Reincarnated With The Strongest System - 1 in English Short Stories by Asavela Prince books and stories PDF | Reincarnated With The Strongest System - 1

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Reincarnated With The Strongest System - 1

Chapter 1
I'm Going on First… Don't Miss Me To an extreme
To the Predetermined Individual who is sufficiently fortunate to track down my letter,

700 52 million, 600 48 thousand pulses.

That is the times my heart beat inside my body, before I parted with it. I, who had carried on with an excruciating, yet blissful, life had many second thoughts and among those second thoughts was to kick the bucket… a virgin!

Ahem! Try not to take a gander at me with those eyes loaded up with disparagement and disdain, for I'm certain that you, yes you! The one perusing this right currently is something very similar. The two of us are virgins!

What? You're not a virgin? All things considered then F*ck you! How might you venture to understand this?! Don't you know the sensations of us sad, gorgeous, and stunning young men, Similar to ME, who have never at any point gotten the opportunity to date a young lady?

Do you not have a clue about our torment? Our misery? Our vast days stuck inside the restroom doing one hand exercises?

Tsk, you crude pig. What has been going on with the expressing, Brothers before Tools? Disgrace on you brother, disgrace on you.

You filth, who don't figure out the significance of fellowship. I trust your PP will not at any point raise its head at any point in the future! How about we check whether you stay famous then!

Where could I have been? Goodness no doubt, I passed on as a virgin. Notwithstanding, before I kicked the bucket, I got my first and last kiss from a lovely woman who was known as the main magnificence in the entire foundation.

Man~ her lips were delicate to the point that I felt like I was in beyond happy.

If by some stroke of good luck the young men in the school could see that second, I bet that they would have chomped their hankies in envy. I'm certain that every last bit of her admirers would have held hands to kill me.

Jokes on them, on the grounds that when somebody has found this letter, I will have for some time been dead! Hahaha!

I leave this world with many second thoughts, yet there was one thing I don't lament, and that was giving my heart to her. Despite the fact that she had just been my sweetheart for a couple of hours, those hours were the most joyful hours of my life.

I supplicate that she will make every second count. As far as herself might be concerned, at the same time, additionally, for the good of I.

As far as you might be concerned, who is presently perusing this letter, I wish you a favored day. I don't have any idea what your identity is, where you're from, or what you're going through. Notwithstanding, let me simply let you know a certain something.

Make every second count, and live without laments. For there are many like me, who will not have the option to see the upcoming dawn once we shut our eyes this evening. I never thought often about the world, yet when I saw the last nightfall of my life, I understood that I had botched numerous delightful open doors.

Try not to be like me.

Try not to squander your life.

Treasure each second, as though it was your last.

Also, before I end this letter, permit me to offer you my last guidance.

Continuously carry tissues with you any place you go.


The kid who kicked the bucket so others might live.


In the little opportunity that you are the person who tracked down this letter. If it's not too much trouble, disregard the first and final part of what you have perused. I was simply kidding! Try not to treat my words in a serious way.

In the event that Destiny wills it, our ways will cross in the future. That's what I wish, the following time we meet, we will actually want to complete our incomplete business. I guarantee that when that opportunity arrives, I won't ever let you go.

Alright, I'm going on first… Don't miss me to an extreme, alright? Likewise, you're not permitted to follow me immediately! Since, in such a case that you do, I will be truly miserable. Deal with my younger siblings and sisters in the shelter for me.

See you later, Beauty.


A solitary tear fell, trailed by another. Before long, the written by hand letter was soaked in tears. Beauty's vision obscured as the tears in her eyes fell like downpour.

"William, Please accept my apologies," Beauty held the letter away from plain view. "Please accept my apologies."

As the sun vanished from the skyline, and the primary stars showed up overhead. Just the solid pulsating of William's heart inside her chest, went with her until she no longer had tears to shed.

Section 2
Sanctuary Of 10,000 Divine beings
At the point when William woke up, he wound up lying on top of a little brilliant cloud that was flying overhead.

Right away, he felt that he was all the while dreaming, yet the recollections of how Beauty fell before him came flooding in. Alongside the surge of recollections, an acknowledgment unfolded upon him.

"Believe it or not. I'm now dead," William murmured. He unwittingly positioned his hand over his chest to feel his pulse, however he felt and heard nothing.

Subsequent to hurling a moan, the kid sat with folded legs on top of the cloud as though it was the most regular thing to do on the planet. Subsequent to doing as such, recollections of his life flew away with a sense of finality.

William saw cheerful recollections, miserable recollections, and recollections that he would have rather not seen at any point down the road. Toward the finish of his thinking back, the picture of a wonderful young lady, with long dark hair, made him nibble his lip in dissatisfaction.

Honestly, he was exceptionally stressed over her.

Did the activity succeed? Did the specialists make it in time? Will the Medical clinic Chief stay true to his commitment?

Many inquiries popped inside his head. Notwithstanding, he realize that there was no way to influence the result of the situation that had unfolded. The explanation? He was at that point dead. There was no utilization agonizing over things that were unchangeable as far as he might be concerned.

"I trust you're not kidding," William said as he raised his head.

A brilliant entrance was sparkling before him and he realize that his process had reached a conclusion. He had never put stock in God, for Failed to help him when he was alive. He likewise didn't put stock in Paradise and Damnation.

The main thing he had confidence in was Rebirth.

Maybe, he was affected by the innumerable books that he had perused while remaining at the emergency clinic. His main leisure activity was to peruse tales about development, realm building, cut of life, immigration, verifiable sentiment, and numerous different subjects.

"On the off chance that there truly is a Divine being, he would do well to set himself up to get hit by my clench hand." William squinted his eyes as he looked at the brilliant entrance that was getting bigger consistently. "Assuming I figure out that He additionally took Beauty, I will pound Him until even His Mom doesn't remember Him any longer."

Those were the final words William said before the cloud entered the brilliant entrance.

What he saw on the opposite side of the entry blew him away. It helped him to remember the time his class went to the planetarium for their Science Field Excursion.

"Exactly what on earth?" William requested absentmindedly as he gazed at the immeasurability from space. Endless stars, planets, and cosmic systems should have been visible somewhere out there.

Before the high school kid really might handle all that he was seeing, the cloud accelerated and headed towards a monster planet that looked basically the same as Earth.

Shockingly, a few other brilliant mists showed up close to William as the cloud advanced towards the planet.

A parade of brilliant mists numbering in the large numbers shaped in under a moment.

Every one of them was likewise conveying an individual - each shifting in age. Some were old, some were youthful, and some were amazingly youthful. Youngsters not more established than three years of age glanced back at William with an inquisitive look, while sucking on their thumbs.

William felt a throb in his chest as he checked out at the small kids with a miserable articulation. They helped him to remember his younger siblings and sisters back at the halfway house.

As they moved closer the planet, an astounding change happened to the parade of brilliant mists.

The mists conveying the elderly individuals broke liberated from the arrangement and headed towards the Eastern Side of the planet. The mists conveying the youngsters who were underneath the age of five flew towards the South.

It didn't take long for William to understand that they were being "isolated" by some obscure power who appeared to be controlling the request for the mists.

The cloud that William was riding on didn't take an alternate route and kept on going straight towards the focal point of the planet. A couple of others were in a similar gathering as him, yet they numbered under 100.

As the mists they were riding on slid from the sky. A great sanctuary showed up before their eyes. An elderly person, with long white hair, and facial hair, remained before the entry and checked out at them cheerfully.

"Good tidings to all of you," the elderly person said with a sort and calming voice. "I realize that every one of you have a ton of inquiries. In spite of the fact that I don't have the responses to every one of them, I will gladly answer those that I know. Is there any of you who might want to pose an inquiry?"

"Me!" a thin young fellow who appeared to be in his mid twenties lifted his hand.

"Go on," The elderly person answered.

"Are you God?" the thin man inquired.

"No," the elderly person replied. "I'm only one of Their numerous aides."

"Their aides? You mean there is more than one God?" a beautiful woman inquired.

"Gracious yes." the elderly person grinned. "Some of them are old and some are new. Incidentally, the name of this sanctuary is the Sanctuary of 10,000 Divine beings. In spite of the fact that I say 10,000 Divine beings, the specific number of Divine beings that live inside is obscure."

The elderly person stopped prior to proceeding with his clarification. "It has been Ages since this sanctuary was named, and numerous Divine beings have been brought into the world during the progression of time. Obviously, it is likewise a fact that numerous Divine beings had died too."

William and the others fell quiet as they processed the elderly person's words. All things considered, being just about as youthful as they were, their interest got the better of them.

"Why so many?" an attractive kid with light hair and blue eyes inquired. "Isn't there only one Genuine God?"

"Great inquiry." The elderly person gestured his head in appreciation. "You came from Earth right?"

"Indeed," the attractive kid answered.

"Suppose that on The planet, there is one Genuine God." the elderly person grinned. "Then, shouldn't something be said about different universes? In the event that every world had one Genuine God then, at that point, couldn't that actually intend that there are endless Genuine Divine beings in the different universes inside this universe?"

The attractive kid augmented his eyes in acknowledgment. He comprehended what the elderly person was referring to and presently not posed any inquiries.

The elderly person made a motion towards the Temple