The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 119 - Last Part in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 119 - Last Part

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 119 - Last Part

Canto CXIX. 
The Forest.
When Anasúyá, virtuous-souled,

Had heard the tale by Sítá told,

She kissed the lady's brow and laced

Her loving arms around her waist.

“With sweet-toned words distinct and clear

Thy pleasant tale has charmed mine ear,

How the great king thy father held

That Maiden's Choice unparalleled.

But now the sun has sunk from sight,

And left the world to holy Night.

Hark! how the leafy thickets sound

With gathering birds that twitter round:

They sought their food by day, and all

Flock homeward when the shadows fall.

See, hither comes the hermit band,

Each with his pitcher in his hand:

Fresh from the bath, their locks are wet,

Their coats of bark are dripping yet.

Here saints their fires of worship tend,

And curling wreaths of smoke ascend:

Borne on the flames they mount above,

Dark as the brown wings of the dove.

The distant trees, though well-nigh bare,

Gloom thickened by the evening air,

And in the faint uncertain light

Shut the horizon from our sight.

The beasts that prowl in darkness rove

On every side about the grove,

And the tame deer, at ease reclined

Their shelter near the altars find.

The night o'er all the sky is spread,

With lunar stars engarlanded,

And risen in his robes of light

The moon is beautifully bright.

Now to thy lord I bid thee go:

Thy pleasant tale has charmed me so:

One thing alone I needs must pray,

Before me first thyself array:

Here in thy heavenly raiment shine,

And glad, dear love, these eyes of mine.”

Then like a heavenly Goddess shone

Fair Sítá with that raiment on.

She bowed her to the matron's feet,

Then turned away her lord to meet.

The hero prince with joy surveyed

His Sítá in her robes arrayed,

As glorious to his arms she came

With love-gifts of the saintly dame.

She told him how the saint to show

Her fond affection would bestow

That garland of celestial twine,

Those ornaments and robes divine.

Then Ráma's heart, nor Lakshmaṇ's less,

Was filled with pride and happiness,

For honours high had Sítá gained,

Which mortal dames have scarce obtained.

There honoured by each pious sage

Who dwelt within the hermitage,

Beside his darling well content

That sacred night the hero spent.

The princes, when the night had fled,

Farewell to all the hermits said,

Who gazed upon the distant shade,

Their lustral rites and offerings paid.

The saints who made their dwelling there

In words like these addressed the pair:

“O Princes, monsters fierce and fell

Around that distant forest dwell:

On blood from human veins they feed,

And various forms assume at need,

With savage beasts of fearful power

That human flesh and blood devour.

Our holy saints they rend and tear

When met alone or unaware,

And eat them in their cruel joy:

These chase, O Ráma, or destroy.

By this one path our hermits go

To fetch the fruits that yonder grow:

By this, O Prince, thy feet should stray

Through pathless forests far away.”

Thus by the reverent saints addressed,

And by their prayers auspicious blessed,

He left the holy crowd:

His wife and brother by his side,

Within the mighty wood he hied.

So sinks the Day-God in his pride

Beneath a bank of cloud..