I Need You Forever - 1 in English Love Stories by Sanjay Kumar books and stories PDF | I Need You Forever - 1

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I Need You Forever - 1

At 10 in the morning, 100 people are sitting in the conference hall, which has seats for about 200 people, so half of the seats are vacant. Of the people present, about 40% are men and 60% are women. Most couples are sitting about 1 meter apart from other couples to have their private talks. Additionally, there are some young students in their mid-twenties sitting together and whispering to each other. One guy, who is 6 feet tall, young and fit like a film star has a fascinating hairstyle and a clean-shaven face. He is wearing a round-neck blue t-shirt and jeans sitting alone, he seems to be too worried.

He is looking at the questions that he has noted down on a piece of paper. "The handsome guy looks around nervously and realizes that a woman is already staring at him, sitting about 5 seats apart on his left. She is very attractive with her long curly hair and glowing complexion. Her smile is warm and friendly, her eyes are bright and engaging. The woman smiles gently the moment they meet eye to eye. The nervous man becomes more nervous after eye contact with that beautiful woman. He breaks the eye contact within 3 seconds and starts looking back at that piece of paper which is in his handwritten few questions.

After 5 seconds the man again looks towards that woman and finds her still staring at him smiling gently,
this time he doesn't take even 2 seconds and starts looking back at the piece of paper again which is still in his hand.

Now the tall guy has butterflies in his stomach and is excited, all at once. His face is covered in sweat due to nervousness.
He takes out a handkerchief from his right
the pocket of the jeans, and wipes off his
face and put it back to the left pocket, not the right one.
After 5 seconds the guy slowly looks towards the beautiful woman again to make sure if she is still staring at him.
He finds her still staring at him with a gentle smile on her face.

This time, he again breaks the eye contact within a second. Then, he takes out his basic and outdated smartphone from his pocket, which doesn't have a fingerprint feature. He types in the four-digit code '2525' to unlock the phone, and quickly clicks on Facebook app and starts scrolling. This time when he looks to his left, he finds the same beautiful woman sitting next to him in the seat that was vacant just a minute ago.

The lady who is sitting next to him is wearing a pink saree and matching pink blouse, with her curly hair left open. She has a dark, flat mole in the centre of her fair neck that makes her even more stunning.

His face is covered in sweat again as he notices that same stunning lady with a gentle smile is sitting right beside him on his left barely one foot away. now she is just 1 foot away as she was 5 seats away a minute ago He takes out his handcrichif from his left pocket and wipes off his face.

She places her right hand gently on his left shoulder.
And she asks him very politely.
"Excuse me, Are you okay? Is everything all right?."

The boy looks at her and responds.
"yeah, yeah, I am alright, everything is fine.'' He responds hesitantly.

Her right hand is still on his left shoulder.
" May I know your name, please? if you don't mind"
she asked very politely. He tells her his name
" I am Rahul, Rahul Kumar Arya"
he is still hesitant to say his name.

The lady gets closer to his face and says in a mild tone.

"Mr Arya, I can read your face and eyes, and I don't think you are alright." the woman notices the piece of paper which is still in his hand.
Rahul nervously and hesitantly asks her name, "May I know your name"?
"Ritika, I am Ritika Sharma".

She is slowly trying to take the piece of paper
Maintaining the eye contact with him and a mild smile on her face.

Rahul looks very confused and pulls his hand away to prevent it. He hesitantly doesn't want to give the paper to her.
And he starts looking down on the ground.

She asks him. "Rahul, look at me, " with very calm voice.

Rahul looks at her.

She is looking into his eyes. She takes 2 seconds pause, takes a deep breath and says. " Trust me"

Rahul is still confused and frozen, and he is looking at the flat mole in the middle of her fair and stunning neck.

She is trying to grab the piece of paper again from his hand.
This time Rahul doesn't pull his hand away and let her take the piece of paper.

Now the paper is in her hand, it is folded. She unfolds it slowly.
Rahul becomes even more nervous now, looking at her face and thinking that how she would react after reading those questions.
She reads all the questions calmly.
Her expression remains the same even after
reading those rare questions. She folds the paper back and keeps with herself in her left hand.

As soon as she looks at Rahul, She notices his face is covered in sweat again.
Rahul is completely confused and overwhelmed.
He asks: "Excuse me, I need a break ".
She responds "Yeah, please".

And he immediately rushes towards the washroom.