There was a Well in English Horror Stories by Kalyani Deshpande books and stories PDF | There was a Well

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There was a Well

My friend Shweta and I had come to the city from the village to study, where we rented a room and started living.

Soon our college started regularly. Our room was on one side at a shorter distance from the landlord's house, next to that room was a large well.

The well had a grill cover. We would go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning to study. Many times during the day we would sit on the bank of the well and study.

When our friends often came to our room, we would sit on the wall of the well and chat. Once two such friends came to our room to study because the next day was the college exam.

One of the friends suddenly stood by the window at night and started looking at the well outside.

"Hey! Raksha! What happened? Why are you standing there?", I asked

So she rolled her eyes and said, "Hey! Someone is wearing a green saree and sitting on the bank of the well in the back!"

"What! Really!", So I went there and looked but saw nothing. I told that to Shweta and Smita.
Hearing this, they both burst out laughing.

"Anything funny, tomorrow is the exam", they both told Raksha to study, then she came to study but she could not pay attention to the study.

The next day Raksha wrote nothing in the paper. She fell ill. I asked my friend Shweta,

"Why is Raksha so sick? Is it true what she saw here that day?"

"I don't think so, we always sit on the bank of that well. Have you ever had something happen to you? Or have you ever seen anything? Never!",Shweta said.

We went to bed early that night but I heard the sound of deep sobbing at midnight so I guess the sound was coming from the side of the well.

My teeth clenched in fear, I woke up my friend, but she is a disciple of Kumbhakarana, how does she get up, then I slowly went and looked out of the window but I did not see anything.

There was no sound after that but my sleep was gone. The next day I told my friend,

"Shweta, yesterday I heard the sound of sobbing, that sound was coming from the well, there must be a woman crying in a green saree!"

"What rubbish are you talking? you have the same thoughts in your mind, so you must have felt it", Shweta said.

"Well, I don't think you can believe it unless you experience it yourself," I said.

The next night, while having dinner, Shweta said, "Oh, my tiffin stayed outside, the phone rang and I came in talking and forgot the tiffin outside, wait, I'll bring it." She came to me shortly after and said,

"Hey, you started joking like that, my tiffin is empty, you ate it! I know!"

"Why should I eat your tiffin? Don't I have my own ? Where did you put the tiffin?", I said.

"On the bank of that well," Shweta said

"Look, I told you that there is a witch in that well. Raksha had seen her that day. ",I said.

But Shweta couldn't believe it. She kept thinking that I ate her meal.

My cousin sister's house was in the city. She called me because there was an event at her house so I went there. The next day was a college holiday as it was Sunday.

My friend Shweta was alone in the room. I told her to call another friend for her company or come with me but she did not agree.

"I live alone," she said. She also said that I am not coward.

The next evening I came back to the room from my cousin's house and saw that my friend had a fever. She didn't even have the strength to speak. I called the doctor with the help of the landlady.

The doctor prescribed fever medicine. She was given medicine but she did not feel well. Then her father took her to the village.

I also told the landlady that I would come back in a few days and packed our things and headed towards the village.

A few days after I went to the village, my friend felt better and I asked her why she fell ill. So she told me,

"You went to your sister's house that Saturday. I went to bed at ten o'clock that night. But I didn't sleep well. At twelve o'clock at night, I heard someone crying and shouting loudly. So when I looked out the window, I saw a woman in green saree sitting on the bank of the well.

I didn't feel anything strange at that time, so I opened the door of the room and went out and asked the woman why she was crying. She turned her head completely in 180 degree angle and looked at me. Seeing her pale horiible face, I turned around in fear and when I looked at her legs, her legs were quite upside down.

Seeing that, I ran into the room. And closed the door and window. And fell down in bed

. . Slowly I began to tremble. And I had a fever. I felt like my strength was gone. So I couldn't even call anyone. No one knew about my condition until you told the landlady when you arrived.

As soon as we got another room, my friend and I came back to town and while looking for another room, we made sure that there was no well near it.