What happened that Night? in English Short Stories by Joy Bandyopadhyay books and stories PDF | What happened that Night?

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What happened that Night?

[Based on a true incident. For safety reason the name, place and characters are changed]

Riya Sharma, a 21-year-old girl hailing from a quaint and tight-knit town, arrived in the bustling city of Mumbai, carrying with her dreams as vast as the city itself. A haven of aspirations, Mumbai seemed to promise the realization of her career ambitions. Her induction into a revered corporate establishment, earned through her remarkable intelligence and quick wit, marked the initial steps of her journey in this city of dreams.

Despite her origins in a town of limited scale, Riya's adaptability and sharp acumen swiftly carved her a notable niche within the company. However, the expanse and anonymity of Mumbai found her settling into a PG, a world away from her familiar surroundings. Here, she forged new companionships, finding solace and support among her peers, especially Raju and Rahul, colleagues from the office. As happened in such generation, both the boys were an overwhelmed admirer of Riya. They used to try to make her a special friend with their supports and care.

Amidst this novel camaraderie, her boss, Mr. Arora, exhibited an unsettling and undue interest in her, often weaving uncomfortable conversations with double extenders that left Riya disconcerted. Riya was not at all habituated to such discomfort parental care. But she couldn’t resist him as her refusal may damage her carrier.

All girls of her age usually surrender in such situation at the cost of getting a golden future. Riya was an exception. She always tried to handle the offerings diplomatically when Mr Arora tried to take her on office trip with an excuse of making her more conversant about market expectancy.

As the months passed, the joyous celebration of Diwali approached.

Riya's typically reserved nature found her hesitating at the prospect of attending the Diwali party her friends had fervently urged her to join. Amidst their pleas, she relented, albeit reluctantly.

Riya: "I don't know, guys. I'm not really into big parties."

Her friends, persistent in their persuasion, reassured her, promising a memorable night.

Raju: "Come on, Riya! You'll love it, I promise."

Reluctantly, she made her way to the festivities, finding herself enchanted by the resplendent celebration.

Riya: "Wow, it's so beautiful. I've never seen anything like this before. But Raju, I feel uncomfortable in such parties."

Rahu: “Riya! Yaar this is very common in the city like Mumbai. You should join us and at least observe the energy of party. I promise, if you feel embarrassed we will drop you at your home. I sware.”

With a hesitant mind finally Riya got agreed to join the party.

However, her happiness was short-lived when she spotted Mr. Arora on the dance floor, attempting to become intimate with her. Riya tried to evade the situation, desperately searching for Raju and Rahul to find some comfort, but they were nowhere to be seen. The party continued late into the night, and after midnight, Riya decided it was time to leave. Mr. Arora offered her a ride to her PG, but she declined, opting to leave the party instead.

Riya: "No, thank you Sir, I'll find my own way."

Once outside, Riya struggled to find a cab or an auto, and as she walked down a deserted road, she found herself in a silent and eerie atmosphere. Suddenly, a car pulled up alongside her, and before she could react, three people grabbed her and forcibly pulled her into the vehicle. They swiftly bound her hands and legs, blind folded her and gagged her with a piece of cloth to stifle her cries.

Riya: "Please, let me go!"

After some time, the car reached a remote farmhouse, where they dragged Riya into an underground warehouse. When her eyes were unveiled, she was horrified by the dimly lit room. She looked around and found that the room was filled with boxes, ropes, and torn female dresses. She realized the horrifying reason she had been brought there.

Riya: "What do you want from me? Please, let me go!"

One man tied her to a pole, leaving her standing, while the other four men sat around, smoking weed, and filling the room with a hazy cloud of smoke.

Riya: "Someone, please help! Help!"

Suddenly, one of the men received a phone call and confirmed that "the scene" was ready. Riya understood the grim fate that awaited her, but the shock deepened when she saw Mr. Arora entering through the door. He began abusing her with a demonic smile, making improper advances while the other men in the room showed no concern for her distress, instead relishing in her suffering.

Mr. Arora: "You thought you could get away, dear? Not a chance."

One of them suggested that Mr. Arora inaugurate the Diwali celebration before they followed suit.

Riya: "This can't be happening!"

Mr Arora picked up a glass filled with golden water and approached to Riya with a teeth crushing voice. He ordered one of the men to bring a knife. He told in husky voice, “So my sweet girl, I tried to make your life with all my care and support, but you stupid fellow couldn’t realise the opportunity. Now you pay for the consequence. Let us enjoy your beauty on this special day. This poor dress doesn’t suit you at all. Let me change it myself.” By saying this he started to tear off her dress from her shoulder.

Riya started shivering and crying. She was constantly pleading for mercy. But Arora was so brutal he slapped her hard and said, “I need you to scream baby. Make the room more entertaining.” Everyone around started giving weird options to Mr Arora.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Everyone got alert. Mr Arora yelled on the men saying to check and finish if there be someone unwanted. One man approached the door with arm on his hand and carefully opened the door.

There was a second shock for Riya. It was the duos Raju and Rahul. Mr Arora smiled at them loudly and welcomed with big cheers. He said, “Come on my boys. You are just at right place on right time. You must get the opportunity to celebrate this night with us. Be my guest for this young fresh beauty.”

Riya couldn’t believe herself as these two guys can be of this nature. She cursed herself to trust them. Even in such horrifying situation she looked at them with anger on her eyes.

Raju slowly walked to Riya and got close to her. Rahul went to side on the wall. Raju picked up the knife and said, “Mr Arora, let’s finish the job what you started”

Suddenly the room began to fill with even more smoke, causing everyone to cough uncontrollably. Riya couldn't understand what was happening until someone cut off the rope by which she was tied up and pulled her out of the room and onto the ground. It was a dark night with twinkling stars above, and she gasped for fresh air.

Riya: gasping for breath "What's going on?"

After a few minutes, she saw a group of 10-15 people dressed in police uniforms surrounding the farmhouse. The police team forcefully removed the culprits, including Mr. Arora, from the scene. After the necessary legal formalities, Raju and Rahul took Riya to a nearby cafe to console her and explained the entire story.

Raju explained everything to Riya. Mr Arora is a most corrupted person in the office. Earlier also he overpowered lot of new girls in the office and took them outside for his desire. This time he targeted Riya. But as she refused to cooperate, he became ruthless. One day Rahul heard Mr Arora to talk to someone for this plan. Rahul and Raju discussed how to save Riya. They knew Mr Arora will try to use the opportunity of Diwali party and so they made Riya agreed to come to the party. All the time Raju and Rahul was observing Riya keeping themselves hidden. They informed the police and the sub-inspector Mr Saxena was very helpful when he heard the plan. He sent three police men in disguise to follow the van by which Riya was picked up. He only helped to use the tear gas shell inside the room. Rest all are known to her as Raju said.

Riya: tearfully "Thank you, thank you so much."

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Riya held onto the hands of Raju and Rahul, tearfully acknowledging that she had found two true friends in this unfamiliar city. With a smile, she requested to return to the dance floor to celebrate the rest of the night, finally able to enjoy Diwali in the company of those she could trust.

## END ##