The Dark Diwali in English Short Stories by Mugdha Mehta books and stories PDF | The Dark Diwali

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The Dark Diwali

The Dark Diwali

 It was a dark Diwali night. Yes, you heard right. Being Diwali, it was dark in Shanti Nagar. A small society of 7 to 8 houses. But why it was dark? Was no one staying there? Nonoo…that was not the case. The houses were full of beautiful families staying in them.

Then why was Shanti Nagar dark on Diwali?

Once ever lit Shanti Nagar with hustle and bustle all around was now quiet. It was under the fear of getting demolished by Mr Sharma the millionaire, who was all set to build his factory on the beautiful land of Shanti Nagar.

For days, the residents of Shanti Nagar had tried their best to save their very own abode but everything was in vain. Mr Sharma was adamant, insensitive and firm in his decision to build a factory over Shanti Nagar by hook or by crook. He had planned to demolish Shanti Nagar on the night of Diwali.

The people of Shanti Nagar were in fear of losing their homes and opposed the evil plan of the millionaire without lighting a single Diya.

In all this ordeal, one house in Shanti Nagar had little hope of overcoming this terrible situation. It was the house of Raghav, a 9-year-old boy who was dashing and daring.

Raghav’s mind was thinking about all the ideas to save his beloved home. Suddenly he thought of a plan. Immediately he conveyed it to his family. Initially, his family members were reluctant and didn’t believe that such a plan would work but gradually for the love of Raghav they agreed.

All the members of Raghav’s family communicated with the other residents of Shanti Nagar about the plan. With not agreeing in the beginning later they all were in the plan.

As decided sharp at 9 p.m. every resident of Shanti Nagar was out of their home with lighted candles, diyas, lanterns and crackers. At the same time, Mr Sharma was standing out of Shanti Nagar’s gate with a big crane and a bulldozer.

With exceptional confidence and courage in the eyes of each resident which was highlighted by the divine light of the diya, they were holding awe-struck Mr Sharma.

In no time the sound of bursting crackers grabbed Mr Sharma’s attention and all he could see was a big effigy of Rama killing the effigy of Ravana which had the face of Mr Sharma.

The sight had made Mr Sharma numb. Within no time he had realized the evil act that he was about to perform was not justifiable. With teary eyes, he left without saying a word. Back home after meeting his family he hugged his children and said, “Today I met the lord Ram within me who helped me remove lord Ravana that was inside me…Happy Diwali”

Back in Shanti Nagar, everyone’s happiness had no boundaries. Joy and cheer were the light of their Diwali. Little Raghav had turned Shanti Nagar in Ayodhya of Ramayana.

It can be rightly said that everyone can have a well-lit and joyous Diwali every day of their life if you maintain the spirit and courage of Lord Ram in your heart always.

Mugdha Amit Mehta