The Sore Beach - Last Part in English Thriller by Joy Bandyopadhyay books and stories PDF | The Sore Beach - Last Part

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The Sore Beach - Last Part

Dipankar's excitement was palpable as he sat down to delve into the contents of Rajesh's journal. It was a treasure trove of information, a puzzle that held the key to unravelling the mysteries that had plagued him for so long. He lit a cigarette and settled at his desk, determined to connect the dots.

As he flipped through the pages, his surprise grew with each revelation. Rajesh, a brilliant software engineer, had harboured high aspirations, driven by the desire to accumulate wealth swiftly. However, like so many others, he had forgotten that success had no shortcuts, and he had unwittingly strayed onto a dark path, utilizing his intelligence for illicit purposes.

One name jumped out at Dipankar from the pages of the journal—Red Room. It was a place shrouded in infamy, a clandestine den of iniquity that remained hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. Those who sought access to the Red Room paid exorbitant sums for the privilege, and what occurred within its walls was beyond the realm of human decency.

Dipankar shuddered as he read the gruesome descriptions of the atrocities committed there. The room was equipped with an array of cameras, and a sadistic audience dictated the torment inflicted upon a victim, whether male or female. The brutality knew no bounds—skin was sliced with sharp knives, corrosive chemicals were poured into wounds, and savage acts of rape were perpetrated, all while a live audience revelled in the suffering.

Dipankar's jaw clenched as he pored over the horrors detailed in the journal. His determination to unearth the mastermind behind this malevolence burned brighter than ever. He yearned to bring those responsible to justice and put an end to this nightmarish underworld.

As he delved deeper into the journal's pages, he stumbled upon a clue that sent shockwaves through his being. It was a name—a name he never expected to encounter in such a context. The revelation left him reeling, and his mind raced as he contemplated the implications.

Just then, his mobile phone began to ring. The caller ID displayed a name that sent chills down his spine—Chotelal. With a sense of trepidation, he answered the call.

Chotelal's voice, gravelly and seasoned by a life in the underworld, came through on the other end. "Dipankar, you're getting close."

Dipankar could only nod, his voice momentarily failing him.

Chotelal continued, "I've been watching, and I understand what you're uncovering. It's not what it seems. There's someone else pulling the strings, someone at the highest echelons of society."

Dipankar's mind whirred with thoughts. Chotelal, despite his criminal background, had principles and limits. He abhorred the heinous acts committed in the Red Room and was willing to assist in stopping them.

Chotelal spoke again, "I have information about a farmhouse, a place where the Red Room is located. You need to go there, Dipankar. You need to put an end to this."

Dipankar's resolve hardened. He knew he had to act swiftly. The name he had discovered in the journal was likely the key to unravelling the web of corruption and brutality that had ensnared Rajesh.

With determination, he made plans to visit the farmhouse the next day, prepared to confront the darkest aspects of human nature. However, he was not ready to reveal the full extent of his discovery to anyone, not even to his trusted colleague, Mr. Saxena.

He called Saxena, instructing him to assemble a sizable force for an operation without disclosing the details. The pieces of the puzzle were finally falling into place, and Dipankar was ready to take the next step in a mission to expose the truth, no matter how harrowing the path might be.

The next day arrived with a sense of urgency that gripped Dipankar. He had spent the morning arranging permissions, warrants, and ensuring all the necessary formalities were completed for the operation. By evening, he was ready to embark on the mission to the farmhouse with a backup team in tow. The place was hours away from the city, shrouded in darkness and hidden beneath the canopy of towering trees.

As Dipankar and his team approached the farmhouse, they moved with precision, fanning out to cover all possible entrances and exits. He instructed his officers not to enter the house until he signalled, cautioning them to be vigilant and prepared for anything.

Dipankar, determined and resolute, entered the dimly lit farmhouse through a side door, doing his best to remain unnoticed. He moved cautiously, traversing through the various rooms one by one. It seemed eerily empty, and doubt began to creep into his mind. Was Chotelal's information accurate?

As he retraced his steps, ready to signal his team to search elsewhere, a faint noise near the staircase caught his attention. His instincts kicked in, and he raced toward the sound. There, he discovered a hidden staircase leading down into darkness, an entrance to a secret underground space.

With deliberate steps, Dipankar descended into the subterranean chamber. What he found sent shivers down his spine. Three individuals were bound and gagged in a corner of the dimly lit underground hall, their eyes filled with fear and desperation. Their lips were sealed with adhesive tape, rendering them mute witnesses to the horrors they had endured.

Dipankar moved closer to help them, his heart filled with a mix of relief and anger at the perpetrators. But before he could free the captives, a masked figure, dressed in black, emerged from the shadows. The figure aimed a gun at Dipankar, his voice dripping with menace.

"Stay back," the masked person hissed, "or these three will meet a gruesome end."

Dipankar's mind raced as he tried to defuse the situation. He couldn't risk the lives of the captives, and he needed to buy time. He cautiously asked the masked figure what they wanted.

The person in the mask issued a chilling ultimatum, ordering Dipankar to sit in a corner. As he complied, a sudden movement in the room caught him off guard. A figure appeared out of the shadows, swift and silent, and before anyone could react, the masked person was wrestled to the ground.

Dipankar's shock turned to realization as he saw that the unexpected savior was none other than his loyal assistant, Sanjay. Sanjay had infiltrated the underground chamber and now pinned the masked figure to the floor.

Dipankar didn't waste a moment. He secured the masked person with handcuffs, ensuring they couldn't escape. With the threat neutralized, he rushed to free the captive individuals who had endured unimaginable horrors.

Back at the homicide office, the masked person was subjected to intense interrogation. As the tape was peeled away from the captive's mouth, the person's identity was revealed—none other than Sunil Samanta, a prominent political leader with a dark and sinister side.

Under relentless questioning, the truth began to unravel. Sunil had lured Rajesh into his web of criminal activities, offering him technical expertise for his Red Room studio. However, when Rajesh had discovered the true nature of the enterprise, he had refused to participate, setting off a chain of events that would lead to his own disappearance.

Sunil, relentless in his pursuit of power and wealth, had subsequently manipulated Nurse Shalini Mhatre, blackmailing Rajesh through her. His descent into depravity had continued, culminating in the kidnapping of a foreign couple for his sadistic Red Room show. When Rodrigues, one half of the kidnapped couple, had attempted to escape the farmhouse, Sunil's associates had poisoned him, leaving his lifeless body on the beach in the early morning hours.

Dipankar called Mr. Saxena into the room, signalling that it was time to hand over the case to the homicide police. The mysteries that had haunted them were no longer shrouded in darkness; they were exposed, and justice would be served.

Dipankar felt a sense of relief wash over him as he stepped out of the interrogation room. He knew that the case was in capable hands, and the legal process would take its course.

As he and Sanjay left the homicide office, their journey together had come to an end, but their bond had grown stronger through the trials they had faced. Dipankar invited Sanjay to share a meal, a token of gratitude for his unwavering loyalty and bravery. They had overcome the darkest depths of human depravity, and in doing so, they had brought the truth to light.

In the days that followed, Dipankar and his team ensured that all those who had been involved in the Red Room operation faced justice. Sunil Samanta's political career came crashing down, and he was arrested for his heinous crimes. The victims received the support and care they needed to heal from their traumatic experiences.

With the case closed, Dipankar felt a sense of closure and satisfaction. The mysteries that had haunted him were resolved, and the city was a safer place for it. The truth had triumphed over darkness, and the memories of the horrors of the Red Room would serve as a reminder of the resilience of those who fought for justice.

#### END OF NOVEL ####