Prisha and The Butterfly in English Children Stories by Mugdha Mehta books and stories PDF | Prisha And The Butterfly

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Prisha And The Butterfly

In a small village named Radha Nagar, there lived a girl Prisha with her parents.

Prisha was a very curious girl. She was always inquisitive about everything.

But at the same time, she was lazy too. She disliked to struggle for anything. She always wished to have everything easily.

Her mother used to help her with everything. From feeding her to tying her shoes, in short, helping her with all the daily chores.

Prisha’s friends were quite independent and they used to tease her many times for her lazy attitude. But it was of no use as Prisha loved being lazy. One day while Prisha was playing in her backyard, she saw a tiny caterpillar. She got very curious looking at the tiny creature.

Every day Prisha used to watch the caterpillar. She used to be happy to see the caterpillar munching all the time. Day by day the caterpillar was getting fatter and fatter.

Looking at the fat caterpillar Prisha started feeling very amazed.             

One afternoon when Prisha came to visit the caterpillar in the backyard, she couldn’t find it.

So, she called her mother to help her find the caterpillar.  Prisha was very upset about not finding her little friend. As her mother was searching for the caterpillar, she came across the cocoon. Prisha’s mother immediately called Prisha and showed her the cocoon. Looking at the cocoon Prisha was curious to know where was the caterpillar.

She asked the mother about it. Prisha’s mother explained to her that after eating a lot the caterpillar builds its own cocoon and stays in it for almost two weeks. Then it has to struggle to come out of the cocoon. Only then did it turn into a beautiful butterfly.

Listening to her mother Prisha decided to wait for 2 weeks. But she was too curious to see the beautiful butterfly as soon as possible.

So, one day she decided to cut the cocoon and help the butterfly come out. Prisha went into the backyard with a pair of scissors.  Luckily her mother saw her and stopped Prisha from cutting the cocoon. Prisha was angry with her mother as she didn’t allow her to cut the cocoon.

Prisha’s mother made her calm down and explained to her that it was a natural process of the caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly. The caterpillar has to struggle on its own to turn out to be a butterfly. If we help the caterpillar, it will never be able to fly on its own. Because that struggle of the caterpillar to come out of the cocoon gives strength to its wings and so once it is out the butterfly can fly. If we help the caterpillar, it can never be able to fly.

Prisha had learnt a lesson that struggle is very important to grow to be strong and beautiful. Without struggle and hard work, you cannot create your best self.

Soon Prisha watched the caterpillar struggling to come out of the cocoon and finally, it came out to be a beautiful butterfly.  Prisha was very happy to see this amazing process.

So, from that day onwards Prisha started to do everything on her own without her mother’s help. She started to work hard and struggle to get her things done on her own.

And gradually Prisha turned out to be a strong and beautiful girl, like the beautiful butterfly.

Mugdha Amit Mehta