Tales of Love - Ep-8 in English Love Stories by Dona Das books and stories PDF | Tales of Love - Ep-8

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Tales of Love - Ep-8

In the afternoon when the classes were finished the captain told Puja that today is her turn in doing the after class works. So that she doesn't leave the classroom.
"But, I have to go home early today please make up for me this once."
"I don't know, you can leave just don't mind when your name goes to the reporting list."
She doesn't argue much after that. She doesn't have any friends who could cover up for her. After everyone left the classroom she started to clean the board quickly. She was closing the windows when a lock sound came from behind. She rushed there and yelled.
"Hey, Rima I am here why are you locking the door."
"You think you are so smart right after getting attention in the class ? So be locked and think a little harder.......
"Are you out of your mind I don't have any time for this nonsense. My grandmother is sick I have taken medicines for her. Please..."
But they were already left and there was no one to hear her. Puja broke down on the floor and started to process the events in her mind. She was a normal and happy child until she was five. That's when everything started to go wrong. Her father faced a great loos in his business and committed suicide. Her mother passed after a year of lung cancer. After that she shifted into her grandma's house. She gave her everything she could in the pension money. But things got bitter when her asthma got worse.
"What should I do now?" Puja was thinking about her situation . Suddenly around 5.30 she heard a guard's whistle sound.
"Yes it's time when they take a stroll of the school
She screamed as loudly as she could and hopefully they heard her and unlocked the door. She didn't bother to answer their questions she ran towards the medicine Store.
"The next bus is at 6pm if I can catch it then maybe I could go home before 7pm. (It's the time when her grandma takes it)."
After buying the medicine she ran towards the bus stand. It was almost but she tripped in the road at the time of rushing towards the bus. Her socks were torned from the sides but she took the bus in a hurry. After that she was a little relaxed cause she could go home in time now.
But troubles never come with a prior notice. As soon as she boarded down from the bus and walked a few steps it started raining. She didn't bring any umbrella and there were no shops or waiting platforms around. Cause it was scotchy hot till yesterday. Puja started running as fast as she could .
"No, I can't get lost here. I have to go home soon. No no."
In the meantime it really started raining heavily now. She sat on the road in her road and finally started crying after all that happened to her.

" what do I do, sniff, mom dad are you there? Can you hear me? Can't you just take me with you I don't know what to do with this damn life anymore. Grandma must be suffering badly right now. What do I do now?"
She noticed that the rain drops are not falling around her side.
"Did someone took me in an umbrella?"
She looked up.
Ariyan never expected to see one of his students like that. He asked
"How did you.. get up first. "
Puja was a little calm now. She answered looking in another direction.
"I don't know if you will believe me or not but three girls in our class locked me in the class while I was doing after school duty."
"Ok,ok now come to my car and tell me your parents phone number."
"I don't have parents, my only guardian is my grandmother and better not call her now cause she will be panicked. "
"Oh, sorry actually...
"Can you please do me a favour? Drop me at my home or grandma will be sick tomorrow."
She described the whole story in his car and now Ariyan understands how serious the situation is.

"Hmm so what will you do tomorrow? They can do this again."
"I don't know. Will you interrogate the situation?"
"Well I can't simply do that because I am only a para and class teacher who favour those whom you are talking about."
"Even if I give proof to them?"
"What proof can you give. Even if I take the security guards statement that doesn't prove that those girls locked you and our CCTVs are just for show. So all in all they will get out with some minor corrections. Or not even that you know staff nepotism right?"
"So are you saying you can't promise anything?"
"Indeed you are my student and they are also. I don't witness any of that so if you give me any reason to get involved I can promise that I will do everything in my power."
"I am already in the corner so I am desperate enough to give you a reason."
"Okey. Good luck. Left from here?"
She got off and ran to the house . Indeed it was one old lady who opened the door. Ariyan was in some deep thoughts.