Nothing is impossible in English Short Stories by Vaman Acharya books and stories PDF | Nothing is impossible

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Nothing is impossible

Nothing is impossible

(A short story)

by Vaman Acharya

It was seven pm in the tourist town Pavanpur. Suddenly, there was a change in the weather and heavy rains started. The power went off for sometime. The people who remained outside had to undergo a lot of trouble. Stray dogs were barking on the road.

Just a couple of minutes before, Rajat Shanubhog, proprietor of the Hotel Mayur left on his motorbike expecting heavy rains. While leaving, he instructed the staff on night duty what to do and what not to do?

On the way he was stuck up in the heavy rains and took shelter below the minibus stop.

The rain stopped after three minutes and the power was restored. He was about to start his motorbike, and someone patted his back from behind. He was astonished as he turned his neck and saw a young beautiful lady smiling. He recognised her.

“What a surprise Anita? It is unbelievable. How are you here?" Rajat asked.

"Rajat, I was too surprised to see you at this place. I am happy to meet you after a gap of three years. I have come to Pavanpur as a tourist. On my request the tourist manager dropped me here to meet my relative. I just returned after meeting my relative.”

I think we last met at a college function,” said Rajat.

“Yes! You are right.”

"After MBA, what are you doing now?" asked Rajat

"I got a job in a corporate company in Bengaluru. Had I got another suitable job, I would not have joined this company. Now, I am searching for another job.”

“What a coincidence? I need a person like you for our hotel,” said Rajat.

“Rajat, That's fine. You are my very good friend from college days.”

“Anita, the job I am going to offer you is challenging. Since last year our hotel has been running under loss, due to workers' strike for higher salary and other perquisites. Number of problems cropped up. Now it has become impossible for me to find solutions.”

“Rajat,for a person like you nothing is impossible. I think I may help you to come out of the present crisis.”

“Yes! That's why I told you to be the right person for my hotel.”

“Rajat, there is a problem from my side.”

“Tell me, what is your problem?”

“I will disclose this at an appropriate time. “

“Anita, Please come tomorrow to my hotel and let us have a detailed discussion.”

“Rajat, I have to go back to Bengaluru tomorrow morning along with tourists. I will certainly meet and tell you the date after checking my work schedule. Can you drop me at hotel Samrat, where all the tourists are staying.”


Anita as a pillion driver reached the hotel within three minutes. Both parted saying goodbye.

After reaching home, Rajat was relaxing on the sofa and remembering the happenings from one year.

“The employees of Hotel Mayur went on indefinite strike without notice. With bare minimum staff I was managing the hotel. All the efforts to convince the staff were utterly failed. The hotel was closed for some days. The bank, where the loan was obtained, threatened to take legal action if the loan was not settled within a fortnight. All these developments seriously affected the health of my father, who breathed his last one month back. I had a number of challenges before me. Anita had given some hopes of improvement to come out of the critical situation.

I came out of the memories, when my mother called me for dinner.”

One week has passed. Rajat was waiting for a call from Anita. He tried to contact her several times. There was no response from her.

One fine morning, Rajat received a call from Anita.

"Hello, how are you Rajat?"

"I am fine. I tried to contact you several times. Your phone was either disconnected or the message was not answering."

"I am sorry Rajat. I was busy with a very important assignment. The boss had given me an ultimatum to complete the project on a specific date. It's successfully completed.”

"You have not told me about taking up the responsibility of our hotel?"

"Rajat, I told you I will tell you at an opportune time. You are my friend and a well wisher, I am advising you not to depend on others. You know self help is the best help. You are intelligent and capable of overcoming the present crisis."

"Yes, I can understand your position. Thank you for giving me moral help."

She wished him all the best.

Rajat decided to come what may to reach the goal in twelve months. He took a fortnight to chalk out a plan to go ahead. Before taking the final decision, he consulted his friends working in tourist hotels and the tourism department and was satisfied with their suggestions. He decided to take major steps like utilisation of technology, hospitality and good service to customers and employment of trained staff. Rajat prepared a project report and approached the local bank manager. While going through the project report, the bank manager was impressed and agreed to grant the loan. It took another month to release the loan in a phased manner depending upon the growth.

His hard work and dedication, the mission was successful after fifteen months. He conveyed good news to Anita. She was happy and revealed a secret.

“Rajat, did you remember, when we were in our final year MBA, you expressed your love for me. Similar wish was expressed by another classmate Rohit, proprietor of Hotel Samrat. Rohit improved his hotel business by spoiling your business. Whereas, you got success by hard work. You have proved ‘nothing is impossible and also won my heart.”

Rajat was happy that he got two fortunes at a time.