Be yourself in English Motivational Stories by Ink Writer books and stories PDF | Be yourself

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Be yourself

The first copy is different than original
Yes the brands which are famous , the things ,the non living thing I mean in them also the value of original is most, then why not in living creatures like us

I m talking about humans
What we do is we try to mimic others
We try to copy others
Directly or indirectly in someone's influence
And ultimately we stop being ourselves
And the success rate decreses

It normally happens in life in adolescent age specially when we come in influence of specially a bollywood celebrities or the ads infuences

But it's essential to be yourself

1) Know your interests and choose apath

Keep your interest to yourself if some tells you that your interest does not pay you is not useful in world etc then atleast try to know the truth
Something especially in relationship one person is in higher influence of other and start talking decision according to other one but remember you both are compliment to each other not to be the same

Know first of all your interests line professionallu you may be a engineer or doctor or pharmacist or accountant but you love to write
So choose wisely where you want to go ahead
See ans - of both then select it

2) keep trust on yourself

Sometimes people will tell your work is useless, not essential not good , review it find the truth and try to improve yourself too don't go blind on others view else you will lose orinality

Let me take an example
There is a person in a life whom you respect much but he is unknown about the path of life you choose like you choose science stream and he is unknown about hardwork dedication you needed, and he or she tells you to be more social which can harm your future life that is professional life so know first of all whom to trust in which matter yes don't disrespect anybody for anything and trust your life becy you know about your shoes you travelled , and not the others

3) Don't hurt or disrespect others

There will be person in life who is not eligible as you are who is not intelligent as you are still don't have a ego as one quote says

In a ladder Treat the person coming down with respect with respect because once you will also come back

And once you hurt somebody may be you will forget but the once who got hurt will surely not , if he becomes more powerful one day he may harm you and if not aleast he will give you a bad wordings in the heart. And don't forget kurma never leaves you
You will have to pay for it today or tomorrow whatever the opposite person feels or not remember or not is irrespective of it
So always do good deads and don't hurt others

4) Be strong enough not to be affected by environment

Something the environment in which you live may be not supportive to you if you fiil those stuffs only in mind then you cannot fill it with your dreams your plan
Yous mood will get ruptured
For example today your plan was to study good and get very good marks but your family had a fight not if you foll your mind with that stuff can you study
And if it continues for many days you will not get good marks ultimately you will get a failure why because you got disturbed by it
It is not easy but make sure you have to make your life so as in future you don't give your parents your family a life you don't want