His Rogue Luna - 4 in English Spiritual Stories by Sonali Rawat books and stories PDF | His Rogue Luna - 4

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His Rogue Luna - 4

I glanced back at Conan's grey wolf to ensure he was okay. He licked his lips and sniffed the air again, trotting in a different direction. Catching the earthy scent of a moose, I rolled my eyes at him but followed.

The moose was faster than I expected and put up a nice chase for a while. Growing tired of running, I swiftly jumped on its back, grabbing the back of its neck and pulling its head back. Taking the chance, Conan dug his teeth into its now exposed throat, biting hard until the animal stopped kicking.

Letting go, it fell on the ground with a thud and we dug in. Ripping off the fur and tearing off pieces of meat, we ate noisily. Blood smeared my face and before I could dig in for more, I heard the light thudding of several paws fast approaching.

I let out an urgent growl, tugging at Conan who had yet to notice. He growled at me but stopped when he realised what was happening. We abandoned our kill and darted in the opposite direction of the wolves, running faster than we ever did while we played.

Hearing more wolves approach us from ahead, I paused. The sound of growling and snapping jaws came from every direction and I realised we had been circled.

Conan gave me a confused look and I shook my head at him. I could tell he wanted to fight them, his instincts telling him to do so. We were severely outnumbered and the chances of getting out of it unscathed were low.

His russet eyes looked at me, before he tilted his head and stood besides me. I waited for the wolves to show themselves.

It didn't take long.

Several wolves, all varying in shades of whites and greys stepped forward, teeth bared and snarling at us. I internally rolled my eyes at their unnecessary hostility.

The darkest wolf stepped forward. He was heavily muscled and judging by his stance, he was clearly a high ranked member.

His muscles shook and his bones cracked before he revealed to be a behemoth of a man. His skin was pale, and his eyes a startling ice blue. His hair was long, a few silver strands woven into the golden locks.

"Shift!" His voice was deep and authoritative. It didn't phase me but I felt Conan tense besides me. I could tell he didn't like authoritative figures as it brought back traumatic memories.

I nudged him softly with my nose and he looked to me. I licked his face in a comforting manner.

"I said shift, Rogues!" The mans voice boomed and the wolves behind him growled to emphasised his words. I rolled my eyes at them but proceeded to shift.

Conan followed suit. Their eyes lingered on me for far too long to be considered polite.

"Why are you trespassing on our land?" He asked. He seemed a little less angry than before.

"We were hunting and our prey led us to your land. We didn't realise quick enough due to the fog," I explained, my voice firm but polite.

He seemed to assess me for a while, his eyes raking over me, barely sparing Conan behind me a glance.

"Shackle them and escort them to the prisons," I huffed but made no other sound of protest. I wasn't surprised. Packs really hated rogues. Mercy and kindness was never an option even on the most innocent rogues.

Conan growled and I turned to him, placing my hands in his chest to calm him. "Don't worry. I got this. Don't do anything silly. Just wait for me okay?" I whispered.

I saw four of the shifter wolves walk over towards us, holding something shiny in their gloved hands.

"Okay," he nodded. I saw the fear and uncertainty swim in his eyes and I rubbed his chest, trying to comfort him while pushing away the guilt I felt for dragging him here.

I was going to get him out this.