My Teacher - 2 ( ice break) in English Love Stories by Dona Das books and stories PDF | My Teacher - 2 ( ice break)

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My Teacher - 2 ( ice break)

The whole class was looking at her with shock and the young teacher gave her a mysterious look.
Let's get to a few hours back. The teacher came to the class in the next period. Whispering started as soon as he entered. He joined the school a few weeks back but no one knew what subject he was going to take. For the entire week he was the center of gossip because of his looks. He is so handsome that every girl wished he took their class. He has a yellow complexion bluffy hair, and he was very tall.
"Guys! He is in our class. Uff I must have done something novel in the past to deserve this class."
All the girls were thrilled. Some of the jealous boys gave an opposite reaction.
"He is too skinny to be a man. You girls like these types of men now!
"Shut up dumbass you are boiling yourself right now."

"Attention, I am Ariyan Prakash your English teacher from today in the place of Ghosh sir."

All the students made some thrilling noises. Ariyan is a 25 year old para teacher who just got appointed in school. He is pretty cool minded so most of the people like to be with him.

"Tell me something about the story of the Happy prince. Close the books now."
The class wasn't expecting this . But among all these events Puja was neutral as usual and was going to fall asleep again. The teacher was walking between the gaps of bench rows when someone answered
"It describes the friendship of the swallow and the happy prince."
"Anything else?"
No one answered cause it was the only short answer they knew about the story.
"You, sleeping Beauty wake up." He taped on the bench.
"Yes sir. She already said."
"Tell me something that you think about the story"
She thought for a brief moment and answered
"Sir the story revolves around the friendship theme. The happy prince Symbolises the Human body and the swallow symbolises the soul. It delivers the message that if you don't have a true friend let your soul be your best friend forever"

"Bravo, Puja Mitra right."
"Yes sir. But how did you......
He came back to the table and started to unfold the bundle of answer sheets.
"Now let me tell you the main reason I asked you the question. I was checking the answer and I found none of you have written your own thoughts. So I don't know about others but if you don't get the essence of the text from the answer you will get the same score from me."
Everyone was stunned after getting the answer sheets. All of them got 9-10 marks less than they expected. I have already told you what the most excited one did.
"But sir according to Roy&Martin this is the correct answer of 'Summer Friends."
"Yes I never said that's wrong, but that's not your words. Also you made plenty of spelling and verbal mistakes in the words."
"But sir she didn't even use a reference book how could she get 70."
"Because she wrote what she thought. In the question you were asked to give your opinion and I can't reject anyone's opinion in that. Litterateur is not history mind it."
He smiled a little towards the class and went out when the bell rang. That was the first time something different happened in puja's life.