Nightmare, Or What Seems A Daydream - Part 3 in English Fiction Stories by Samarah Fatma books and stories PDF | Nightmare, Or What Seems A Daydream - Part 3

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Nightmare, Or What Seems A Daydream - Part 3

Mia and Sophie are waiting near the Amusement Park for Maddy. They went ahead and bought some snacks and in the meantime Maddilyn had arrived. Before they had gotten on some rides Maddy had thought of asking them a question.

Maddy: Hey guys, what was your first class today?

Sophie: Oh, it was a language class.

Maddy: Which one?

Mia: We had French.

Sophie: Yea… French.

Maddy: K, good to know.

They had gone on many rides and were all tired by the end of the day. Thankfully, it was a weekend so they had time to relax. Maddy thought of taking a photo to remember the start of their newly formed friendship which was going to be a great one, or what they all had hoped would be. Strangely, people had stared at her while they were taking photos, it’s as if they found it weird when we were doing so.

Reaching home, Maddy got fresh and ate food. After resting for a bit she was reminded about her morning in school. She was still confused about the school uniform which Mia and Sophie had worn today. She went ahead on her laptop and searched up the photos of her recent school uniform. She didn’t find the ones worn by them and found the fact intriguing. What was more of the hook is that they don’t teach French at their school. The only language subjects taught are Korean, Japanese (By choice) and English. Even if they had French, language periods are said not to be at the start of the day as to make it easier for the flow of learning. This had made Maddy’s life more mysterious and peculiar. Maddy was finally indulged in something more perplexing and thought to let herself try it out. She continued by acting clueless around Mia and Sophie for a few days just to see if anything else was strange.

It was finally school again, Maddilyn started to change a bit and showed more emotions. Her desk mate, Adriene, was curious about something and couldn’t ask her before.

Adriene: Seo-Yeon!

Seo-Yeon: Maddilyn is fine, but what?

Adriene: K. Last Thursday you were around an area near the teacher’s staff room, if I’m not wrong, in the morning.

Seo-Yeon: Yea.. Why?

Adriene: Who were you talking to over there?

Seo-Yeon: What do you mean? My friends.

Adriene: Oh, really? Not many people are near the staff room because of the teachers.

Seo-Yeon: But it was almost crowded there.

Adriene: In the morning? Nah. There wasn’t even a single soul.

Seo-Yeon: You sure? You were probably really far and couldn’t see clearly.

Adriene: I have 15/15 vision.

Seo-Yeon: Oh, but I-

Classmate 1: Adriene, Mrs. Kim is looking for you. Oh, hey Seo-Yeon.

See-Yeon: Hmm, hey.

Adriene: Then I’ll, see you tomorrow. Bye.

Seo-Yeon: Yea.. Ok. Bye.

Maddy was now fully convinced that there was a piece of the puzzle that was missing and something that was hidden from her. These strange incidents started after meeting Mia and Sophie. She wanted to ask them about it and did. They didn’t reply her with much, Maddy felt that whatever they said wasn’t true and there was something they knew about her that made made them become friends with each other. Maddy had many guesses of who they could be. Mia and Sophie knew a lot about Maddy without her telling them about anything. Maddilyn suspected that they may be apart of the FBI, even if they were what were they trying to know about me or what do they know about me? Are they trying to keep tabs on me? Questions filled Maddilyn’s mind and she stressed out. After laying in bed for sometime she cleared her mind out.