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The Angel Inside - 49 - Parting ways

Jay's POV

"Let's Divorce."

I felt the land slipping away beneath my feet. Betrayal was a better word to define it. All this time she was planning to break away from me. She looked at me devoid of any emotion. As if she wanted me to believe her words, but I didn't.

Jay: I think you are really tired. You should get some sleep we'll talk in the morning.

With that I left upstairs to my room without another word. Though I had asked her to get some sleep I knew for sure we both weren't gonna get any.

My brain had been thinking nuts. Going through every possibility of her finding someone better and eligible than me. Where was I lacking? Though we both were busy in our professional lives, but in the end of the day we found solace in each other.

There had been ample of pictures circulating on the internet about Amy dating renowned businessmen and celebrities. But I had turned an blind eye on everything. Cause I trusted her which had now started to falter with my overthinking.

Unknowingly my eyes had started to teared up that had cascaded down to my cheeks. It felt numb. I sniffed to stop my running nose. But hell I was an emotional freak. And those silly tears won't stop. The night passed while I was awake till morning. I hoped this was a nightmare. Or Amy was actually tired and would want to change her decesion.

I stayed in bed motionless in the dark, the only source of light was the faint diffused rays of the moon and within the nick of time the faint white rays became golden. I glanced at my clock. It was 7 in the morning. I should have been ready to leave for hospital but I didn't wanted to go today.

Going inside the bathroom all I could do was wash my face and brush my teeth. Pushing my hairs back to look tidy I went downstairs where she was already in her formals, her face like yesterday. Emotionless.

She had an envelope kept on the table and I feared if they were divorce papers. My slow footsteps had caught her attention and unconsciously our eyes locked.

The next moment she looked away, maybe she spotted my eyes being red and puffy. She sat on the chair just like yesterday.

Jay: Let's talk.

My voice sounded hoarse. Everytime it was her who would peer into my eyes and would make me flustered. But this time it was me trying to desperately look for answers. And I knew she was struggling not to spill her feelings.

I stepped forward close to her and stood nearby her chair. My figure towering over hers.

Jay: Why?

It came out like a plead.

Amy: You see. It was your decision to marry me in the first place. So now I am done with it.

She didn't looked in my eyes like before. And her words came out monotonous.

Jay: you didn't look at me. And if I planned to get married then isn't it my choice if I want divorce or not.

I voiced out. My fingers touched her jaw slowly lifiting her face to me. I could sense her blank expression wavering. I knew it well that she had noticed my puffy and red eyes. She gulped and blinked away.

Amy: Doctor. There's nothing left between us.

She was really testing my patience.

Jay: How did everything vanish in a month? What do I need to fix?

Amy: There's nothing to fix.

Jay: Reason?

I emphasized.

Amy: I am bored and done with this relationship.

I cocked a brow at her bringing my face closer to hers.

Jay: And that doesn't allow you to dismiss this conversation.

My word came out stern while my eyes locked onto hers, noticing how her irises trembled with minor facial expressions that she was desperately trying to hide. I knew she wasn't even breathing when I was so much close to her. I was intimidating.

She looked away as her hands pushed to my chest making me back away, she stood up from the chair releasing a long sigh back facing me and it irked me.

Jay: What is it, Amy? If something is bothering you, why don't you just confront me?

She snapped back looking at me, taking predatory and calculated steps, her arms landing on either sides of the edge of the table, caging me in between. In reflex, my hands gripped the table for support while my back leaning against it.

Amy: I thought you would easily agree, but you know what? Let me tell you something.

She leaned near my ear and backed away looking at me in the eyes. This time there was something dark and malicious lurking in her eyes. The trembles in her irises had disappeared. She smirked noticing the surprise on my face.

Amy: You know what Connor. Our worlds don't match. Have you seen yourself in the mirror? Do you think I or anybody will marry someone like you? A nerd?

She was the same woman who had told me to see an eye doctor because I criticised myself, was insecure. My nightmare had seemed to come true. I felt my heart shredding. She was hurting me.

Amy: It was you in the first place wanting to get rid off my step-sister. I just used you, same like you did.

I felt her words stabbing me in the gut. Though she was stating me facts.

Jay: But you didn't use me. You never revealed our relationship.

Her chuckle dripped in sarcasm and malice.

Amy: I think I had enough of hype, having your rumours as my 'to be fiancee'. Stalkers putting up posts about me being Mrs. Connor. People did went bonkers, crazy enough to hack your phone multiple times, stalk you every now and then.

She continued with that wicked smirk of hers. I could feel the tears penetrating to spill. She was breaking me at each word. My breaths turned harsh. My heartbeats thumping against my ribcage. She didn't want me.

I tried to resist my sobs. She wasn't the one who would stare at me as if I meant the world to her. Her menacing tone felt like knives. I wanted to run away, hide my vulnerable state. But being trapped in between her arms made me helpless.

I needed to have courage. She was right in the end. Our worlds didn't match. I wanted her in my arms for the last time. I pulled her towards me, making her collide against me. I burried my face in the crook of her neck. My hands making it's way to her waist.

Exhaling a long sigh, I didn't bothered to move, her arms still stayed on my sides, I knew she was caught off-guard. I felt her freeze. My silent tears smeared on her bare collarbone. My tear stains ruining her silk shirt. Snuggling even more, I held her waist even tighter.

All I could feel was her heartbeat against my body. It felt louder and faster. Few minutes had passed by, and I wasn't willing to leave her.

Jay: Can't we do something about it? I promise I'll do everything you ask for. Just tell me. I will fix everything you don't find compelling enough.

I mumbled in her ear. I knew I was being Pathetic. Miserable. Putting all my dignity, Ego, and Self Respect at her feet. Crushing every obligation that I wondered would bother her.

There was again an toturing silence, and I heard her sigh.

Amy: Connor, stop being miserable. Begging me won't change the decesion. I stated what I wanted. The papers are on the table, sign them I'll be back in the evening for my stuff. Till then, mend yourself and sign them.

With that she pushed me away. Amy's voice was filled with venom, bitterness and disgust. She can't do that to me! I wanted to scream, my blood boiled. How dare she thought I was some playstuff that she would use and throw! My contrasting and irrational thoughts bashed, heart throbbing with pain and anguish.

Jay: I won't sign them!

I retorted.

Amy: Fine then, I gotta be using my own ways and make sure. You will sign them.

Her words were monotonous and plain, with that she turned her heels away, walking to the door and leaving me dilemma.

I unconsciously grabbed the envelope, gaze skimming through the bold letters that had my bile rising to the throat which I gulped. Finally looking at the bottom of it I spotted Amy's signature in the corner.

Devestated. That's what I felt. She must had hired a lawyer to make those before a month or two. Was she this desperate to set me off? My legs felt weak, my knees giving up the strength making me fall to the floor.

Author's POV

It was 10 in the night, Amy's thoughts had been roaming around her husband. She couldn't focus at work. She wasn't able to push away Jay's wrecked figure from her mind. She could still feel tingles of Jay's breaths hitting her skin, his tears and lips touching her bare skin. How much her hands craved to hold Jay in her arms, tangle his locks in her fingers. She felt pain, the same pain which was instigated by her.

But it was for the better. She didn't wanted Jay to face any trouble in future because of her. She had returned back to the house. The place that was once her home now felt like four walls and a roof. She entered inside through the spare key. The place was dark, her eyes desperately wanting to spot the figure of her husband.

Finally she found him in the backyard calmy drinking his coffee in the dark. With a few dim lights illuminating the lawn. Her feet dragged her to the place her heart feeling heavy on what was about to come. He was sitting on the couch back facing her. His gaze lingering on the small garden that he would cherish.

Jay: I see you are back for your stuff, gather them, I'll hand you the papers.

He spoke without looking at her. His voice was plain and it felt like needles to her. She silently left upstairs gathering her minimal clothes that she used. As most of the stuff stayed in Divas'. She was back down stairs. Dragging her suitcase on wheels to the drawing room.

She spotted Jay standing near the table holding a pen as the plain white papers with dark text printed appeared lifeless on the table. She could visibly notice his hands trembling to sign them. But then he had braced himself to have the guts to sign them and set her free.

Pushing the papers back in the envelope, his gaze remained stuck on it. He didn't looked at her. He slided off the ring from his ring finger, the silver ring that added charms to his long veiny hand was now set loose. He placed the ring in the envelope.

Jay: Never knew you were this desperate to get rid off of me, Ms. Ash.

Her heart felt heavy. Jay never used her other name. It was the first time he had used it. Finally he lifted his gaze to her, clasping the envelope he took slow steps towards her. Finally extending the envelope, he had handed it to her. He was a step away from her.

But soon enough he closed that distance too. His fingers reached for her jaw, leaning closer his lips landed on her cheek.

Did he just kissed her?!

She was speechless. Her breath hitched.

He pulled away as his once warm fingers on her jaw had parted away with lingering coldness. His gaze locked with hers. All she could see was coldness, disgust and hatred. It charred her heart.

Jay: You see. You had did me a favour on our wedding. And I don't like to keep favours. I hope to never see you again. Leave.

Amy was bewildered, totally numb. The coldness, hatred and irritation in his voice poked her insides. She couldn't handle it. Having a hold on the internal storm she walked away to the door. She didn't look back. She couldn't, she didn't deserved it. Her eyes pricked with tears that cascaded down to her cheek, but she didn't care to wipe them away.

Hey guys, I'm back with another update. Took me long to get back on the track. Hope you liked the episode. Keep supporting and sharing your views in the comments.
Thank you 💜
Peace ✌️ 🕊️