Tales of Love - Ep-11 in English Love Stories by Dona Das books and stories PDF | Tales of Love - Ep-11

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Tales of Love - Ep-11

The bell rang and our teacher entered the class. The captain submitted the homework to him.
"Today, we won't do regular lessons. I will ask you the same question you have written in your copies."
Everyone was surprised by his sudden change. Why do they have to tell the answers if they have already written it.
"You stand up. Tell me what is the reason for Jimmy Valentine's sudden change of character or tell me about the conversation of the character of the protagonist in the story Jimmy Valentine."

The student gives a proper textbook answer as everyone wants.
"Yes indeed it's correct but don't get nervous next time. Cause it shows that you clearly memorized it."
"Next, next"
He was pulling out a notebook randomly and asking the owner of them to answer. Now one of them was also Puja's.
"Yes, Puja Mitra. Answer it."
She answered it in the native language.
"No. It's an English class so you have to answer it in English."
"Sir I wrote it in the notebook. Isn't it enough?"
"You wrote it in the copies then what's the problem with telling the answer? Did you copy it from somewhere?"
"No actually I can write it if you want me but while answering my mind went blank whenever I tried so I can't please."
"Hm , I see. The problem is your IQ you are fearing the language right?"
A long silence took place in the whole class.Just then the bell rang and students were eager to come out of the class cause it was launch break.

"Okey everyone whoever has the same problem as her can come and take my help. My offer still stands."
Puja was a little upset. Not just because she couldn't answer but because she couldn't answer before him. She doesn't want him to think that she is dumb. Which is absurd, but still she is just a teenager.
According to Ariyan's instructions Puja waited after school. She was hoping maybe he will also help her with this. She came to the library to take some books and then she will go to the teachers office.
She stepped in and was shocked to see a figure there. The English teacher was sitting there. The golden sunlight of the afternoon sun was coming from behind him ( from the window). The aura of him was mesmerizing. The light brize was coming from the window, his glasses were shining and it was a worth seeing sight. Puja was stunned and felt a strange thing in her heart. It's like the time froze for them.
It's like the time from 4.30 to 5.00pm was reserved for them everyday. Strangely Puja was glad no one sees that sight of him except her. He seems to become more handsome now.
She ran home and started to write something in her diary "To My Teacher".