Gita Saar in English Biography by Darshita Babubhai Shah books and stories PDF | Gita Saar

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Gita Saar

Gita saar

Hey Arjuna! Do you worry Sheed for nothing? Who are you afraid of? Who can kill you in this world? The soul is immortal, it is neither born nor dies.

Hey Arjuna! What has happened is good, what is happening is also getting good and what will happen now. Don't regret the past, leave the worry of the future to me Don't regret the past, leave the worry of the future to me and follow the present, you will surely be well-being.

Hey Arjuna! What have you lost you cry? What did you bring with you that you have to lose? What did you create that was destroyed? You came empty-handed, you are going to leave empty-handed. Whatever he got, he got it from here. What he took from here, he gave here. In short, whatever you have got, hand it over here.

You came empty handed and you are going to leave empty handed. What is yours today was someone else's yesterday and will be someone else's tomorrow. Today you are enjoying in vain by considering it as your own. Well, this joy is the cause of your sorrows.

Change is the law of the world. What you think is death is life. One moment you become a millionaire and the next moment you become a poor.

Therefore, you should remove your feelings from your mind, whether big or small, and stop even thinking about it. Then everything is yours and you are everyone's.

Neither this body is yours nor you belong to the body. This body is made up of fire, water, air, earth, sky and it is to be found in it. But the soul is unborn, immutable and imperishable. So what is your vastness?

Surrender yourself to God with full faith. That is the best support. One who takes refuge in him is always free from fear, anxiety, disease, grief, sorrow etc.

Whatever karma you do should be offered to God, by doing that you will always experience the joy of life-free.


-: Eighteen Names of Gitaji :-

Gita, Ganga, Gayatri, Sita, Satya, Saraswati, Brahmavidya, Brahmavalli, Trisandhya, Muktagehini, Ardhamatra, Chidananda, Bhavadhni, Bhannasini, Vedatrayi, Para, Ananta, and Tattvartha Jnanamanjari (repository of knowledge of the essential meaning).

A human being who chants these eighteen names of the Gita with a steady mind, attains Sidhra Jnanasiddhi and as a result attains Paramapada form of Moksha.


-: Importance of Gita in life:-

What does Gita say? Here's what I got out of it. Every chapter of Gita. It teaches how to live life. Meaning of relationship, education, rites etc. Karma is emphasized. Every person has the fruits of his karma. Every person has the fruits of his karma. The fruit of good karma is good and the fruit of bad karma is bad. A person has to decide for himself which direction to go. Today's human has become directionless. Man has gone away from man. Man has become far away from his own self. Digital has become man. Living in a world of computers, TVs, laptops, iPads, smart phones.

I don't know what I want. We have a soul within us, it is the soul that inspires us all. Like eating, bathing, washing, walking, changing clothes, talking, thinking etc. all give motivation.

From birth to death he remains bound in many bonds. Bonds of Karma, Bonds of Trade, Bonds of Society, Bonds of Industry, Bonds of Maya and Bonds of Birth and Death, two children experience different joys and sorrows. Though omnipotent, he cannot experience the fleeting and momentary witness.

One does not become free from the cycle of birth and death without knowing the soul. Atman is all-powerful, all-pervading, immanent and immanent. The state of our mind. To change the role of the mind, to change thoughts, to burn karma, self-discipline is necessary. Everything is within us. Such as happiness, peace, contentment, love, knowledge, intelligence, memory, opulence, power, vidha and the creation of infinite universes are within us. Within us all prosperity, sahyabis, mantras, gods, planets and siddhis are within us. Not realizing it.

In the Gita, Krishna asks Arjuna to stand up. That is, he is asked to break the limits of his thoughts, remove weakness, stand up. All these relationships are hollow. Krishna has already killed the people he is going to kill. He just has to complete the task assigned to him.

Mine-Thai is to kill Duryodhana's ego. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna to do his own deeds by leaving behind sorrows and delusions. Krishna says there is no sin in you in killing the dead who are drowning in pride, pride and ego. Death of one born is certain. The birth of the dead is also certain. Amo cannot be changed.

Fighting is your religion. There is a right to act. You have no right over the fruit. Krishna says that I appear from age to age for the protection of virtuous men and sadhu men, for the destruction of the wicked and for the establishment of Dharma. Yajna, karma, yoga, pranayama, restraint, anger are emphasized in Gita. Yajna destroys sin. Karma pays off.

Among the sacrifices, the knowledge sacrifice is the best. When the lamp of enlightenment is lit in the distance, there is no more fascination. Knowledge is the path to ultimate peace. Only one who is content with everything gets salvation. Humans become friends or enemies by their behaviour. By good conduct a man becomes his friend and by bad conduct he becomes his enemy.

The mind is fickle and it is difficult to tame it but it should be tamed by yoga. Through continuous yoga and sadhana practice comes the mind. Krishna says that earth, water, fire, air, sky, mind, intellect and ego are my eight natures. I am in all. I am the brightness of the sun, I am the coolness of the moon. I am interested in water. I am life in all beings and penance in ascetics. I am the holy fragrance on earth. I am the root and eternal seed of all beings. Knowledge is my soul. I am unborn and imperishable. A person who remembers Me at the time of death will attain Me.

In the Gita the emphasis is on the soul. Atman is immortal and indestructible. Krishna is the father and mother of all this world. The sacred object is Pranava, Rigveda, Samaveda and Arthaveda and Yajuveda. That is everyone's attainable goal. That is everyone's attainable goal. He is the Sustainer of gold, the witness, the abode of all, the friend of all, the imperishable seed.

Krishna has no likes or dislikes. He is loved. It lives in his heart. All values are produced by his inspiration. Intelligence, knowledge, passion, forgiveness, truth, power, peace, happiness and sorrow, origin and destruction, fear and fear, anhisa, equanimity, contentment, dissatisfaction, penance, charity, success and failure are all through Him. Krishna is the cause of the origin of all beings. He says to Arjuna that I am Vishnu in twelve Adityas. I am on the bright sun in flames. Moon in constellations in men, Samaveda in the Vedas, Indra in the gods, Mind in the senses, Universal consciousness in the animals, Maharudra Shiva in the Rudras, Kubera in the objects of sacrifices and demons, Agni named Pavaka in the mountains, Mace in the mountains, Samriddhi in the waters, Brigu in the sages, Om Car in the words, Jayapajna in the sacrifices, Tapayajna, Jad I am the Himalayas among objects, buds among trees, Narada among Devarshis, Chitrarath among Gaonvas, Kapilarupi among Siddhas.

In the eleventh chapter of the Gita, Vishwarupdarshan gives Arjuna divine eye in yoga. So he can see Krishna's original form. Shri Krishna manifests in a huge form. Shri Krishna says that you are just a purpose. Every human being does what is meant by God, and having hope for the fruit gives peace only by relinquishing the fruit of karma.

To attain God, one should do Dhyana Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Karma Yoga. Especially understanding of sattvik, rajasi, tamasi bhava is needed. Information about penance and charity has been given. Human beings should perform their assigned duties. Happiness which seems nectar in the beginning is like poison whereas sorrow which is poison in the beginning becomes nectar. Brahmin, Vaishya, Kshatriya and Shudra are born according to the karmic nature of human beings. Food and speech should be used regularly and sparingly.

Bhagavad Gita means the poem of God

What happened is good, what is happening is happening well. Whatever happens will be good. What's gone if you cry. What did you bring? What did you lose? What you have produced is destroyed. What you took, you took from here and what you gave, you gave from here. What is yours today was someone else's tomorrow and will be someone else's tomorrow. You do the work and leave the worry of the fruit, the work done does not go away.

Lust is the root of all miseries. Krishna says. Arjuna has ever been infatuated. In Kurukshetra there is no grandfather, maternal uncle, father-in-law. All these are already dead. Stand up and fight to make them feel that you have no sin. It is your duty to fight. Being wise, you do not beautify this fascination. A human being should give up work, lust, greed, infatuation, anger, lust and jealousy. The diet of humans also shapes its nature. Think like food. Infatuation destroys memory and that is destruction. Duryodhana's intelligence and his power Balasa spelled his doom. You are only appointed.

What is the origin of Mahabharata? There is speech behind why Bhagavad Gita was created. A blind boy is blind. This one sentence started the Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita was born. Humans should exercise moderation in food and speech. An unrestrained life spells destruction. A human being should spend his life doing pious, righteous good deeds. Every human being should save his soul through restraint of body, mind and senses. It is a matter of man's own hand whether to save himself or to decline. A person with good behavior can become his friend and with bad behavior he can become his friend. There are three ways shown in the Gita. Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga It is very necessary for every human being to do his own Karma.

When religion is harmed and unrighteousness increases. Then I take birth. I appear from age to age for the protection of virtuous and saintly men, for the destruction of the wicked and for the establishment of religion.

Do not be subjugated to the mind, subjugate the mind and make yourself your friend and do your karma is the same Gita.