet laughter increased in the liver.


May the words be filled with joy.

The joy of words increased in ghazals.


Emotions took hold in dreams.

Then there will be happiness in the hearts and minds.


What happened to Hushn Do Ghouri?

Lo the buds of desire smiled ll


The idiot is very mischievous and mischievous.

My heart went out of control and I raised my eyes.


If the shadows are following you with your eyes,

I risked my life in extreme excitement


Love is a very beautiful thing.

Tell me in reply how you will compensate.



The story of first love is amazing.

unique meeting with love ll


As soon as our eyes met,

The magic of the eyes is amazing.


In the pleasant journey of life.

The universe of love is unique


The moon faces the stars.

This night of meeting is wonderful.


Pure breasts, oh full of love.

The gift of soul is unique ll



If you are alone then what is the problem?

We are very happy.


Still the matter is memorized.

There is power in style and statement.


In a state of silence

There is chaos in Fizzao.


To moments immersed in love.

Even if we win, that's less.


Namabar returned the letter.

My lips are silent and my eyes are moist.
