The Angel Inside - 47 in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 47 - The other side

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The Angel Inside - 47 - The other side

Author's Pov

The afternoon gleam of the sun reached the glasses of the big building. The hallways were washed with sudden silence with only the busy typing noises from the employees' keyboards, while Alex enjoyed a cup of coffee in his cabin with a peaceful silence. A lot had happened to him within those passing months.

His head craned to the right wall of his cabin, with his lips curved up into a smirk, a click of his remote had the wall turned into transparent glass, revealing Candice sitting at her desk busy on a phone call. Her hands flipping through the files while she traced her gaze through it, having no idea of the CEO who had been admiring her throughout the day. It was a daily routine of him to stare at the woman in the next room everytime that he had an opportunity.

Alex smiled looking at her. This feature was only accessible by Alex. He could transform any wall in his cabin into a transparent wall and could keep an eye on his employees without having the need to step out of his cabin or check the CCTV. And he didn't mind misusing this power and gazing at the woman who made his heart flutter and wanted to claim her as his. He smiled at himself, remembering past events.

Flashback:(2 months ago)

The pages of the dislocated file flew in the air sprawling all over the CEO's cabin. The tortured file lay abandoned on the floor. The tormentor had its attention to the table boring holes onto the CEOs skull.

"I have had enough! I wanna go back to Ace!"

The voice boomed, cutting sharply through the air, piercing into Alex's ears, which only seemed to increase the temper of the fuming Candice who had been idiotically smiling infront of her.

Alex: I'm afraid that you can't.

It was an everyday routine where Alex wouldn't let go of any moment to make Candice feel the need to kill him that instant. Yet she had to bare those tantrums because he was her dear brother-in-law. He would tease and irritate her by making her redo documents or sometimes making her stay in the office till late at night.

Candice: The project is already over and we have completed everything. Now what?

Her little fists banged the glass desk, resulting in hurting her fists.

Alex: You see, Candice, since I have fired my secretary it will take a while to find another capable one, so by that time you won't mind helping me till then, right?

Candice visibly rolled her eyes, cursing the CEO mentally, while her little baby face puffed red. She turned her heels, stomping her way to the door while Alex's words made her stop again.

Alex: Another thing you have to accompany me to my house tonight. We gotta discuss the upcoming runway deal!

Oh Boy! How much Candice wished to rub off his irritating smirk while he was acting all innocent. She slammed the door on his face without caring to reply back.

The day had passed by and Candice found herself in the passenger seat beside Alex, who peacefully drove back home. Candice didn't bother to look at him and looked out of the window. She couldn't deny the fact that all the ladies were head over heels over him. Alex and Amy had some power of attracting people and attention. That simple dark shade of formals with God's carved features were worth chasing for, but she wouldn't admit it and feed his ego. He was an arrogant jerk with the gifted beauty of an angel.

He would torture her with endless work like a maniac and be the ladies favorite of the other female employees in the company. Her gaze slowly shifted to his veiny hands and long slender fingers that had gripped the steering wheel. She scoffed mentally, turning her head forward.

A year more and then she would be capable of handling her dad's company. Her chain of thoughts broke when the CEO hit the brakes, killing the engine. Getting out of the car, she followed Alex who had entered the house, taking off his blazer and throwing it carelessly on the couch.

"Excuse me?"

Alex: I'll be back in a while.

His words landed plainly as he made his way upstairs to his room.

" Maam, you can wait for Mr.Park in the study upstairs. Shall I escort you there?"

Candice denied genuinely thanking the kind maid for water. She moved forward to ascend the stairs and reach the floor. She walked through the hallway, everything felt mysterious and filmsy. All the doors in the hallway were the same color except that one room, which had a door painted in red. It felt like those psychotic criminal movies where the villain would murder people around as if going on a killing spree.

She took a slow step towards the red door. Though her mind denied her, claiming it was a foolish idea, curiosity got the best of her. She pushed through the door after twisting the knob open. Stepping inside, her eyes met the vast room cladded with nothing but walls with frames and paintings. She got closer analysing them one by one only to realise, they were her pictures from high school.

Her palm covered her mouth in shock as she gasped in horror. She took a few steps back, wanting to escape the place as soon as possible. She stepped back even more, not able to comprehend the situation, only to collide on a hard surface coming in contact with her back. She turned around to find Alex already fuming in anger. Her eyes widened in horror as adrenaline rushed through her veins. Her mind felt numb, but survival mattered to her the most.

Alex: what are you doing here?

He sounded pissed. Her eyes roamed around finding a set of sharp pencils. She grabbed one, darting at Alex near to his face. She had no intention of hurting him but she just wanted to scare him and escape.

Candice: Step Back! How dare you stalk me ! You Creep! You dared to invade my privacy!

Candice's action took Alex off-guard but after their first accidental meeting, he knew well about her weird and crazy antics. He grabbed her dainty arms, pushing them behind her back, locking her in his buff figure.

Alex: Excuse me! You are the one who invaded my privacy and dared to enter here without my permission! And what do you mean I'm stalking you?

Candice paid no heed to his words and continued to wriggle and yank away in his arms, not wanting to stay for another minute.

Candice: Those are my pictures you creep!

Alex momentarily froze, the new input of information had made his senses freeze. He couldn't believe his ears, the girl that he had searched for years was now in his arms.


He lowly whispered, gaining her attention. He searched everywhere for her with this name. How could it even be possible to find her with an obviously fake name? The name had reached Candice's ears and with full force she pushed him away and freed herself from him.

Candice: How do you know my previous name?

Alex: So it was you all this time?

He whispered as his eyes gleamed with happiness. He found himself smiling like an idiot.

Candice: What?

She looked at him weirdly.

Alex: I ...I love you!

His arms unconsciously extended to hug her. And the next moment he knew was a push on his chest and a tight slap landing on his cheek making his head tilt to the side as Candice escaped the place.

The next whole month passed with him trying hard to explain to Candince about his situation and feelings and he was not something she thought of him as. He genuinely expressed himself through kind actions, making Candice discover a whole new side of him.

She ignored him in all ways possible, but she couldn't get rid of him in the company, since she didn't want any personal matters to take place in her professional life, but deep down she had a gut feeling that told her, the man was genuine and real.

But it bothered her a lot, since the girl he fell for was Rose from high school with a whole different personality from who she currently was. Her name was changed for a reason. She wanted genuine friends, and no sort of unnecessary attention towards her just because she had a big surname attached to her name.

It was the end of the day, as she kept the files back in their places on her desk. A month had passed and Alex had lessened her work load as a secretary. He would make sure she reached back home safe and wouldn't pester her anymore. He would try hard to explain himself, but like every other day, she would ignore his existence.

This time it was a different case. She found a text from Alex that said, "Will be waiting for you in the parking lot, it's the last time I would bother you. Please."

The text made her heart sink. She was clueless about what was about to come. She was afraid that he would choose some extreme steps to get her attention. She shrugged off her thoughts, finally accepting to give him a chance to explain himself.

She headed towards the parking lot, which was deserted since it had been 11 in the night. She worked overtime for the upcoming project. She walked further in the area, finally spotting Alex standing near his car.

He opened the car's door for her like a gentleman and let her climb in. After a while, Alex drove out of the company and they were finally facing the street lights. After a few minutes the car had stopped near a restaurant, they went inside, while Candice wondered what he actually wanted.

She felt lost at the moment, not realising that she had now been sitting opposite to Alex, who looked at her nervously.

Alex: What would you like to have?

He bit his lips anxiously.

Candice: Whatever seems fine.

Alex: Okay.

He ordered a menu for two of them. He looked at her, wanting to start a conversation.

Alex: Just hear me out this time please.

He spoke lowly.

Candice sighed.

Alex: I never stalked you, nor am I a creep. Do you remember we had a photoshoot and you wanted to be a model for it? I had your pictures because of that...

I know it's uncomfortable for you to suddenly find my secret..ugh. But I like you I love you. Call it love at first sight, though this is unrealistic, but it matters to me. A lot...

I like you for you, not because you are a daughter of a family that owns an empire. No, I liked you for years and waited for you. I used every source to find you. I know this is sudden for you, but I'm ready to wait for you. If you want.... you could reject me and I would respect it.

The last words were something he feared the most. It was difficult for him to utter such words, cause he didn't had any intention of letting her go. He looked at her face, which was devoid of emotions. His fear grew even more, being clueless, he could do nothing but wait for her reply.

After the torturing silence, all he could hear was a sigh escaping her lips. She looked at him in the eyes.

Candice: Okay but I am not sure...

Before Candice could even continue she was cutted off by Alex.

Alex: about me courting you for a few months and then you can decide?

He spoke desperately. Candice again had a blank face and looking at her he was again fearing if she would reject the suggestion.

Alex: OK. How about 2 months?

A month....

2 weeks..

A week..

1 day?

Okay, 1 hour?


5 mins...?

Again facing Candice's poker face, he was about to cry until he heard her laugh. The soon to be welling up tears had now calmed while he looked at her like a lost puppy. She laughed heartily while all he could do was stare at her.

Candice: Huh! It's so fun to tease you. You made me work like an idiot for a month. Can't I take some revenge?

She chuckled.

Alex: I would die like that!

He took out tissues and blew off his nose.

Candice: were you gonna cry? I'm so sorry.

She spoke surprised, not expecting such a reaction.

Candice: OK, I would date.

He looked up at her with doe eyes.

Alex: Really!?

His lips curved up in a smile. He looked like a child, his eyes sparkling with happiness. Candice nodded, assuring him. The dinner had already arrived and they both happily digged in.

After a bite, Alex had something in mind again.

Alex: Then we are gonna visit your parents.

Candice choked on her food while Alex was quick to pass her a glass of water.

Candice: What? Why?!

Alex: We need to get permission from our parents to court each other. Cause I want to make it official.

Candice: But isn't this too early?

Alex had an innocent face with a clever brain. He didn't wanted anyone else in Candice's life. Call him selfish, but he wasn't gonna let go of something that he had waited for years.

Flashback over

The long dining table had been decorated with all the flavourful, savoury dishes and drinks. Yes, it was all arranged by Alex at his house. He took a seat on the chair near Candice, who bit her lips anxiously while both their parents had taken their seats on the opposite side of the table.

Besides them, he had also invited Amy and Jay, wanting to make everything official. All of them were clueless about this dinner being held so suddenly. There were a few chit-chats between Mr. Park and Mr. Connor, while Mrs. Park didn't like the idea of Amy joining them at the dinner. Though Amy had a good relationship with her in the past, but everything changed once Amy's mother passed away.

In the corner of her eyes she glanced at Amy, her mind flashing with a small version of Amy as a small, happy and jolly kid when she would visit their house every weekend to play with Alex with her soft toys. She was like a small princess who liked to wear floral frocks and gowns in bright colours with her soft plushie.

Amy always called her 'her favourite Aunt' who would spoil her with toys and would always dress her up like different princesses from fairytales, she would braid her long hair and they would often twin their outfits. Though she was never blessed with a daughter but only a son, she fulfilled all her wishes and desires with Amy.

She liked the sweet little girl back then. But the day Amy's mother's identity was revealed as a fraudster, she broke ties with Amy and her family, never letting her into their house thinking that Amy was a bad influence to her son, Alex. The empire and the business remained the same, it was a matter of relationship. She still remembered the day she kicked Amy out of their house and yelled at her.

Amy was only 6 back then and after losing her mother, Amy's only support for craving the motherly warmth was her aunt, who heartlessly tormented her and blamed her as a bad influence on her son. Little Amy had felt broken that day. Her doe eyes teared up as she faced her aunt's wrath. She left that day and after that she never saw Amy's face until now, when she spotted Amy everywhere in the media, be it billboards or her interviews.

If things had stayed back, then she would have been proud of Amy as a second mother. In the corner of her heart all she felt was guilty. She broke an innocent girl's heart, just because her mother was in a phase of doubt and scandal.

Alex's mother had gone to the extent of sending Alex off from America to study somewhere far away, where he wouldn't contact Amy. She kept him away for years but was kind of unsuccessful in breaking their bond. Instead, Alex had started to hate her because she forcefully took him away from his cousin's sister at the time when Amy needed them the most, when she was the most vulnerable.

And today Alex barely spoke to his mother. He used to share everything with her, but now he didn't even mention anything about this dinner when she asked him the reason. He plainly ignored her and she regretted every bit of her stubborn decisions for her only son.

Mrs. Park eyes peered at Amy who still hadn't spoken a word and kept eating, she decided not to make a fuss out of an already ruined relation. She looked at Alex and could easily make out that whatever his purpose was, it was definitely something serious.

Few minutes had passed of eating in silence, contemplating how to talk, Alex felt as if his words were stuck in his jaw.

He heard Mr. Connor clearing his throat.

Mr. Connor: I'm sure there is a reason behind this sudden get-together at dinner.

Hearing of Mr. Connor's cold voice, all he felt was dread, his brain making various scenarios of Mr. Connor killing him to death after asking to court his daughter. But he had already bought it for himself. He parted his lips trying to form some words.

Alex: I...I-

Mr. Connor raised a brow with curiosity, while others were curious too. Alex licked his lips in nervousness before speaking. He never felt such anxiety, even in the big business deals that he was feeling at the moment.

Alex: I want your permission to court your daughter.

He spoke in one breath, not wanting to face the reaction. Everybody froze for a while, looking at Alex.

Mr. Park: when did this happen?

Mrs. Connor: You mean Candice?

She still spoke, not sure about Alex's spoken words.

Alex: Umm...yeah I guess, unless you got 2 daughters.

He shrieked lowly when he felt Candice elbowing him in the gut as she shot a glare at him.

Alex slowly eyed Mr.Connor, trying to make something out of his expression. But like father, like daughter, he too had a face void of any emotions. He felt like a teenager trying to convince his parents for a trip.

Mr and Mrs Connor glanced at each other and later broke the long silence with a laugh.

Mr. Connor: Are you sure? I mean if this is-

Alex: I genuinely love your daughter and I am not playing, and she has a choice if she wants to leave me or reject me.

Alex addressed the concerns that Mr.Connor had as a father.

Mrs. Connor: I am starting to like you.

She spoke smiling, bringing the tense atmosphere at ease.

An hour passed by while things went according to Alex's plan. He was content. All the time he would either talk or secretly glance at Candice.

Soon, both of their parents took leave due to their business schedules. While Jay and Amy remained to accompany them. Alex went to the kitchen looking for dessert while Amy followed behind him.

Amy: Someone had been ewwing in the past. Finally, your obsession with that girl has died.

Alex rolled his eyes at her.

Alex: it's her.

Amy slightly frowned at the remark.

Alex: Candice is Rose.

His eyes sparkled, lips curving into a full blown smile.

Amy: you mean it's Candice?

Alex nodded.

Amy: you better not make up shits and then hurt her. I dare you.

Amy playfully glared at him, obviously noticing the heart eyes he had everytime when he looked at Candice throughout the dinner. She knew one thing for sure her brother was smitten.