My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It - in English Love Stories by Asavela Prince books and stories PDF | My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It - 1

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My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It - 1


In the Holy Desire Mainland, where many Power Factions thrive - each flaunting their novel Hallowed Powers - lies the Starlight Family from Southern Desire.

Inside this tribe, Han Li was brought into the world without a Starlight flash in his spirit; no one really focused on him with the exception of his Mom, Yue Li. Just she had been his steady.

Nothing appeared to be extraordinary about him.

Yet, predetermination had an alternate arrangement for him. Upon the arrival of his eighteenth birthday celebration, every little thing about him changes as he startlingly gains the Wicked Desire Sutra...

However, his life didn't change because of the Sutra, yet something else — he saw something no one had, no one ought to.

Besides, his mother has a cheat significantly more intense than his?!

A story for the Motherlovers out there. Cut of Life, quiet, however the conclusive and evil Mc who understands what he's doing.

Expect no banality over-burden. Regardless of whether a few things appear Platitude, they won't be over the long haul.

There would likewise be a tomfoolery power framework to investigate.

What's more, obviously, Ladies. Women.


Part 1
It was a cool evening of the fourth Month. In a little corner of the Hallowed Desire Landmass laid the Southern Desire City.

Radiant evening glow punctured the night with its intrinsic excellence; cicadas peeped, and night birds Koo Kooed

Two individuals sat on a minimalistic house's rooftop: a dark haired little fellow and a dark haired lady. They quietly looked at the round moon for some time before the lady talked delicately, "Han Li you will be eighteen of every 10 minutes more."

Han LI talked nothing and continued to take a gander at the sky, his head laying on his hands. Eighteen years old, that was the point at which the others would have their third Arousing, and he was sitting over his home checking the sky out.

It was entertaining. Indeed, even miserable in some sense.

Since, not at all like them, he was unable to try and have his most memorable arousing, also the third. All things considered, he didn't have a Power flash.

Seeing his empty look, Yue Li really wanted to find her heart that was their fundamental cash.

Being misers for the following month is by all accounts the way now.

All things considered, makes no difference either way. It was his mom, and she was permitted to commit errors. Yet, he must be embarrassed that he was unable to take care of her well.

"Anyway, what is the gift? Show me," he said, inquisitive.

"So you really do need a gift!" Yue Li shouted.

"I never said that." Han Li's face obscured.

Yue Li laughed and said, "I couldn't say whether it will work, yet it is a commendable bet. In the event that it worked, it would be a major win all things considered."

Han Li scowled at the words and inquired, "Did somebody trick you once more, Mother?"

It wasn't so much as a legitimate present that she purchased?

Yue Li with certainty answered, "No, I was not misled this time. I took it deliberately to see our karma."

That main made Han Li's face obscure further; he couldn't stand it when somebody other than him defrauded his mom.

Yue Li took a little, subtle dark book from her side and showed it to him.

He took a gander at it and inquired, "Is this the gift?"

Yue Li gestured, "The shipper said that this book must be perused by the picked and that even a fish can turn into a mythical serpent assuming that they utilize this, and he even said a Flash less individual could possibly develop in the event that they had this. However, I was unable to peruse anything at all. It was all clear. Yet, imagine a scenario where you are the divinely selected individual."

Han Li didn't know whether to snicker or cry. "Might it be said that anyone wasn't there to tell you not to get it?"

Yue Li grinned more splendid, "The Dealer gave it to me secretively since it would be more costly assuming that more individuals needed it. We don't need a closeout, right?"

Han Li moved to his Mom's side, bringing his face near hers. He asked, disturbed, "Do you actually recollect the Trader's face?"

"Indeed I do! Obviously I do! He is the person who comes while the Enlivening functions happen."

Han Li delicately kissed her temple and said, "How might he venture to trick my mother? We will tell him inconvenience."

"You haven't even taken a gander at it, though..." Yue Li said with dissatisfaction.

"Indeed, on the off chance that you demand," Han Li took the book from her hands and checked its cover out. It appeared to be old and veritable — a noteworthy con artist.

He turned to the primary page, and his heart skirted a thump:

Evil spirit Change Sutra.

It was composed there in striking composition.

"Mother, you said you can't see anything here by any means? Might you at any point see this as well?"

He showed her the page, however she just saw a clear yellowed page and shook her head. However at that point, both of their eyes began lighting up... Bonanza!

"What does it say?!" Yue Li shouted and cuddled into his hug to see the clear page.

Invigorated, Han Li wouldn't fret and said, his bruised eyes sparkling like a dim moon, "Let me read first. I will peruse it to you subsequently."

He turned to the following page, and the words there alarmed him, "Be noted: You have consequently turned into The inheritor of me, the Sacrosanct Desire Evil spirit."

He swallowed.

He had known about that name, no, everybody had known about that name. It was the name of one of the seven extraordinary evil presences. It was expressed that in the age when life had recently begun to be conceived, seven extraordinary evil presences governed the world.

What's more, Consecrated Desire Devil was one of them.

Indeed, even their landmass was named after him since he was the person who decided over it in that prosperous period — the Time of Seven Devils.

Considerably more energized, Han Li turned to the following page and read, "The feeling of Desire had consistently fascinated me. From the second I was brought into the world to now, while I'm biting the dust, I would never arrive at the constraints of Desire. I would never accomplish that peak of Development. Thus, I hand-off to the group of people yet to come my Development Sutra; it isn't a lot, simply the method for changing a human body into a body like mine. However, I trust ye will arrive at the summit through this. What's more, assuming you do, remember to restore me, your most memorable Expert."

He then took a gander at the page underneath, and it was right there, written in the entirety of its highness, the all relevant info of the Devilish Desire Sutra.

However, he didn't peruse all that and just disapproved of a certain something. He had seen other Development Sutras in his Starlight Family's library. In any case, every one of them expected him to have a Power Flash inside him, yet he didn't, sadly.

Furthermore, supposedly, all Development Sutras were that way. An individual without a power flash was junk.

However, regardless of whether he was unable to develop it, he could sell the sutra for much cash — beyond what he can acquire in months.

However, did this development sutra likewise expect him to have a Power Flash?

He looked and before long figured out the thing he was searching for, "Prerequisites of development: Just a single individual can have the Hallowed Desire Evil presence Body at a time, the Power Cultivator must be something like 15 years old and a Male. What's more, they ought to likewise not have a Power Flash currently inside them upon entering the world. Should likewise have one of the 7 Hallowed Eyes to be equipped for seeing the sacred text."

Holy Eyes?

What is that?

Furthermore, that's what I have?

Confounded, Han Li couldn't completely accept that what he saw and nearly felt like he was dreaming. Vacantly seeing his mom, he inquired, "Who was the trader you tricked this out of once more?"

Yue Li flickered and, seeing his distrusting articulation, shouted, "So it is to be sure something great! So might it at any point settle your issue with being not able to develop now?"

She could have done without the conceivable cash, and she knew the amount he needed to develop. Assuming that occurred, she was sufficiently cheerful.

Han Li didn't reply and moved to embrace her firmly; his heart was pulsating too boisterously, and solely after experiencing the intensity her body produced might he at any point feel it was all genuine.

This was not a fantasy!

He could develop!

A sutra existed in this world that didn't require a Flash, and it picked him. He even had an extraordinary eyes of some sort or another.

Han Li investigated his mom's eyes and grinned, a grin of unadulterated expectation, a risky inclination.

He was unable to try and talk obviously to answer because of energy.

"So your mom is to be sure not inept." Yue Li grinned, feeling her heart float at seeing Han Li truly cheerful after quite a while.

Yet, she likewise felt a touch of fear. Consider the possibility that it didn't work eventually. That could hurt him!

She could trust it to be valid.

By the by, seeing him actually embrace her without a second thought even in the wake of turning eighteen, Yue Li grinned significantly more in his hug.

Anything that comes, she might just expectation it was to improve things.

"Sit back and relax, your mother is staying put, embrace is excessively close… " she gagged out with a chuckle