One sided love always hurts in English Love Stories by Deepak Singh books and stories PDF | One sided love always hurts

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One sided love always hurts

One-Sided Love Always Hurts

"I love her, but she doesn't love me."

These were the words that echoed in Haris' mind every single day. He had been in love with his colleague, Sophia, for months now, but she had never shown any signs of returning his feelings. Haris was a confident and successful man, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was not good enough for Sophia.

Haris had tried everything to win Sophia's heart, but nothing seemed to work. He had taken her out on dates, sent her romantic texts, and even tried to impress her with his sense of humor. But nothing seemed to make any impact on Sophia. She always remained aloof and distant.

Haris knew that he had to do something drastic to win Sophia's heart, but he didn't know what that something was. He had never felt this way about anyone before, and he didn't know how to make Sophia feel the same way.

One evening, as he was leaving work, Haris saw Sophia standing outside, deep in thought. He walked up to her and asked her what was wrong. Sophia told him that she was going through a tough time and needed someone to talk to. Haris was more than happy to listen to her problems, and as they talked, he realized that Sophia had feelings for him too.

Sophia confessed to Haris that she had always seen him as a friend and had never considered him in a romantic way. But now, she realized that she had feelings for him, and she wanted to be with him.

Haris was overjoyed and couldn't believe his luck. He finally had the chance to be with the woman he loved, and he was not going to let this opportunity slip away.

From that day on, Haris and Sophia were inseparable. They went on dates, spent time with each other's families, and even talked about getting married. Haris' life had never been better, and he knew that he had found his true love in Sophia.

But their happiness was short-lived. One day, Sophia told Haris that she needed some time alone to figure out her life. Haris was confused and didn't understand why Sophia was acting this way. But he trusted her and gave her the space she needed.

A few weeks later, Sophia called Haris and told him that she had met someone else and wanted to be with him. Haris' heart broke into a million pieces, and he couldn't believe that Sophia could do this to him.

Sophia tried to explain that she needed to find herself before she could commit to a relationship, but Haris couldn't hear her. All he could feel was the pain of unrequited love.

Haris knew that he had to move on, but it was difficult. He had loved Sophia with all

his heart, and he couldn't imagine loving anyone else the way he had loved her. But slowly and surely, he began to heal.

Years later, Haris met someone new, and he fell in love with her. He knew that he would never forget Sophia, but he also knew that he could never go back to the pain of one-sided love.

Haris learned that love is a beautiful thing, but it can also hurt deeply. He learned that sometimes, you have to accept that certain relationships are not meant to be, and you have to move on and find happiness in other ways.

And so, Haris' story ended on a bittersweet note. He had learned a lot from his experiences with love, and he was grateful for the lessons he had learned. But he knew that he would always carry a bit of Sophia's love with him, and that was something he would never forget.