I Need You Forever - 2 in English Love Stories by Sanjay Kumar books and stories PDF | I Need You Forever - 2

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I Need You Forever - 2

She reads all the questions calmly.
Her expression remains the same even after
reading those rare questions. She folds the paper back and keeps with herself in her left hand.

As soon as she looks at Rahul, She notices his face is covered in sweat again.
Rahul is completely confused and overwhelmed.
He asks: "Excuse me, I need a break ".
She responds "Yeah, please".

And he immediately rushes towards the washroom.

Inside the washroom:
He walks up to the urinal, taking the spot next to a middle-aged man who is already using the urinal to his left. The man appears to be short, bald, and somewhat fat. Rahul unzips his pants and begins to urinate, feeling a sense of relief as the pressure in his bladder reduces.

The chubby man on his left is looking for the flush button, but he can't find it, because the urinal has an automatic flush system with a sensor. He can see the sensor only with red light. He is confused now, he is trying to push the sensor thinking it is the flush button, but he is not able to push it, as you already know it is not the flush button it is just a sensor.

The man: "Excuse me"

Rahul turns to him.

The man: "Do you know how to flush this"?

Rahul smiles and says:
"You don't need to do anything, just move away from the urinal and it will flush by itself."

The guy takes 2 steps back and moves away.

As he does that. He sees the
The red light of the sensor turns into blue and the urinal gets flushed automatically. After the flush is done, the blue light of the sensor turns into green.

He is completely amazed now, after seeing the urinal gets flushed by itself.🙆‍♂️

He is happy and amazed at once. He starts laughing loudly with joy and happiness. Just after a few seconds, he realizes that there are a few people around him and all of a sudden he stops laughing. He looks around and he sees 4 people present there in the washroom staring at him with annoying expressions.

Rahul is finished now. He zips up his pants
And moves towards the sink to wash his hands.

The chubby and funny man is leaving the washroom as he is already feeling awkward after laughing loudly.

Rahul notices him living the washroom.

Rahul: " O Hello, excuse me, uncle."

The man stops and turns back with a smile on his chubby face. All of his teeth are visible while smiling.

The Man awkwardly :
"Yes, young man, what can I do for you?"

Rahul: "I just wanted to say that it's okay to laugh and be happy. It's good to see someone enjoying life like you."

The man's smile widens, and he blushes a little.

The Man says ecstatically :
"Thank you, young man. You made my day."

The funny man is leaving the washroom happily again.

Rahul calls him again: "Hello, excuse me, uncle."

The man stops and turns back again with the same smile on his chubby face, again all of his teeth are visible while smiling.

The man: "Now, what happened my son"?

Rahul asks him as he is his boss: Please wash your hands before you leave, you care about the urinal's flush but what about your hand's flush?

The man's smile fades away a little, and he realizes that he forgot to wash his hands. He quickly walks back to the sink turns on the tap and starts washing his hands. Now he is collecting the soap oil from the dispenser which is attached to the sink wall.

Rahul is still washing his hands there on his right.

The chubby guy is trying to hide his awkwardness.

Man: "Thank you for reminding me, young man. You're right, hygiene is important."

Rahul smiles at him and nods his head.
They are looking into each other's eyes now.

Rahul realizes that the man had called him "son."

Rahul: By the way uncle, I am not your son.

The man chuckles and scratches his head, embarrassed by his mistake.

The Man: "Oh, sorry about that. I guess I'm getting old and forgetful."

Rahul laughs and pats the man's back reassuringly.

Rahul: "No worries, uncle. We all make mistakes. It's okay."

Now they are done with their handwash,
And turns back towards the exit to leave.

But they both find out that Ritika is standing there.

The funny and chubby man gets shocked, as he sees Ritika standing there in front of them out of the blue.

The chubby man asks her very politely:
"Excuse me, Ma'am, is there anything wrong with your eyes or did you forget your glasses"?

Ritika responds normally :
No, I don't have anything wrong with my eyes nor have I forgotten my glasses.

The chubby man In a playful tone:
Ma'am, then I am sure you are aware of the fact that right now, you are standing in the men's washroom.

Yes Mr, I am 100 and 10% aware of what you just said. So what's wrong with this?

The chubby man chuckles and responds:

"Well, technically speaking. there's nothing wrong, however, it's quite unusual to see a woman in the men's washroom,

Ritika's expression turns serious and she says firmly:
"Excuse me, could you please mind your own business and leave if you're done?

The man leaves the washroom mumbling: "Nowadays, people have become very strange and rude."

Now, there is nobody in the washroom except Rahul and Ritika.

Rahul asks curiously.
The guy was right. What are you doing here in the men's washroom? Are you following me?"

Ritika responds in a serious tone:
"Well, you can say I am following you. But, Mr Rahul Kumar Aryan, I am here to let you know that the conference speakers met with a car accident and this conference has been called off."

Rahul notices that Ritika still has the folded piece of paper in her left hand, as you already know, some rare questions are written on it.

He asks in a sad tone while maintaining his gaze on her hands:
"Who told you?"

Ritika replies in a mild tone while looking straight into his eyes:
"One of the staff members just announced that the conference has been cancelled due to an unexpected occurrence, and everybody is left.

Rahul: "Ohh Ok, I should also leave for home then. Bye, have a nice day it was a pleasure meeting you Ritika ji."

Rahul moves his Right hand to her for a handshake.
She also moves her hand for it. They both shake their hands and look at each other Ritika smiles but Rahul doesn't.

Ritika asks Rahul jokingly.
"By the way, do you ever smile or not?"

He replies in a sad tone:
Not at all since that day.

Ritika's expression turns serious and a little concerned as well.
"What do you mean by, since that day? what happened"?

"There's a long story about it". Rahul replies.

Then, I assume you are here in search of that smile.

Yes, but bad luck this conference has been already cancelled.

As soon as Rahul completes his sentence
A middle-aged guy enters the washroom in white paint and a white shirt, he is a little dark, about 6.2 feet tall, fat and has a huge thick moustache that looks like a South Indian.