Sleepovers Aren't Just For Girls ! in English Short Stories by Mr Gray books and stories PDF | Sleepovers Aren't Just For Girls !

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Sleepovers Aren't Just For Girls !

I want to confess my crazy days when I was doing my CA Study. I have joined CA just because my two bestfriends have joined CA. Let me introduce my gang- Myself Nikita, Anamika and Bhoomi.

We three have been together since 2nd standard in school. In CA coaching class, we met Manthan. And we become a gang of four. You know the kind of group of four best friends. No emotional drama, and too much fun and masti where you erase the difference between boy girls. You treat each other like a Bro.

My best time was the sleep over nights where we three girls - Me, Anamika and Bhoomi gather to one's home and talks late night and play games, mostly at Anamika’s home.

We all three are best friends but me and Anamika are more close best friends. Bhoomi is little closed and conservative like aunties, and that’s why we call her AuntyJi. Actually it’s her parents and Guruji who made her like this. She is strict follower to her religion. While we had no rules, we were just flowing with the flow and finding our self in our own ways.

These sleepovers have played major role in my life for what I am today. It was a sleepover which made me realize I could feel both way- whola – I am bisexual. One night, Anamika was alone at her home, she asked for sleep over to us. Bhoomi denied as she has satsang at her home. So I went alone to her home. As we stayed up till late night, we woke up very late in morning. We were running out of time for morning class. To make it hurry, we both went to bath together as she have very big bathroom- just like hotels. I was scratching my back, and Anamika asked to help. I nodded in yes. And while scratching my back, accidently she touched my breast. That was the moment. I felt lark in my body. I got Goosebumps over my hand and shivered like a sudden electric shock. We both laughed hard, she asked what happened? And I just kissed her without uttering any word. Very soon we get back to normal mood as we were getting late for class. And that’s the moment we find out together that we could feel both way.

It was a Saturday Evening, I and Anamika were just hanging on my terrace. Anamika get call from her father that they are leaving to Rajkot Plant in a hour and asked her to join if she wish as its weekend. But Anamika denied as always. She hates travelling with her parents on business because her parents get busy with work and she get bore alone doing nothing. I was listing her talk, as she ended call, I asked her – Let’s do sleepover tonight. She replied – Yay, It’s been long time. Ask Bhoomi. Bhoomi said no cause of satsang as always.

Anamika- “What we will do two alone yar ? Bhoomi can’t do this every time yar.”

Me- “Chhod usko yar, mere ko kuchh nai bolna . Sallli Miss. Cancel.”

Anamika- “Fine. Cancel it.”

Me- “Wait wait, What if we don’t cancel and invite Manthan for sleep over? Howz that?”

Anamika looked a little unsure.

“Hmm, it’s always been just the three of us. Are you sure you want to invite Manthan?”

“I am not much sure, that’s why I am asking you. May be it can be fun.”

She smirk and giggled – “ ooo fun.. I see…Aren’t you to inviting him because you’re curious about the size of his cock?”

“And you’re not?”

Wait.. Wait.. There is a incident behind this cock size I forgot to tell you guys.

It was Anamika’s Birthday just one month back. We four went to Water Park for celebration. We enjoyed very lot there. Bhoomi is very timid. She deny for every rides. And we wanted to try each rides.

It was a group ride of four participants only. We forcefully take her to ride. We have to seat in an open tube ring together. It was big round tube. We sat together and hold the handle. Seating arrangement was such that we all were facing each other’s face in circle; our legs were over each other. Ride had 4 Up and 4 Downs sliding, and these sliding were so fast and forced that we all lost balance and fall on each other. On first up sliding, Anamika Fall on Manthan, coming down, Manthan fall on Anamika and Bhoomi fall on me. While second up sliding, Bhoomi fall on Anamika, me on Manthan. This falling on each other continues for 4 ups and 4 downs. During this falling, I felt Manthan’s hard dick on me.

After that ride, we went for waves – if you have visited Water Park, you might know about these waves in pool. It’s just like tide waves in sea. It’s really too much fun. Bhoomi stayed at very starting point due to her fear. We three went up to middle. As crowd at deeper side were chilling and booming much, we also wanted to go there.

I said lets go more ahead to deeper side, and we march holding Manthan’s hand. Ahead in there, it was deep of our height and waves were very very strong. We all three were jumping together holding each other’s hand. Many times we fall down on each other due to heavy waves. In this waves too, I felt touch of his hard dick. While coming back out of these waves, I was trying to have a sight of his dick, and I could see its hard rock through the shape it made on his shorts. And boom… Anamika caught me staring there. We both passed our message via eyes, and let him go ahead. We slow down walking and get together behind him. Me and Anamika looked each other out of surprise and both uttered at the same moment- What’s the size?

This is the incident behind her question - “ ooo fun.. I see…Aren’t you to inviting him because you’re curious about the size of his cock?”

“And you’re not?”

“Okay, I am, but do you think he’ll be receptive to this? I mean, he’s the very definition of a ‘nice guy.’ What happened that day was unintentionally and naturally. He might be too nervous and think he’s ruining our friendship.”

“No way. We’ll be the ones putting the moves on him, not the other way around, so he should be totally cool with this. Besides, do you really think he would turn both of us down? You’ve seen him staring at us; he clearly wants us, he’s just a little shy. Let’s give him the push he needs. We can even pretend to be asleep if he's too shy to make a move.”

After biting her lip nervously, Anamika’s smile returned. “Okay, let’s invite him. This will be a weekend that none of us will forget, especially Manthan.”

Anamika called him, They all said their ‘hello’s and ‘how’s it going’s before Anamika asked him about the weekend.

"So, Manthan, my parents are going to Rajkot, and Bhoomi, Niki and I were planning on having a sleepover at my place. But Bhoomi denied as she have to go for satsang. So Me and Niki only two left. I thought it will be boring for only two us. We were wondering if you would like to join for night out."

Manthan had to swallow nervously before he responded. "Uh… yeah, that sounds awesome."

Anamika replied - "See you at 9 with pizza at my home"

Manthan- “With deep cheese crust"

And she hanged call.
Once we were playing truth and dare, He had admitted he had often found himself fantasizing about what his three friends would do at their little sleepovers. Finally, he would have a chance to experience one of their sleepovers in person.

We decided to tease him with details of our sexy evening wear and suggestive sleepover games.

At sharp 8-45 pm, door bell of Anamika’s home rang. She went to open door, and it was Manthan with Lapinoz Pizza.

We were already in our night clothes. I was wearing a tight, blue tank top with no bra underneath, letting my nipples poke through the thin material, and below I was wearing a pair of boxer shorts, which despite looking pretty loose in parts, the back end still managed to ride up my small, but incredibly tight ass.

Anamika was wearing a white t-shirt, and down below she was wearing a pair of blue boay-shorts with white trim that perfectly showed off the amazing curves of her ass, And just like me, she also didn’t wear bra.

Manthan walked in to hall, and naturally, his eyes couldn’t help but focus on what we were wearing.

We moved to dinner table, and attacked on pizza as we were hungry. We didn’t get time for evening snack as we were getting ready for tonight.

On dinner table, Manthan asked- So whats the plan for night out ?

I replied – We will watch movie, and then we can go on night long drive if you don’t like at home.

Anamika- First you go upstairs and change after finishing pizza. We will start movie once you come down after changing.

Manthan went upstairs to change. There are 3 by 2 sofas in hall. We sat at each corner of 3 seat sofa.

Manthan came down and he changed into a plain white t-shirt and loose pajama pants. He was walking towards 2 seat sofa, and I instructed him- “Come, sit with us”

Manthan immediately sat down in the middle of the couch and Anamika started the movie- Freinds with Benefits. As he looked to either side of him, he was struck by the vision of either mine perky nipples poking through her tank top, or Anamika’s long, brown legs that were shown off by her tiny boy shorts. He picked a pillow off of the floor and placed it over his lap, for sure knowing that he was going to have to hide an erection.

We intentionally chose this movie, so that this movie could make him comfortable and uncomfortable both at the same time.

We were almost halfway through the movie. Eventually, Anamika began to feel sleepy, so she took Manthan’s left arm and put it around her shoulders while she rested her head on his shoulder. A few minutes later,I appeared to get sleepy as well and decided to lay my head down on the pillow in Manthan’s lap. Having to get his arm out of the way, he placed it on her hip, just a couple of inches above my ass.

We remained in the same position for several minutes, until Manthan felt pretty sure that we had fallen asleep. Eventually, his confidence, and horniness, got the better of him. He first turned to Anamika and saw that his hand, currently resting on her left shoulder, could make it down to her left breast, thanks to how long his arms were. Slowly, carefully, he slid his hand downwards until it rested over her large breast. Taking a deep breath, he proceeded to gently squeeze Anamika’s ample breast.

The subtle pressure caused Anamika to moan gently and smile, but her eyes remained closed. After being reassured that the she was fast asleep and wouldn’t wake up from a little touching, he proceeded to slide his hand under her shirt and squeeze and rub her breast harder. Manthan even tweaked her nipple a bit, causing it to harden in between his fingers. Oh, Anamika, your tits are absolutely perfect, he thought to himself, not knowing that Anamika was in fact still awake, and thinking to herself, Mmmm, nice handiwork, Manthan. I wonder how good you are with both hands.

As he continued to squeeze Anamika’s breast, he turned towards me with my head on his lap. Once again feeling pretty certain that I was asleep, Manthan slid his right hand down my hip and let it cup one of small ass cheeks. He squeezed my flesh gently, just like he did with Anamika’s breast, and then applying more pressure over time. While my ass was much smaller compared to Anamika’s, it was so firm that Manthan was sure that any cock that got into it wouldn’t be able to last very long.

Moans of pleasure escaped Anamika’s mouth, joining my own, as Manthan continued to squeeze the breast of her, and the ass of mine.

“I can’t believe I’m groping my two best friends while they sleep. Am I a total loser, or just really lucky?”- Manthan contemplated, but he was having too good a time to really think about the morality of his actions. Meanwhile, I was simply thinking, He so wants us, as I smiled discreetly to myself at the feeling of the hard cock poking at my cheek through the pillow. That reminded me of that water park incident.

Eventually, a loud part of the movie caused us to stir. Manthan quickly, perhaps too quickly to be discreet, pulled his hands away from the off-limits parts of our bodies and returned them to Anamika’s shoulder and my hip, respectively. We act like we haven’t noticed what he had done and groggily asked if the movie was finished and what time it was.

Forcing himself to focus on the movie, Manthan was able to eventually calm himself down and his erection eventually faded away slowly. By the time the movie ended and the credits began to roll, he was able to get his formerly raging hard down to a more manageable half hardness, but that wouldn’t last for more than a few seconds.

Anamika decided to pick out another movie and got up to look at the pendrive on the shelf below the TV. Rather than kneeling on the floor, she bent over at the waist, causing her ass to be pushed out towards Manthan and Me. Her short-shorts tightly hugged the curves of her ass, and Manthan found himself struggling to keep from getting hard again.

"Hey, Panda, move your fat ass," I joked.

"It’s not fat," She joked back. "It’s luscious. Don’t you think, Manthan?" She bent over further and grabbed hold of her ankle with her right hand as she rubbed her left buttock with her other hand.

"Uh,” Manthan gulped. “Your ass is amazing," he nervously blurted out.

I, not wanting to be ignored, decided to sell my ass as being better to Manthan.

“Yeah, well this ass is so tight, I’m sure I could squeeze a guy to orgasm right after he sticks it in me.” I shifted in her seat so that Manthan could see my rear. “What do you think, Manthan?”

“I think I said that very same thing to myself a few minutes ago”, he said in his head, but out loud he had no idea what to say.

“Your ass is unbelievable, Niki. The both of you have great asses, and I’m sure they would please any guy,” he added in the hopes of not offending either of his friends. I can’t believe I just said that. Luckily, we both just giggled.
“Don’t worry, Manthan. We’re just playing with you,” Anamika joked, and I voiced her agreement, which helped ease Manthan’s concerns that he might have offended them by not praising their asses enough.

"Well, I'm tired of watching movies. Let’s go up to my room and play a game," I suggested.

Anamika gave up on the idea of watching a second film and agreed with my idea. We went upstairs to Anamika’s room and Manthan started to unroll his sleeping bag.

"A sleeping bag?" asked Anamika.

"Yeah, where else am I going to sleep?" responded Manthan.

"We can share the bed, it’s a king size. I got it from my parents when they got a new bed and mattress, so there’s more than enough room for all of us to share. Besides, it’s too cold to sleep on the floor,” Anamika explained.

“Plus, we can keep each other warm in bed," I added.

Manthan nervously said "Okay," not sure of what else to add, but he did know what to think. This night just keeps getting better and better.

Me and Anamika sat on the bed cross-legged and told Manthan to join us.

“So, what should we play guys?” Anamika asked.

"Well, why don’t we combine two of the most popular sleepover games into one: truth or dare and spin the bottle? After a person spins the bottle, whoever it lands on has to do a dare that the spinner decides."

We all agreed, Manthan more enthusiastically than us as his mind flooded with ideas of dares that he could give to us.

“Okay, I’ll be right back.”- Anamika jumped out of bed and headed down to her kitchen to get a bottle and a plate to spin it on. Manthan smiled sheepishly at me; in turn I smiled at him suggestively, causing him to gulp nervously.

“Well, since you seemed to be the most excited to play, Manthan, why don’t you go first?” I suggested, to which Anamika agreed.

“If you guys say so.” Manthan spun the bottle and it landed on Anamika.

"Alright, any dare you give me, I’ll do it," she said.

He was so aroused that his erection was practically about to pierce through the thin material of his pajama pants.

“I-” Manthan’s mind told him to come up with something innocent to test the waters of what us were willing to do, but in his lustful zeal he said, “I dare you to kiss Niki, a real kiss, not just a peck.”

“Ooh, not a bad start,” Anamika said.

Anamika got on her hands and knees and crawled over to me. Our mouths connected and we opened up slightly so that we could play with each other’s tongues. The kiss may have lasted only about ten seconds, but to Manthan, it was the longest, most erotic kiss he had ever seen, at least so far that night.

Once the kiss ended, I sat back down and quickly intercepted the bottle before Anamika could and enthusiastically spun it. The bottle’s neck landed on Manthan, causing his heart to start beating so fast he thought he might have been having a heart attack.

“So, uh, what do you want me to do?”

Rather than tell him, I just smiled and leaned in to kiss him. I recreated her kiss with Anamika and started playing with his tongue, but this time I really got into it and smacked my lips passionately against Manthan’s. The kiss looked so passionate in fact, that Anamika’s face actually crinkled with a look of frustrated jealousy that she didn’t get to spin the bottle and have it land on Manthan.

It was the first time he had kissed either of us, and if the night ended right then and there, he still would have been more than happy with how his first sleepover with the girls turned out. The kiss actually lasted for so long, neither of them wanting it to end, that Anamika had to harshly clear her throat to get us to break it up.

“Eh hem.”

Manthan and I broke our kiss, leaving him with a goofy smile on his face, and a satisfied one on mine.

Anamika spun and the bottle once again landed on Manthan, causing her to smile devilishly.

"Alright, Manthan, I want you to slide off those pants and let Niki and me see,” Her smile grew just a little wider. “And play with your cock,” she ordered.

Manthan’s pink face turned full on red, still embarrassed by the fact that his dick was hard, but given what they were getting into, he knew we would probably be disappointed if his cock wasn’t hard. He got off of the bed and slid his pajama pants down; causing his dick to fling out of his waistband and stand at an almost ninety-degree angle it was so stiff.

We both giggled with glee at the sight of Manthan’s stiff rod; it must have been almost six and a half inches. We wasted no more precious time and reached out to grip Manthan's cock. We both began to jerk it gently in sync with one another. Not only were two girls jerking his dick, but the girls in question were his best friends. After about a minute, which seemed like only a few short seconds to Manthan, the we released his cock and giggled some more.

”You’re up, Manthan, oh and you can keep those pants off; we’re not done with you yet,” I cheerfully informed him.

Manthan went ahead and left his pants off, throwing them to the side of the bed before spinning the bottle. The bottle once again landed on me.

“Okay, Manthan, what do you want me to do?”

"Uh, I dare you to show me your breasts," he blurted out. He immediately regretted what he had said. It wasn’t because he was ashamed of asking one of his best friends to show him her tits, but rather that he did not think of something physical for her to do to Me, or to him for that matter.

"You got it," said I. She lifted her shirt and let her C cup breasts bounce free. My nipples were dark, with the areolas around them a chocolaty brown. Manthan stared for several seconds with a goofy look on his face, until I proceeded to simply remove my top and toss it on the floor, followed by a wink and a smile.

"Well, it’s my turn now," I said and spun the bottle. Again, the neck landed on Manthan, much to Anamika’s chagrin. "Mmm, I want to suck your cock."

Yet again, Manthan was flabbergasted by what was happening; while he simply sat cross-legged on the bed in shock, I slowly crawled over to him and licked her lips in anticipation of what was about to come. I remained on my hands and knees and used my right hand to grab hold of the base of his cock while I lowered my mouth down and onto his shaft. As I swirled my tongue around the head of his shaft, Manthan breathed in deeply, consumed by the warm feeling of my mouth engulfing his cock.

I jerked and sucked as hard as I could, consumed by the desire to turn on Manthan as much as possible. In turn, Manthan moaned in pleasure, and as he looked down and saw my round, tanned, he couldn't help but reach over and squeeze one of the cheeks with his right hand. My sucking picked up and before he knew it, Manthan blew his load into my mouth. I gagged for a second, but then I managed to swallow it.

"Mmm, so sweet," I said as I wiped some cum off of my lips that spilled out when I gagged.

While I was blowing Manthan, Anamika felt left out, so she began to undress. He didn’t notice Anamika has undress, seeing as how his eyes were squeezed shut due to the extreme pleasure provided by me that was sucking his dick. Tired of playing around, Anamika decided to lay all of the cards on the table for Manthan.

“I don’t think we need the smokescreen of a game anymore. Manthan, you’re a smart guy, so I don’t think we need to try to reel you in any longer.” She pulled her tank top over her head and let her small, but perky breasts bounce free.

“I’m sure you can tell by now that we invited you over because we both want to fuck you. So, what’s going to happen next?” She finished her question by taking off her panties and throwing them on the floor, leaving a shaven, wet slicked pussy for Manthan to look at while he contemplated his answer to her question.

“I know we’ve been playing games, but based on how much I’ve been playing along,” Manthan smiled as he stroked an arm of each of us. “Clearly you two are also smart enough to know what my answer is to your question.”

We both said, "Yes," and high-fived each other.

"You know,” Anamika scooted up to Manthan and rested her hands on his chest. “I still haven’t gotten to kiss you yet." She pressed her body against his and kissed him. Her breasts pressed against Manthan's chest, to the pleasure of both of them. Within seconds, he was at full hardness again, causing his stiff dick to press against her belly, just above her pussy. "Ah, I can tell that somebody is ready to go."

Anamika hopped off of the bed and laid down on the edge of it. I came up behind her up and started to massage her breasts while we smiled teasingly at Manthan. He positioned his cock at the entrance of her wet slit, massaging up and down the walls with its head. Just as he was about to enter her, he became nervous and paused, but we just giggled in response.

"If you’re worried about hurting me, don’t, we want to lose our virginity with you" Anamika explained.

“Yeah, and if it’s about fucking us without a condom, we have bought i-Pills.” I added as I slid off her shorts and lacy yellow underwear. Without any shorts or underwear, Manthan could see that my pussy was not completely shaven; a tuft of dark, well-trimmed bush was located slightly above my clit. “So quit worrying and just fuck us hard.”

All of his concerns addressed, Manthan pushed his cock into Anamika’s tight pussy. He started slowly at first, as our telling him that they we are virgins, a part of him wanted to be gentle. However, his lust began to overcome his concern about hurting Anamika and he started ramming his cock into her as fast as he could.

I decided to sit on Anamika's face and make her eat my pussy, which Anamika happily did for her me. I moaned in delight as she slowly licked my pussy up and down teasingly before starting to flick at my clit a bit more furiously. I saw how much Manthan liked the sight of us two female friends playing, causing her to smile; I and Anamika wanted to fuck Manthan, we also wanted to make sure that we overwhelmed him, sexually speaking, that it kept him a constant state of surprise at what was happening to him.

“Come here, handsome,” I said to Manthan as I reached out with my right hand and gently brought his head towards me in a kiss.

Down below, Anamika's moans continued to be muffled by my pussy, which had begun to grind into her face as I grew more and more lustful as Manthan made out with her, and I make her ate my pussy. The fast-paced pounding of Manthan’s cock and the taste of my pussy became overwhelming for Anamika and she shuddered as she experienced her first orgasm of the evening. Because of my pussy being pushed against her face, she was unable to signal to us what had just happened, save for muttering a weak ‘oomph’ into my pussy.

Manthan could feel Anamika’s pussy tighten around his cock as she orgasmed, causing him to moan into my mouth at the increased pleasure of fucking Anamika’s tightening cunt. A minute later, Anamika came again and her pussy squeezed Manthan’s cock so hard that in one final thrust, he ejaculated into Anamika. He nearly fell forward onto me as his body became momentarily weakened after having such a powerful orgasm.

Eventually, Manthan ended his kiss with me and pulled his cock out of Anamika’s pussy, which still gripped him with incredible strength. He staggered away from the bed slightly and I proceeded to lower her head and lick his cum out of Anamika’s pussy while Anamika continued to eat her out. As the two girls sixty-nined each other, Manthan’s dick began to quickly re-harden, so he started to stroke it to get it back to full hardness as he watched us eating out each other’s cunts.

We two girls moaned into each other’s pussies as we licked furiously at one another. Despite how intense the pleasure was for Anamika, she didn’t think she could reach a third orgasm like this, not by tonguing alone, after having Manthan’s cock inside of her. I, on the other hand, finally managed to have an orgasm of my own and dripped delicious pussy juices into Anamika’s mouth. Anamika’s tongue was starting to hurt from eating out my pussy for so long, so she gently rolled me off of her and we laid side by side to one another. We smiled and shared a nice kiss before focusing our attention back on Manthan, who was still stroking his fully hardened cock.

“Mmm, you look like you’re ready to go again, Manthan,” I commented as I eyed his cock.

“Yeah, I think I am.”

“Well,” I smiled lustfully. “I’m ready to be fucked, so how about we help each other out, hmm?”

Manthan gave a lustful smile of his own and replied, “Anything to help out such a good friend.”

I told Manthan to lie on the bed, and he didn’t waste a precious second taking his time to lie down. I climbed on top of him and positioned myself over his cock. I rubbed the wet tip of his shaft up and down my swollen pussy lips before slowly lowering myself down and letting him penetrate me. Either his cock was too big, or my pussy was too small, because the tip of his dick managed to reach the back of my vaginal canal, causing me to let out an audible moan, followed by an, "oh, shit."

Despite the intense feeling of having a cock fill my entire pussy, I started riding Manthan, raising myself until only his tip was left in me, and then slamming myself back down his shaft and letting it strike the back of my pussy, causing a delightful mix of pain and pleasure in the back of my cunt.

Manthan reciprocated by grabbing my plump ass cheeks and thrusting his hips to my rhythm, causing his cock to slam into the back of my pussy with even more force. Each time his cock hit the back of me, I felt like there was an explosion of ecstasy in my pussy.

While we two continued to fuck each other, Anamika decided to hover over Manthan’s face and push her pussy into it, just like how I did to her. Manthan knew what to do and started to lick her clit and massage it with his tongue.

“Ooh, oh, Manthan...” Anamika trailed off as a wave of pleasure washed over her clit. “Now I-” She gasped sharply. “Now I know what both your cock and your tongue feel like, and all I can, all I can-” She had to stop again to catch her breath, sucking in several deep gulps of air before she could finish. “All I can say is I and I waited too long to do this with you. We should have done this very earlier. ”

Manthan momentarily removed his tongue from Anamika’s clit to answer her.

“Well, that just means that we have A LOT of catching up to do, wouldn’t you girls agree?”

An, "Oh yeah," and an, "Mhmm," greeted his response.

We all changed positions several times, thanks largely to the fact that Manthan was able to last longer since he had already had two orgasms previously, making it take longer for him to cum a third time. By the time he was ready to cum one final time, Anamika had another orgasm, while I had managed to have two. This time though, he was able to issue a warning me.

”Ahh, I’m about to cum, Niki.”

“Mmm, I want you to cum on my face, Manthan. I want to taste it again. I need to taste it again,” I practically begged him.

At that particular moment, Manthan was standing at the end of the bed, fucking me doggy-style while I was on my hands and knees eating out Anamika, who was lying on her back, legs wide open as she held onto her sheets in a death grip due to to the sensation of my tongue play with her clit as she watched me getting fucked by Manthan.

He pulled out of me and started to stroke his cock as fast as possible. Not wanting to miss the big finale, I quickly jumped off of the bed and onto my knees in front of him. Anamika took a second to slip out of the feeling of euphoria she was previously in to hurry to her knees, right next to me.

We girls made it just in time, as no sooner did Anamika get onto her knees did Manthan shoot off his first stream of sperm. Despite the fact that it was his third orgasm of the evening, there was no shortage of semen for him to give us. In fact, there was still such power behind his first stream that it actually went past me, for the most part, save for a part of the stream that grazed my right cheek. The rest of the load actually hit Anamika’s face, planting a healthy helping of semen on her nose and upper lip.

With a grunt, Manthan released a second stream, this time not making it all the way to Anamika, but instead hitting me just below my left eye, with a smaller breakaway stream landing right on my lips. The final, weaker stream managed to land on my right breast, while the remains of whatever lacked the power to shoot out of Manthan dribbled onto my right leg.

Smiles of content spread to the faces of me and Anamika, happy to be kneeling on the floor, our best friend’s cum scattered over our bodies. Getting our shy friend of Four years to have done this was so pleasing to us that the sex we just had could have sucked, and we still would have been happy with the events of the evening. The fact that the sex was great only meant that we could enjoy doing this all over again without all of the foreplay if we wanted to get to things a little more quickly.

“Whoa, that was intense,” Manthan let out like a whoosh of air.

Me and Anamika giggled.

“You see, Manthan. Just because we’re friends, it doesn’t mean we can’t fuck each other,” I explained.

“Yeah. I’m sure that our friendships will be even better now for it,” Anamika added.

“I think you’re right about that,” Manthan stated in agreement. “I think I need a shower. Does anyone want to join me?”

“ME,” we both shouted in unison before getting up and chasing Manthan into the bathroom.