The frog Prince in English Love Stories by Roma Rawat books and stories PDF | The frog prince

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The frog prince

Once upon a time in a lush, verdant kingdom, there resided a young princess named Isabella. She adored spending her days wandering through the palace gardens, cherishing the beauty of nature. However, she felt lonely as she had no siblings to share her adventures with.

One warm afternoon, while playing near a shimmering pond in the royal gardens, Isabella's favorite golden ball slipped from her grasp and plopped into the water with a soft splash. Distressed, she watched it sink into the depths. As tears welled in her eyes, a croaky voice interrupted her sorrow.

"Princess, why do you weep?" croaked the voice.

Startled, Isabella glanced around and spotted a frog with glistening green skin perched on a lily pad. Wiping her tears away, she explained her plight – her beloved ball had fallen into the pond, and she couldn't retrieve it.

"I can retrieve your ball," the frog croaked, "but in return, I ask for your friendship. Let me accompany you, dine at your table, and sleep in your palace."

Desperate to retrieve her ball, Isabella hastily agreed. The frog dived into the pond, emerging moments later, ball in hand. Overjoyed, she promised to uphold her end of the bargain, albeit reluctantly.

As the sun set, the princess returned to the palace, leaving the frog behind. To her surprise, a gentle knock echoed through the corridors. Opening the door, she found the frog, eager to join her for dinner. Though hesitant, Isabella kept her word and allowed the frog to dine beside her.

During the meal, the frog entertained Isabella with amusing tales and witty conversations, slowly charming his way into her heart. Despite his appearance, she discovered a kindred spirit in him.

As the days passed, the princess and the frog spent time together, forming an unexpected bond. They strolled in the gardens, shared stories, and developed a genuine friendship. The frog's amiable nature dissolved Isabella's initial reluctance, and she began to appreciate his company.

One night, while seated by the pond, the frog confided in Isabella about a spell that had transformed him from a prince into a frog. He revealed that only a true friend's genuine acceptance could break the curse and restore his human form.

Moved by his honesty and touched by their growing friendship, Isabella promised to help him break the enchantment. She kissed the frog on the cheek, and in that moment, a dazzling light enveloped them both. The frog transformed into a handsome prince, his true form revealed.

Grateful and elated, the prince thanked Isabella for her unwavering friendship and loyalty. He explained that an evil sorceress had cursed him, and only a genuine friend's acceptance and kindness could break the spell.

With the curse lifted, the prince invited Isabella to his kingdom, where they would rule together. Overwhelmed by joy, Isabella agreed, and together they embarked on a journey to the prince's realm.

Their union was celebrated with grand festivities, and Isabella became a beloved queen in the prince's kingdom. They ruled with compassion, spreading happiness and goodwill throughout the land.

Their story echoed across the realms, a testament to the power of friendship, kindness, and the belief that true beauty lies within, transcending outward appearances. And thus, the Princess and the Frog Prince reigned together, their love and friendship a beacon of hope for generations to come.