His Rogue Luna - 5 in English Spiritual Stories by Sonali Rawat books and stories PDF | His Rogue Luna - 5

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His Rogue Luna - 5

Chapter One

Hi there. My name is Gemma Frost. I'm 15 turning 16 tomorrow. Right now, I'm in my 'room' which is actually a supply closet in the Moon Dust Pack.

'How did you get there?' is probably what's going through your mind. Well, it all started about twelve years ago...

I woke up to crashes, screaming and the smell of death. Scared, I pulled the covers closer to me. Mummy came into the room, quickly picked me up and carried me outside. People were fighting, bodies littered the ground, both wolf and man. My three year old brain couldn't understand what was happening so i begun to cry as mummy run through the forest.

Soon, she reached a tree with low branches and set me down on one. She scanned our surroundings before looking back at me.

"My sweet baby girl. Mummy loves you so much. I will always be with you ok? Watching, protecting, guiding... don't forget me ok?" mummy said.

I nodded. "Mummy? Are those people ok?" I asked.

"Yes they are snowflake, they are just sleeping. They will wake up soon and I'll be with them." she said.

Tears streamed down her face, her beautiful blue eyes filled with nothing but sorrow.

"It's ok mummy. Don't cry." I said using my chubby fingers to wipe away her tears.

She let out a sob and hugged me tight. I hugged her back.

"Till the snowflakes turn blue," she whispered in my ear.

"I'll never stop loving you." I completed.

"Ok. Now, climb up the tree and stay still until the pack members come for you." mummy said nudging me so I could start climbing.

I did as i was told, easily climbing to one of the branches in the middle, being hidden among the leaves. Looking down, i saw mummy watching me. Tears fell silently as she sent me a kiss. I sent one back.

"Goddess forgive me." she said before turning and running away.

I stayed in the tree until pack members found me. We joined the Moon Dust Pack. Night one was spent in the dungeon. So were my other nights until I turned ten.

So, yeah. Sob story, I know, what makes it even worse, they abused me asking who the white wolf was. I was only three. How exactly did they expect me to answer? That didn't stop them from trying though. And if it's not obvious, I'm the white wolf. Shifted on my fifth birthday which to me was weird because most people shifted at ten or older.

That's why, close to my tenth birthday, I was watched like a hawk for any changes. I even got whipped more to see if they could 'ignite the shift'. That meant i couldn't shift, not even to heal myself which sucked. After I was deemed useless, I was given this closet as my new room. But i had to pay for being in their presence by being a maid. The only upside was that when i was twelve, I found a secret lever that opened up to a small gym.

I watched the pack train, copied and improved my skills. I wore baggy clothes to hide my very muscular body and luckily i didn't have to remove them to get whipped. Not to brag but I'm sure I could take the alpha without getting a bruise. Go me.





My alarm went off. It was 5:00 a.m. Tomorrow, I turn 16 and am supposed to find my mate. If he was an asshole, I would reject him and leave. If he wasn't, I would still reject him and leave. I had no room for boy drama in my life right now. I had to escape. I got up and stripped, moving to the bucket filled with water in the corner, I used a face towel to clean myself up.

"Could we at least try to, I donno, take him with us?" My wolf Winter asked in my head.

She wanted a mate so bad she was willing to blow our plan to bits for him. I mean, I get why, she wants to be loved, cherished, something she has never felt, something I felt for three years. I couldn't help it.

I caved.

"Fine. I'll give him a chance but only one." I said.

"Really?" Winter asked trying not to get her hopes up.

"Really." I answered dressing up.

"Yessssss! Woohooo. Yipeeee!" Winter cheered doing somersaults in my head.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes at her. Who says yipee anymore?

Now, time for my chores. Yay. Feel free to note the sarcasm.

First, I cleaned up the mansion, a.k.a pack house. With Winter's speed and strength, I was done in one and a half hours. Then came breakfast. There are two hundred plus members in the pack. Can you imagine over two hundred people and none know how to feed themselves? Pathetic. i made eggs and bacon. There went another hour. People started coming for food then. I quickly made myself scarce because I wasn't worthy of sitting with them.

Please. It's more like the other way around.

I sat on a stool in the furthest corner of the kitchen, a huge pile of homework, that I did, beside me.

A boy from the pack, TJ, came over. "Where is my homework mutt?" He asked slapping my arm.

I flinched even though it didn't hurt. I looked through the pile, handing him his work. He grabbed it rudely and walked away.

You're welcome, you idiot.

I've been doing homework for the pack kids for so long, I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than the pack war strategist. I mean who wouldn't if you were forced to do senior calculus at the age of eight. More kids came for their work, pinching, slapping and punching me. So mature. I wanted to kill all of them. I knew I could but I shouldn't.

When everyone was gone, it was time to start my day and prepare for my escape.