Love By Accident - 20 in English Love Stories by Amitanshu Samal books and stories PDF | Love By Accident - 20

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Love By Accident - 20

Next few weeks were very hectic. Both Ayesha And Arnav hardly got any time to meet. But they were in contact through WhatsApp. Of course it wasn’t late night chats. Their midterm exams were on the head. They can’t ignore that. But still sometimes they chat and whenever Ayesha need any help in studies he was always there to help(on phone call or chats). But, here, Ridhima. She had become a headache for Arnav. She frequently visited his house for study and wasted his time for nothing. She was always trying to impress his mom in various ways. She was helping her in cooking, playing with gudu, helping her in her homeworks. But Arnav couldn’t understand her business and he didn’t even try to. She was his father’s best friend’s daughter. So he couldn’t even deny her to come. Once when Arnav was in the kitchen, Ayesha called him. His phone was in his room. Ridhima was there and she picked up the call.
“Hello” Ayesha spoke.
“Hmm. Koun?” Ridhima asked after seeing the name on the phone.
Ayesha immediately knew that it was her. It made her uncomfortable. She asked, “Ayesha. Could you please hand over the phone to Arnav?”
“He told me to cut the call. He is busy. And can’t you see it’s his exam. And you are disturbing him.”
“Sorry. But I had a doubt. So I wanted to clear that.”
“Don’t you have books or smart phone? He said me you were so annoying and greedy and attention seeker. We are seniors. Better keep distance.”
“Sorry.” And she hung up. Ayesha couldn’t believe her ears. Was Arnav just acting to be nice? No it could not be. She knew that Ridhima was lying. But what if all things are true?
When Arnav came to his room, he saw Ridhima was trying to unlock his phone. When he asked her about it, she simply fabricated a lie that her phone battery was dead and she wanted to use his calculator. Arnav took his phone from her hand and unlocked it. As soon as the screen unlocks, truecaller notification popped up and showed that Ayesha had called. He was full of doubts. He asked her “Has someone called me?” She turned her face towards her book and lied, “No. Why are you asking me?” Arnav was sure something was not right. But he did not tell anything. Later, that night, after Ridhima left, he called Ayesha, but she did not pick up. He tried so many times, but nothing happens. So he messaged her and begged sorry for the deeds which he had not even aware of. After some time, Ayesha called him.
“Hello. I am sorry. I thought that whatever she was saying was all true. I didn’t want to believe her but you know she is such a good liar.”
“What did she say?” Arnav was straight to the point. She could feel his anger from the other side.
“Hey calm down. I think everything is shorted now.”
“I am calm. Now you tell. What did she say?” He asked again but this time with a low voice.
“She said I am annoying you and wasting your time. You didn’t want to talk to me therefore you told her to cut my call.”
Arnav could feel her sadness while she was speaking. He asked “Are you ok? Did she tell anything else?”
“Are you sure?”
“Hm hm……..”
“Ohk fine! I will ask her myself.”
“What… No .. wait.. Don’t ask her anything. She is not that nice girl. Sorry to say but I don’t like her.”
“Don’t be sorry. I too don’t like her. Actually she is annoying. And what made you believe that I would ever think about you like that?”
“Sorry about that. But I promise I won’t do that ever again. But please promise me you won’t ask her anything.”
“Hmm ohk.”
“By the way, Aren’t you a little bit short tempered?”
“Ummm, Why are you asking me that question with a sudden change in topic?”
“Because you are short tempered and I know it.”
“So you also have started to know me. But it is true. My mamma also says the same thing.”
“Hmm. So, bye then. I have studies to do”
“So do I. Bye bye. Good night”
“Good night.”
Several days had passed. Their midterm exams were over and the next semester had begun. Arnav and Ayesha were very busy and their conversations were limited to few chats in WhatsApp. But after the exams, the stress was relieved and the life of the students returned to its usual way. The theory, practicals, projects, assignments etc. The academics is really so hard. However, it is enjoyable if done in the right way.
It was the first day after the opening of the college. As usual, Sahil and Arnav went to college on their bikes. It was a sunny day. The winter had started to fade slowly, but the summer was yet to come. You can say spring. The breeze was soothing and warm rays of sun were making the environment sparkle. The traffic was less on the road. Arnav and Sahil were on the road that they observed that Ayesha and Ritu were walking to the college. Arnav looked at Sahil and gestured him to stop by them. They reached near them and stopped the bike. Arnav called Ayesha from behind,
“Hey Ayesha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Ayesha could tell from the voice that he is no other than Arnav. They stopped and looked behind. Arnav took off the helmet and smiled towards her.
“Hi. How are you?” Arnav spoke.
“Hi!!! I am fine. How are you? After a Long time. Han?” She was equally excited.
“Hmm. I am fine. After a very long time. It has been two months na.”
“Yes. And in college our exam timings were totally different.”
“Hmm. By the way why you two are walking? Where is your scooty?”
“Actually this morning when Ritu tried to start the scooty, it didn’t start. And when after tries, it started but unfortunately it didn’t last longer. We are late for the bus. So the bus missed. Therefore we decided to walk.”
“Ohh. Then I suggest both of you to come with us. And there is a lot of path to walk. Till the time you reach the college, the classes will have started.”
“But we don’t have any helmets. What if we get caught?”
“Don’t worry. There is no traffic ahead.”
“Ohk. So…”
Ayesha was saying something that Sahil cut her in middle.
“I can’t go with Ritu. Bohut hi nakchadi hey.”
“Even I am not interested. I can go with Arnav.” Ritu spoke.
Arnav and Ayesha were standing there like puppets and watching them quarreling over “who would go with whom” without even asking their choices. They both looked at each other. They knew what they wanted but still didn’t know what the other was thinking. They felt an ache in their hearts and stomach when Ritu and Sahil denied going with each other. But they couldn’t even protest. And if they protest, then for what reason? So they stood still. Sahil looked towards Arnav. Arnav was really pissed at the moment. He turned his face away. Sahil couldn’t understood what he was thinking. So he turned his face towards Ayesha. She was little confused. Then, finally at Ritu. She was literally spitting out lava. Arnav looked at Ayesha and winked at her. Ayesha couldn’t understand what he was up to. Arnav slowly took his bike near Ayesha while Sahil and Ritu were still arguing. He gestured her to sit on the bike. She understood the task and sat on the back seat. He started his bike. The roaring of the engine woke Sahil and Ritu from their pointless yet very important (only for both of them) quarrel. Both were looking with surprise in their eyes at both of them. Arnav gave a smirk towards Sahil and rode off. Sahil and Ritu were shocked.
“What the hell just happened?” Ritu exclaimed.
“Two love birds flew away.” Sahil said with an annoyed face.
“Do you know? Do Arnav love her?” Ritu asked.
“What do you mean by ‘Do you know’? Does Ayesha too…….”
“No she hasn’t. But it is cleared from her actions that she likes him.”
“Same thing with my guy.” Sahil said.
“So they never gonna accept it?”
“I don’t know. I have asked him. But he denied.”
“Same. She is also jealous for him. But not accepting it.”
“hmm.” Sahil nodded.
They were so engrossed in this topic that they briefly forgot that they had t go to college and they did have to go on the same bike now. When they looked at eachother,
“Nope. I will prefer walking to going with you.” Ritu said.
“Listen! We both will be late. So it’s better we go together and it’s not time for this shit. If I go alone then Arnav will kill me for not helping a girl.”
“Only this time. Hmm?”
“Ohh… Ohk. Now hurry up.”
That's it for today guys. Hope you are enjoying this series. Thank you for keep supporting.