His Rogue Luna - 3 in English Spiritual Stories by Sonali Rawat books and stories PDF | His Rogue Luna - 3

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His Rogue Luna - 3

His fingers reached out, this time brushing the tattoo on my sternum, lying just between my breasts. I wasn't much to care for modesty but I stilled at the rather intimate contact. Still, I didn't push away.

He trailed his fingers down to my left thigh where there was more ink. He took a moment to admire the intricate sun and moon tattoo before he moved his hands onto my forearms where there were small matching strips on each.

His hands paused as he looked down at the pattern on each. He swiftly grabbed my arms and yanked me forward, the sudden movement making me fall forward into him.

His arms wrapped around my waist and I pushed my hands on his toned chest, leaning my head back to look at him.

Before I could speak, he moved his head down and pressed his lips against mine. I froze.

His lips were soft and the pressure of them against mine sent small tingles to my stomach. He let my arms go and cradled my head in his hands, one of them tangling in my messy waves. An involuntary gasp escaped my lips and he took the chance to tilt his head and deepen the kiss, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

I pulled away.

"We're not mates," I began.

"I know. I won't take this far I promise. I just-," he paused, huffing a breath. His hands untangled from my hair to run through his own and tug at his floppy strands.

"I understand," I said, leaning up on my knees and turning his face back towards me. It wasn't the first time I had run into a particularly lonely and horny rogue. Some I entertained, some I didn't.

Regardless, werewolves were hormonal creatures with animalistic needs, one of which being the need to fuck. While most werewolves remained pure for their mates, rogues had less chances of finding their mates due to their nomadic behaviour. As such, they would lose whatever inhibitions they had and act on their desires.

I was guilty of the same thing.

I licked my lips and his eyes flashed down to my lips and I smirked. I moved so I was quickly kneeling between his spread legs. One of my arms snaked around his neck, my hand tangling in his hair and tugging back his head so it was titled towards me. I let my other hand softly caress his jaw, enjoying the way his eyes watched me closely and his lips parted.

I leaned down, my lips brushing over his softly, pulling away before he could press harder. I repeated it a couple of times and I smirked at the soft groan that escaped his lips at my teasing. Holding back a laugh, I pressed my lips firmly against his, holding his jaw as I pushed my tongue into his mouth, fighting for dominance.

His hands gripped my hips, pulling my body flush into his.

We spent the night kissing and exploring each other's bodies before we curled up in our wild forms and fell asleep under the stars.

Chapter 3


adj. Foggy, wintery and sunless.

Thick fog hung over the forest, making it difficult to see beyond it. I moved slowly through the trees, careful to not make any sound while my ears and eyes strained to catch anything.

Everything was white. The ground, the trees, and now the air. Even my heightened senses were struggling to make much of the foggy shadows that lurked around.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Conan in a much similar position as I, ears perked up and nose in the air.

We had spent the last couple of days enjoying each other's company, friendship blossoming between us. Of course there were time's where we were more than friends, but it was nothing more than mutual satisfaction and quenching our needs.

Now we were moving East, stepping carefully to avoid a nearby pack I had heard awful rumours about. Originally, I wanted to head back south, but the ache in my chest returned, urging me to continue my original path.

While my gut was telling me something bad was going to happen, the small voice in my head and the tug in my chest were telling me I was going in the right direction.

I glanced back at Conan's grey wolf to ensure he was okay. He licked his lips and sniffed the air again, trotting in a different direction. Catching the earthy scent of a moose, I rolled my eyes at him but followed.