The Alien Panic Button in English Motivational Stories by Sathyanarayanan K books and stories PDF | The Alien Panic Button

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The Alien Panic Button

When you have travelled in Metro often , a few times , occasionally or atleast once then you might have noticed a button that will help you communicate with the metro loco pilot. This is the emergency button, if in emergency the button is pressed, pilot will stop the vehicle , open the doors of the metro and/or take appropriate actions. The emergency button when pressed will lead to punishment ie penalty, however when pressed in real emergency will save live(s). We have seen the button, we remember it vididly and joke about the button with our friends. However the question is, how many remember to press the button in case of emergency. This button has become alien to us, hence become an Alien Panic button.

The Alien Panic button may not be relevant most of the times, as emergencies are rare or occurance far and between. Are we prepared for occurance that may or may not occur to us or someone in the surroundings. Let me tell a positive story.

The story of a women struck in metro, saved by the panic button.
A women along with her children waited for the metro train in the Suburbans of Delhi. As the train arrived, she boarded it, thinking her children had boarded it too. However as the children did not board the train, she went back to the platform. Sadly her saree get caught in the train doors. She was horrified, along the horrified onlookers, who wouldn't do anything as the train was speeding away.

Lets pause the story for a second, if you were in the train, next to the door, the lady is trapped, then what would you do save her. Will you shout for help or press the emergency/panic button? If you are closer to the button than others,then it would make sense to press the button rather than shout for help. However if you were farther away than others then shouting for help may appear to be only action that will save the person in time. This may become counter productive, as others may not know what to do save the person. Even 10-20 seconds may be too late for the person. Thus specific instructions to press the emergency button and ask for help in a calm would result in saving the life. Let's back to the story.
A person watching the scenario immediately pressed the emergency button,to contact the loca pilot of the ladies's saree struck in the door. The pilot applies the break, opens the metro door and lady is saved. The mother goes to her children, a husband has not lost his wife, parents her daughter, grandparents her granddaughter and children her mother. Happily ever after.

Alas if you want to postive story, please don't read this.

The story has an negative ending of death, as emergency button became an Alien panic button, we freeze when faced with an sudden emergency. This story is a real event that happened in Delhi Metro on 14th December, 2023 . It lead to the unfortunate departing of a soul on 16th December,2023. I wish no lives are lost due to panic to press the emergency button and ask for help. This would save a lives. Unfortunately the emergency button remains a alien panic button. As the instructions say near the emergency button that missuse may result in penalties, however is there enough instructions to how to use it in case of emergency. In case the emergency button can be accessed after breaking the glass. Still to press the emergency button, we need press the emergency button unconsciously, for which we need safety drills. The need safety drills and what should be done in case of emergencies must be instilled for our children and we need to learn the same in case of an emergency. This will save lives of our loved ones or someone. Let's not hesitate to press the emergency button and seek the help that will save lives.