An Eternal Love Story - 2 in English Love Stories by Preeti books and stories PDF | An Eternal Love Story - 2

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An Eternal Love Story - 2

Chapter 2: Birth in Ancient India

In their first birth, Suyash was born as a prince, while Prernawas born as a commoner. Their paths crossed when Suyash visited Prerna's village and fell in love with her. However, their love was forbidden by Suyashs family, and they were forced to part ways.

Suyash was born as a prince in a small kingdom in ancient India. He was raised with all the luxuries that a prince could ask for. He had the best education, the best food, and the best clothes. However, despite having everything, he always felt like something was missing from his life.

One day, while he was hunting in the nearby forest, he lost his way and found himself in a small village. He saw a beautiful girl, Prerna, working in her backyard. Suyash was struck by her beauty and kindness. He asked her for directions and she offered him a night stay at her house.

Prerna was a simple yet beautiful girl, who lived in a small house with her parents. Despite being from a middle-class family, her hospitality was top-notch, and Suyash was impressed by her kindness and generosity.

The next morning, Suyash went back to his castle, but he couldn't stop thinking about Prerna. He started visiting her frequently, and they started spending time together in the nearby jungle. They would talk about everything and anything, and Suyash felt like he had found the missing piece of his life.

One day, while they were walking in the jungle, Suyash wanted to give Prerna a ring as a token of his love. As he held her hand in his, the crescent shape moon shone in both of their palms, and they remembered their eternal love.

However, their love was forbidden by Suyash's family. They saw Prerna as a commoner and didn't want their son to marry beneath his status. Suyash's father, the king of the kingdom, said to his son, "Your life belongs to not just one person, but to the whole country. You should marry a royal blood to serve your country."

Suyash was torn between his love for Prerna and his duty towards his kingdom. He knew that his father was right, but his heart couldn't accept it. He said to his father, "I know my duty towards the kingdom, but I cannot stop loving Prerna. She completes me in ways that no one else can. Please, father, let me marry her."

But his father was adamant. He said, "No, Suyash. Your duty towards the kingdom comes first. You cannot marry someone who is not a royal blood."

Prerna, on the other hand, was heartbroken. She knew that their love was eternal, but she also knew that they could not be together in this birth. She said to Suyash, "I understand your situation, Suyash. You have to fulfill your duty towards your kingdom. But my heart cannot accept that we have to part ways. I will always love you, but we cannot be together in this lifetime."

Suyash and Prerna parted ways, with tears in their eyes. They knew that their love was eternal, but their destiny had other plans for them. Prerna was forced to marry someone else, and Suyash married a royal blood to serve his country.

Despite being forced to part ways, Suyash and Prerna never forgot each other. They knew that they were meant to be together, and they were willing to wait for their next birth to fulfill their destiny.