Cinderella And Four Knights in English Love Stories by Toshi books and stories PDF | Cinderella With Four Knights

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Cinderella With Four Knights

An upbeat female voice cheerfully tells a well-known story: "Once upon a time, there was a sweet, beautiful girl named Cinderella. Her stepsisters and stepmother harassed her relentlessly. But she met a charming prince one fateful day, and they lived happily ever after.

The animation breaks down. "...and forth. Bullshit!"

Pooja Verma is operating an espresso machine as we return to reality. Because of their awful part-time jobs, Cinderellas today don't have time to meet princes, she narrates. For Pooja, who works as a server, cashier, dog walker, etc., there are a tonne of part-time employment available.

In addition, these "princes" are nothing more than enormous dickheads, the voiceover adds. Pooja is about to take up a fork when a jackass with two women flanking him kicks it away. They are so dang arrogant and have a Casanova complex. I hope someone would warn them to stop acting so mighty and high!"

The Cinderella book is put aside, and Pooja is seen working as a babysitter at another employment. And that's why you shouldn't wait around for some silly prince; instead, rely on yourself to live, she says as she concludes the tale. Obtain that? The kids agree, and Ha-won throws a nappy that rolls up and settles on the book, heh. Stupid fairytales!

Pooja is riding her moped while beaming broadly. Before delivering their pizza, she takes in the scene of college males playing basketball on the courts. She is eager to start college, which will begin next month.

Pooja sees a man get off his motorbike in front of her and beat four men into submission before taking a handbag. With his face hidden by his helmet, Pooja quickly assumes he is a criminal and pursues him for a distance.

When she believes she has lost him, she sees him handing a thankful woman her handbag back. He declines her offer to pay him back and takes off on his motorbike. The woman is left swooning and tells Pooja that she thinks her handbag, or glass slipper, may have helped her find her Prince Charming. Pooja laughs at the metaphor but is relieved that there are still good men in the world.

 In a hotel lobby, Simran Singhania is holding out for someone. Simran pulls Kabir Malhotra out for dating her buddy when he shows up with some arm candy. But he doesn't feel embarrassed and replies, "To me, there are only two kinds of women in this world. First, women I have already dated. I'll date two more girls later, too. Okay, then!

When the earlier "Prince Charming" Rahul Malhotra shows again, Kabir decides to annoy him. Kabir questions Rahul's behaviour in the hotel, given that he has no interest in the Malhotra Group, the family business.

Unfazed, Rahul responds that he might inherit the business, which makes Kabir scoff. Rahul grabs Kabir by the collar and threatens him after Kabir tells him to "know his place" and calls him "trash," despite the fact that Rahul is the elder Brother. Kabir is astounded by his daring.

Rahul ultimately departs after denying his connection to someone like Kabir. Rahul urges Simran heed her own counsel since she has such poor choice in guys and Simran encourages Rahul to stay away from his cousin.

Pooja happily gathers all the food that has expired today after finishing her shift at the convenience store, much to the displeasure of her boss. When she gets home, she finds her stepsister and stepmother enjoying some fried chicken. They don't even look at her, yet they do remember to correct her.

When Tanvi Verma, Pooja's stepsister, hears her apologise, she quips that Pooja's mother's passing is to blame for her useless behaviour. Pooja hears everything, but before entering her small sunroom/bedroom, she smiles.

Newspaper and ad job listings are all over her desk. She plans to take on another part-time job to help her reach her financial goal of 4,000,000 million, which will pay for her college tuition, in between bites of the hot dog that is about to expire. She squeals with delight as she gets extremely close.

Rahul, Kabir, and Arjun are all seen driving their respective sports cars the following day. The cousins receive a text message from Arnav, their grandpa's security, telling them to all report to their home at precisely 6 p.m. for updates on their CEO grandpa, the Malhotra Group. Bodyguard Arnav threatens to never divulge Rahul's birth story or freeze Kabir's credit card in order to get the feuding cousins to obey.

The threats are effective because all three cousins arrive quickly at their opulent home. Their sweeping strides are slowed down to create the full flower boy effect as they enter together.

They ask about Grandpa as bodyguard Arnav stands by. Grandpa is apparently getting married! Given that this is not Grandpa's first (or second, or third) marriage, the news is quite underwhelming. Bodyguard Arnav insists that all three "brothers" must come despite the fact that none of them want to, which causes Rahul and Kabir to retort in unison, "Who are you calling brothers?!"

Kabir quips that he would soon have a new grandma who is the same age as his mother, as if having a random cousin wasn't enough already. Rahul leaves, and when Bodyguard Arnav yells after him using his full name, "Rahul Malhotra," Rahul turns around and says, "I'm Jatin Malhotra," making it clear that he is not Rahul. Arjun leaves next because he has a busy schedule. Kabir responds that he will go because it is Grandpa's fifth wedding after all when bodyguard Arnav begs him to.

Arnav, Rahul's bodyguard, is brought back to the day he came here for the first time. Rahul was a little confused that day about his new "home," and Kabir thought he was the new cleaning staff member. Kabir specifically questioned how amazing and valuable Rahul was to have been kept concealed all these time after learning that Rahul was his cousin.

Rahul replies that after his mother passed away ten years ago, he stayed in an orphanage and adds that he is a high school dropout. This response makes Kabir happy, and he remark that Grandpa is a fascinating old man who must have a passion of finding new grandsons. After all, he had recently invited a busker from the streets into their house. Rahul had been persuaded ineffectively by bodyguard Arnav that he would get used to things around here.

Board members are waiting in queue at Malhotra HQ to talk with Grandpa Vikram Malhotra. One employee discusses how the publication of sensational headlines about the Malhotra Group, Grandpa Vikram's impending wedding, and his grandsons has damaged the company's reputation. Grandpa Vikram responds that since he took over that publication yesterday, his concerns are unfounded.

Bodyguard Arnav informs Grandpa Vikram later that day that his grandsons most likely won't be present at his wedding. Grandpa Vikram laments that none of them comprehend how he feels; he needs to find a replacement soon because he can't run the business on his own for much longer.

Grandpa Vikram claims that as they coexist and compete with one another, it will become clear who is most fit to lead. Bodyguard Arnav is reminded by him that the three of them must appear in public at his wedding because everyone would be watching them. Allowing them to get away with it so easy will also damage their personalities.

Rahul overhears a picky customer harassing a teammate as he is at work in a body shop. It turns out that the client is a blogger who has threatened to write negative online reviews. Rahul jumps into a car and slams into the client's automobile. He offers to pay for both cars' repairs in exchange for an apology and the assurance that the client won't do business with him again.

At a radio station, people are panicking because they can't find Arjun, who's casually playing his guitar on the stairwell and ignoring all incoming calls, including those from his manager.

When another of Kabir's girlfriends shows up, she confronts him for texting her and leaving her when he is at a cafe. Since he added emojis, he finds nothing wrong with it and is unconcerned. When she claims to be "his woman," Kabir responds, "Because all the women in this world are my women." Pshh.

Kabir flinches for a second before settling as she quickly gets a glass and simply drinks from it. She questions him about the rumour that he grants former lovers one desire after breaking up with them. He grinned and confirmed its accuracy. A cutaway of the girl leaving in Kabir's sports car is seen.

Grandpa welcomes Kavya Malhotra, his young fiancée, into his home while holding her close. He adores her innocence and playsfully teases her. Kavya, however, sneakily admits over the phone that she has a scheme up her sleeve and is not at all worried about the grandkids while doing this in another room.

Kabir is whining about his grandpa's upcoming wedding while out at the club with his two friends. He makes the great decision to interrupt the wedding and ask the first girl to enter the club to go on a date with him; the wilder the girl, the better.

When Kabir turns his attention to the doors, a little person carrying a bag of pizza boxes enters wearing a damp poncho. Pooja, who was on her way to bring pizza, is here. Kabir watches her with interest as his friends giggle distantly.

Due to their "special request" for the "prettiest delivery girl" not being met, two jerks make fun of her. When Pooja gently explains the real reason for particular demands, the males don't pay attention and keep calling her "ugly." When Pooja asks them how they plan to pay, they ignore her and throw the pizza boxes on the ground, spilling the food all over. Because he is so furious about his mistaken order, he sneers that he has lost his appetite.

They ignore Pooja's advice to make a payment while she still regards them as clients and dismiss the "damn delivery vermin" as unimportant. Kabir gets ready to step in and use his wallet.

A wild punch from Pooja sends a jerk rocketing through the air. Girl, you rock! Jerk #2 rushes over to Pooja and hands her his credit card, almost pleading with her to accept it, heh. Pooja demands an apology, and the guy, still embarrassed by her stunt, instantly gives it to her.

Pooja: "For the benefit of clients, there are so many delivery personnel in this nation riding motorcycles at this late hour! And yet you dared to refer to us as "delivery vermin"? You have no right to compare us to insects.

Woman, preach! Pooja apologises for the uproar and then departs. Kabir is enamoured and takes pictures of her licence plate to find her.

When Stepmother returns home, she learns that Kavya's final college choice had once again rejected her application. Stepmother is distraught since she spent a lot of money getting Kavya ready for her test in the hopes that she would run into Kabir, but that never happened. The second option was going to college, but today there isn't any.

When Pooja comes, Stepmother reprimands her for continuing to wear her high school uniform as she is ready to graduate. Pooja requests a brief use of the laptop. When Tanvi and Stepmother learn that Pooja has applied to colleges, they are shocked. Pooja wants to become a teacher in order to meet her mother's ambition. Stepmother and stepsister are shocked to see that Pooja got admitted despite their doubts about her ability.

Pooja responds that she has enough money saved up to cover the initial deposit and would pay off the balance while working part-time between classes, despite their attempts to minimise the importance of her success by reminding her that she will need money to attend.

Pooja happily announces to her mother that she will be a college student as she lets out her joy out of their earshot and kisses her locket.

As they move through a large estate, Grandpa Vikram and Bodyguard Arnav continuously shout out for Butler Munshi. When a piece of duct tape falls from above, they glance up to find Butler Munshi, who has been duct taped helplessly to the ceiling. The house is a shambles, and it appears that no one is home.

They save Butler Munshi, who promptly resigns and refers to his grandsons as devils. Grandpa finds it unbelievable that his grandsons continue to cause trouble after living together for a year. It will be necessary to hire a new butler, but Grandpa worries if anyone might talk some sense into his misbehaving grandchildren.

Pooja squeals from behind the counter of the convenience store after finally reaching her four million won target. Kabir enters the store to purchase an ice cream cone. She offers him a second cone for free, but he just wants one, so he gives it to Ha-won and starts talking.

After she swiftly consumes it, Kabir requests that she give him three hours of her attention tonight between 9 p.m. and midnight. He claims he'll pay for her time after Pooja dismisses him. He makes her a million dollar offer.

He boasts about his wealth, to which Pooja responds that those who make such claims are the least reliable. Pooja urges him to provide evidence that he has the resources to buy her time because he has no qualms about using money to buy people's time.

The convenience shop is shown vacant on all shelves and freshly cleaned. What! Has he already purchased everything in the shop? As Kabir places two large stacks of cash on the counter, Pooja is speechless. He writes his phone number on her arm and tells her to call.

Simran searches through the fabric market until she discovers the ideal material. She then makes a deal with a shop owner to rearrange his fabric display in exchange for his permission to purchase his fabric.

Rahul returns to the auto business later that day and welcomes his colleague who hasn't yet had dinner. He makes the choice to purchase some meals from the convenience store and requests that Pooja reheat them all. He returns to the store to recover his wallet though after realising he's lost it.

Rahul treats his coworkers horribly, constantly choosing fast food, and not sharing his newfound wealth with any of them, according to a rumour going through the auto shop. Rahul wants to be treated the same way he was before he became wealthy, and the elder mechanic reprimands him for wanting to exploit Rahul's money to solve his own financial issues.

Rahul listens to their entire talk and then discreetly leaves. He is so preoccupied that he completely misses the convenience store as Pooja is heating up his food. She dashes outside to remind him to make his payment. Rahul offers to pay her tomorrow because he couldn't find his wallet. He solemnly assures her that because of his considerable money, he wouldn't have to con her. He offers her his watch as security, but she just harrumphes off and tells him to pay tomorrow.

While working on her custom dress, Simran gets a call from Rahul, who just so happens to be standing outside her studio. Kabir might be bringing a girl to Grandpa's wedding, Rahul warns her, but she doesn't seem too concerned because she knows how much of a Casanova he is. She pricks herself accidently, and Rahul runs to help.

Pooja texts her father, who she hasn't seen in six months, from her small room. It's the anniversary of her mother's passing tomorrow, so she asks him when he'll be returning.

The following day, Pooja rides the bus to the cemetery holding a bouquet of white roses. Rahul is travelling somewhere as he rides his motorbike outside her window.

Pooja is surprised to discover her mother's urn stolen and the slot completely vacant when she gets at the columbarium. There, a staff member informs that the payments on that slot are five years past due and that he was unable to reach the guardian. Her mother's urn is presently in storage as a result.

Pooja is extremely unhappy and shocked to see that there are unpaid fees totaling five million won. Rahul shows there right then to pay homage to his mother who has passed away. Rahul draws Pooja's attention, but it's unclear whether or not she recognises him.

Rahul leaves as he sees Pooja fall to her knees and ask the worker to remove her mother's urn from storage. He recognises her as the day before's convenience store employee and takes note of the white rose arrangement she was unable to leave for her mother. He seems to care about her, yet he doesn't say anything.

When Pooja was younger, she told her mother that white roses should be presented to people you respect. Pooja's mother gives her a bear hug and expresses her desire for her to become a well-liked teacher.

"I'm your daughter who you're proud of, so I can go to college, right?" Pooja asks her mother out loud as she waits at a bus stop, trying frantically to convince her that attending college is a better option than paying for her mother's burial site. She cries as she quickly regrets saying it and misses her mother.

Simran excitedly displays her finished outfit to Rahul back at her modest workstation. Rahul won't be attending Grandpa's wedding, but she will be wearing it there. She responds by asking if it troubles her that Kabir is bringing a date instead of answering his question about it. Rahul refuses to budge and gently reprimands her for bringing up a favour she was aware he was unable to perform for her and for making him feel bad.

Pooja examines her bouquet by the Oshiwara River and tells herself that she just requires ten thousand. In front of her, a white limo pulls up, and Kabir gets out with a grin. He replies that his offer is still good when she questions if it is. He decides to give Pooja the cash she seeks, but only after receiving a small favour in return.

She is perplexed by Kabir's request that she play the role of his fiancée for three hours. He responds that his grandpa is dying and needs to see him restrained before he passes away when she asks him why. He says that Grandpa's only day outside of the hospital is tonight and that one of his relatives is getting married while feigning tears.

Pooja is moved by the sob story, but she is still on the fence about believing him when he lies. She raises a fist as a warning, letting him know that she won't put up with any fast tricks from him. The two shake hands, say their names, and get inside the limo. Kabir makes an effort to woo Pooja, but he is unsuccessful. She moves away from him and raises her fist once more to warn him that once the clock strikes midnight, it's done.

At the wedding location, throngs of media and screaming girls have gathered, eager to see who shows up. The main concern of the evening, according to the media, is whether or not the three Malhotra cousins—who have never before been seen together in one place—will attend. And following tonight, there will only be two categories of people: those who received wedding invitations and those who did not.

The "Lady Killer" The school girls go wild when Kabir arrives as the first one, but they're perplexed by the random girl he's got his arm around. The second car to arrive is driven by megastar and youngest relative Arjun, who waves to the crowds with good humour. The only person absent is Rahul, who is visible on a motorbike. maybe to the wedding?

When Kabir and Pooja enter the premises, she is greeted by a stunning selection of expensive clothing, shoes and accessories as well as a lacy white dress. Simran stops by to ask about his date, but he sternly orders her to go elsewhere and quit worrying about him.

After putting her phone on the bed and holding the lacy outfit in front of the mirror, Pooja briefly considers giving up until remembering Kabir's poor grandpa. Arjun is in the room, leaning on the bed, but she is unaware of him.

When she puts on her outfit, Arjun is careful to grab his phone and hide himself because he hears her chatting and finds her presence amusing. Kabir assists Pooja in slipping into a pair of coral heels to finish the look as she exits the house wearing her white gown. After hair and makeup, she looks incredibly chic.

The bride, Kavya, grabs her bouquet and tells herself that everything is going according to plan and that she is already halfway through this wedding.

As Grandpa Vikram and Kavya make their entrance at the top of the stairs to start the wedding ceremony, all eyes are on them. Kabir and Pooja are getting ready to show up unexpectedly in the meanwhile. Speaking of unexpected arrivals, Rahul shows up outside the wedding venue, seeming torn about going.

Grandpa and Kavya descend to the stage, mirroring each other, while Kabir and Pooja descend at the opposite end of the staircase. Observing two parallel couples on either side of the hall, the audience murmurs.

When Kabir tells Pooja that they are doing a wedding march, Pooja immediately identifies a problem and accuses him of being crazy. She is reassured by Kabir that there has only been a little change from the original plan, but when she continues to worry, he picks her up and brings her to the stage.

When the two couples come face to face, Grandpa and Kavya are not happy. Grandpa is informed by Kabir that he has brought his fiancée as a wedding present. When Pooja reveals that she is only a high school senior, Kavya is unimpressed, but Kabir refocuses attention on the main couple by referring to Kavya as "Grandpa's fifth wife."

To Kabir's chagrin, Pooja profusely apologises for ruining Grandpa's special day. She begs him to say sorry, but he won't, so she has to twist his arm and make him go down on his knees. To get him to submit, she forces his head downward and strikes him once more with her fist. Rahul observes distantly.

Pooja tries to flee the area, but Kabir says she still has time. She is introduced to Arjun as his actual fiancée by him. Simran's friend gets up and confronts Kabir, accusing him of treating Simran so poorly. Kabir responds that he never had a connection with Simran.

Rahul approaches Simran as she extends her hand to introduce herself as Kabir's childhood friend and shake hands. Rahul quickly clutches Simran's hand. He wonders if she has any dignity acting in this manner.

Rahul asks Pooja if she came all the way here for money as he turns to face her. Rahul pulls out a bundle of $50,000 dollars from his wallet and thrusts it in front of her face before letting the cash fall to the ground. When she doesn't respond, he does so again.