Philosophy Of Today World in English Short Stories by Kamal Jan books and stories PDF | Philosophy Of Today World

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Philosophy Of Today World

have you ever imagined how the world is changing and where it is going ,
well its me mohd kamal an physiologist which seek those people who struggling about life,i am blessing to sharing you an interesting topic "the philosophy of this world "before i share my experience let me to recape you the theory about leadership called "contegency theory"which is proposed by austrian physiologist in 1964 ,"fred edward fielder"in this theory he emphasis the that a person should be adoptive it means a good leader are always change with the situation and time ultimately those succeed in life.
now, the question arises here. Well, this theory is applicable in this era of the era of technology 🤔?where technology changed everything, way of doing work,way of interaction, behaviour, and also the way of thinking.
the answer is absolutely yes .
we have seen in our society some people getting rich and rich and never they look back why?and also we have seen people in society straggling but they isn't comes in end as successful and also we seen people who were succeed people in past 2 3 year but they isn't today ..all these question revolves around that words "adoptive"and the successful clearly known it and unfortunately majority don't know about it.
i have seen people do hard work and struggle but they didn't get at what expected accordingly to physiologist majority people just think and make a planing about upcoming 2 3year but the succed people keep therself according to enviornment and always make a long term planning which takes them higher and higher .how they do that ,its simple start from today start to compare your today activities ,way of thinking to your past 2 3 year works and strategyes,it would helps you to point out your weakness.succed people sliently do work and they work on therself which make them flexible in every environment doesn't matter whatever environment are like that .
i recall you what brocee Lee said
be like a water what it meant, it simply meant you should be like water ,you should be adoptive, whatever in any environment you supposed to work .a water had characteristics that it will be galss when it put in glass ,it will be pot when it put into pot,samelike you should need to prepare for every condition either favourable or unfavourable for you.a successful person always welocme challenges instead of avoiding challenging ,that makes them perfecf and perfect while a person who always seek an easy work ultimately failed .so,u should know what shoulf u need to do ,think like an artist and copy things again and again so at last you have your own new skill which makes u most compitable among all .sucees is not an difficult, it looks a piece if cap when you believe youself ,blive makes u difference and always remember challenges make u monster so,always stay in first line to accept challenges.i hope u guys get whatever i said and hope now u will not a same as what before .#thnksueveryone.