She Stole my Heart - 7 - The untold pain and love in English Love Stories by Story Junction books and stories PDF | She Stole my Heart - 7

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She Stole my Heart - 7

\\ Harish didn't speak anything… suddenly Harish's aunt asked Harish's mom.

Harish's aunt: really…?

Harish's mom: yes..

\\ then they both started their convo.

(Meanwhile) for Harish.. he didn't know what to do now.. Then Ishika and Darshan are laughing.. Harish try to go his room and cry😢… but Ishika's mom went to his room… Harish count controlling his feelings and hiding his tears😭… after Ishika's mom came out to his room, and Harish went faster and laydown on bed and crying.

Ishika & Darshan are came and they try to convince Harish.. After sometimes Harish convinced and came out of his room and went to the park.

Darshan: Harish! don't feel. If your love ❤ is true she won't leave you. Trust me…

Harish: hmm, okay..(\\ with teared eyes….)

Ishika: hmm… don’t feel… do you know something..? She loves ♥ you….

Harish: how? you say?..

Ishika: yeah.! I can understand her that you say last night about her. I'm dam sure she loves💘 you.

Darshan: yeah Harish. There is a possible.

Harish: okay… but I'm confused.

Ishika: haha 😂 you are so funny boy👦.

Harish: okay what should I do now?.

Ishika: ok.. After complete this vacation, go to your house and act like you avoiding her. Then she will come and speak to you and you can understand her.. After that you can easily impress her.

Harish: it's looking like easy, but… did I can do?.

Darshan: come on Harish.. you can do it Harish.

Ishika: you can.. You can do it..

Harish: ok.. I'll try.

\\ (meanwhile) on other s

\\ At night… Harish & Vidhya chatting in WhatsApp..

Vidhya: hay.. Harish! Are you there?.

Harish: hay.. What are you doing?.

Vidhya: hmm.. Not bad.

Harish: what happened?. To you.

Vidhya: do you know, my dad got transfer to kolkata..

Harish: yeah. Morning aunty informed to my mom. what's your plan?.

Vidhya: don't know.. But I'm not interested to vacate this house😔.

Harish: then?. What to do?.

Vidhya: don't know.. When will you come here.

Harish: I'll be back by tomorrow evening.

Vidhya: hmm, come fast.

Harish: hmm ♥

Vidhya: hmm.. What are you doing?

Harish: nothing…

Vidhya: okay.. Bye I'm gonna sleep..

Harish: ok bye..

( \\ but Vidhya can't sleep peacefully… she thinking about Harish… Vidhya messaging her friend….

Vidhya: ha, … are you there?..😔

Vidhya's friend: ha, Vidhya.. Tell me, why you looking sad?.

Vidhya: my dad got transfer to Kolkata..

Vidhya's friend: ho shit, that mean. You are gonna Kolkata next year?

Vidhya: don’t know…

Vidhya's friend: okay, don't feel.. If you went Kolkata, don't forgot me..

Vidhya: hmm, but if I gonna Kolkata I can't able to see Harish.😢

Vidhya's friend: so, that mean you thinking about Harish, not me isn't it.. 😠

Vidhya: nooo…. But….. He didn't say his love to me.. 😔

Vidhya's friend: hoo…. You waiting for his proposal right?

Vidhya: yeah.

Vidhya's friend: ok. See here, say about him to me.

Vidhya: why?

Vidhya's friend: just say…

Vidhya: okey. He's so innocent well talented person.

Vidhya's friend: okey…

Vidhya: he is such a good person & he can understand my feelings. More than that I understood him and I love him.

Vidhya's friend: okey, how he speak to you.

Vidhya: he speak with me as a good friend.

Vidhya's friend: no, I mean, if he speak with you like a taking care of you or..

Vidhya: yeah, he taking care of me..

Vidhya's friend: okey, he loves you truly and he can do anything for you.

Vidhya: hmm I know.

Vidhya's friend: then why your waiting, go, go and say your love to him.

Vidhya: I'm a don't have that courage.

Vidhya's friend: ho god.. Hahaha 😂 .

Vidhya: give me some ideas?

Vidhya's friend; what's your plan?

Vidhya: I'm waiting for his proposal.

Vidhya's friend: okey, then your wish.

Vidhya: hmm bye, I'm gonna sleep.

Vidhya's friend: hmm, bye.