The Days When I Am With You - 2 in English Short Stories by Asavela Prince books and stories PDF | The Days When I Am With You - 2

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The Days When I Am With You - 2

Part 2

As yet Grinning

A ram of the medical clinic entryway rang through the passage. Alarming different patients was clearly enough.

They generally looked towards the celebrity ward with an unavoidable issue blemish on their countenances, considering what was genuinely going on with the disturbance.

Every one of the medical caretakers and the specialist face became pale when they saw the vacant room.

A man in a dark suit who had pummeled the entryway gritted his teeth as he dialed a number. At the point when the call was associated, he requested in a harsh voice, "Bring everybody! She has gotten away!"

Subsequently, he finished the call without trusting that the other party will reply. Then, at that point, he pivoted and hurried out of the medical clinic.

He needed to find her before his supervisor got fresh insight about her vanishing!

One of the medical caretakers checked the vacant bed out. She looked at the specialist who had now become hysterical and requested the security to open the surveillance camera.

She moaned. One idea waited to her, 'How did the woman get away from in her frail state?'

Unexpectedly a boisterous loud sound followed by a glimmer of lightning resonated from outside. She weaved her eyebrows while she watched the dismal sky and the pounding of downpour on the window ledge. The raindrops were too clearly to even consider passing as a straightforward shower.

It had been pouring the entire day since yesterday.


'Hello Airi... I love you.'

Her breath was loomed as she kept on running down the tricky street.

Without a consideration of how freezing cold the downpour was and the way in which the aggravation had saturated her bones, smashing each organ in her body, she kept on running.

The downpour was ceaselessly pouring, crushing down brutally at her fragile and slight body like a huge number of needles penetrating through her skin.

She knew, her body was bombing her. Her body was abandoning her. The beating in her mind and the crushing aggravation inside her chest that tortured her, alongside the wound inclination inside her stomach.

In any case, she was unable to stop. Not for the aggravation. Not for the virus. Not really for her life.

She needed to run even in this desolation she was overwhelmed in.

Since there could have been no more prominent aggravation than the last memory that arose when she awakened in this new body and there could have been no more prominent distress than what she had heard when she dialed the number quite recently.

"It's clearly false," she mumbled willfully ignorant.

It was anything but a delicate and unmistakable voice that had gotten away from her lips. It was broken like a snap of a guitar string.

And, after its all said and done, regardless of whether it killed her to talk in such voice that her throat wanted to drain, she actually murmured under the noisy sprinkle of downpour, basically to quiet herself.

"It's completely false."

"It's each of the a falsehood."

As she kept on endlessly running, bit by bit hauling her unresponsive feet, her tears fell, blended in the drop of downpour that had wet her pale cheeks.

It was throbbing, her heart. Disintegrating like a destroyed point of support. The aggravation was deplorably choking.

'Lian-ge, it's stinging. I can't withstand anything else.' She murmured inside her heart while squeezing at her chest hard as though accepting this signal could assist with facilitating the pounding torment inside her.

It was then, at that point, in her snapshot of shortcoming, she slipped and fell onto the black-top. Both of her knees banged onto the ground uproariously, scratching her unadulterated white skin. The blood overflowed out from the injury in a moment.


She hit her chest two or multiple times as she hacked over and over until she at last hurled blood.


From the beginning, she gazed in alarm at the blood staining her hand.

Be that as it may, gradually, her pale lips twisted into a wonderful grin. Her ink-bruised eyes were shining like the brilliant night sky over the cerulean ocean.

A drop of tears fell onto her palm. And, after its all said and done, she didn't know that she was crying. The tears streamed along with the downpour.

Nobody and no one saw her frail presence. They just passed by in rush to take cover. Hustling about staying out of other people's affairs.

Furthermore, the young lady just stayed there on the difficult ground, gazing inertly at the blood. The obscuring of her vision demolished continuously.

In a little while, her body influenced and she dropped pitifully onto the ground. The blood on her palms and her garments softened away staining the black-top, following the progression of the water.

Before she totally lost her cognizance, the main thing to her was him, the person who she cherished beyond a doubt.

"Lian-ge, what do you cherish most about me?"

Lian Hua laughed. As he squeezed her delightful cheeks, he replied, "Your grin."

She smiled. He yanked her into a major embrace. He pressed her with such yearning and love.

"So Airi, consistently grin, alright? I love seeing your grin."

Individually, individuals around came to her as they attempted to save her. They were all yelling in alarm. One of them was on their telephone calling the rescue vehicle.

They generally attempted to urge her to remain cognizant while they conveyed her to a protected spot, away from the downpour. In any case, that large number of voices had changed into a humming clamor in her ears. It just heightened the pounding in her mind.

The haziness had long overwhelmed her vision, pulling her back to the quiet sleep she had been in.

Under the hopeless sky, the lady laid there along the edge of the street, fragile and dead, yet an uncommon delightful grin broke on her dry blue lips.

'Lian-ge, see...I'm still smiling