Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 18 in English Horror Stories by MITHIL GOVANI books and stories PDF | Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 18

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Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 18

Chapter 18

Jaipal goes out and sees JD. And Pratapsingh has come even though JD refused, Pratapsingh insisted and came with him. He was eager to know what Sukesh was finally playing. Is there no danger to his dear Vishal? Jaipal is relieved to see JD and goes inside with JD and Pratap Singh. Where Lokesh is sitting, JD and Pratap Singh are surprised to see Lokesh, when Jaipal reveals that this is Lokesh, Sukesh's twin brother. Asked Lokesh to continue his story, Lokesh continued and said that Sukesh has kept me imprisoned in this cottage for the last month. When I came to the cottage two months ago, he explained to me that it may take up to six months to solve these drug dealers. I try to settle everything as fast as possible. Until then, you will hide in this cottage and will not try to get out. Talk to Africa today with the sister-in-law and the boy. I called the family and told them not to worry about me and that they will not be able to contact me for six months from now, I will keep contacting them from time to time. But the mind was not aware of the sin in Sukesh's stomach at that time. Twenty days ago, Virendra and Sukesh came to this cottage together. Then in the afternoon I was sleeping in the next room but I was not sleeping, they started the discussion saying I am sleeping. Sukesh took my son Amar in trust and started buying properties in Africa in my name. And if anything happens to Sukesh in the future, Sukesh also made a will that his heir Lokesh and his son will be immortal. To do all this, his intention was to dispose of the property in his name in India and to settle the property in my name in Africa. So that he does not have any problem when he lives in Africa in the future, he has decided to transfer as much as possible to Africa within six months, transfer all his wealth to Africa, sell the properties here and raise his money from wealth in Africa and complete all this successfully. Sukesh wants to kill me in such a way that he eats my body in Sukesh's body and goes to Africa and lives there as Lokesh because he likes the activities of smuggling and drug dealing done here. At that time the intelligence agencies of India have come to know that he does not have much time left now Interpol or Indian RAW can arrest him anytime. But it has come to know that maximum it can open for six months. So he decided to kill me and take my place after hearing all this from Sukesh's mouth, I lost control of my mind and I attacked Sukesh. But before the strength of two men, I could not do anything. Veerendra and Sukesh have kept me imprisoned since that day. They also changed the laser security on the load which I knew the password and kept me here by handcuffing. Virendra comes twice a day and gives food. It is their obligation to keep me alive till the matter of taking charge of the property is settled, if I die early then Sukesh can't kill me and show my dead body as Sukesh's body and they can't even identify themselves as Lokesh. are living And also seeing that I do not harm myself. If I escape from here, Sukesh can suffer a lot of damage, so he protects me like life. But earlier today this brother said pointing to Jaipal and then you both came. Sukesh did not hope that anyone would come to his cottage in the jungle. I request you please release me from his clutches JD Pratap Singh and Jaipal think how to take Lokesh away from here. At the end of some discussion, Jaypal will arrange Lokesh's place here and it is decided that JD and Pratap Singh will take Lokesh right now and go directly to Pratap Singh's bungalow in Dehradun, where they will keep Lokesh hidden. When Virendra comes here, Jaipal also catches him and reaches JD's office. JD takes out the satellite phone and calls his other operative and instructs him to come immediately for Jaipal's help. Thus leaving Jaipal there, Pratap Singh JD and Lokesh leave for Dehradun. JD departs, informing that another operative who is following Virendra will arrive alongside Virendra and help Jaipal.
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Sukesh, sitting on this side to rest, falls asleep and sleeps under the tree for about four hours. Suddenly, he sits with his eyes open and looks at the watch on his wrist, it shows the time of five in the evening. He quickly gets up and walks towards the villa, he reaches the villa in about twenty minutes. After reaching the villa, he washed and freshened up and had some breakfastHe takes out the satellite phone from his pocket and calls Virendra and asks about Mussoorie. In response, Virendra says that everything is safe there and there is no problem. Hearing Virendra's words, Sukesh's face is relieved
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Unaware of the fact that he is being chased in this direction, Virendra leaves to go to the forest cottage, when JD's operative continues to chase him, leaves behind him to the cottage, while Jaipal, who is staying at the cottage, resets the laser security and sits waiting for Virendra. . Hearing the opening of the cottage door, Jaipal turns to the wall and falls asleep so that Virendra comes near him and wakes him up. Virendra enters the room with food in hand. Addressing Jaipal, who has turned aside, he says, "Let's eat, brother." The reply is silent. Virendra asks Jaipal to sit down two or three times, but getting no response, he moves towards Jaipal and hugs him, Jaipal turns away and looks at him. Seeing a stranger instead of Lokesh, he gets upset for a while. But immediately takes care of himself, but taking advantage of the same moment, Jaipal attacks him and a scuffle starts between them. The operative behind Virendra also comes to the cottage, with his help Jaipal captures Virendra and ties Virendra's limbs with the rope he has and puts him in his car and takes him to JD's office.
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The night has fallen on this side, the desolate darkness of Vasant Villa looks scary, Sukesh is sitting on the ground thinking, let's spend the night in this villa. Then tomorrow I will hand over this to Vishal and leave here. He remembers the night twenty years ago that after receiving the message he has reached Vasant Villa, Panchnama and all the legal formalities, he himself has decided to stay in this villa till twelve, but the very next night, the servants staying with him are haunted by ghosts. As soon as he feels it, he runs away and after a few days comes with Tantrik and performs the ritual to control the ghost. Then the tantrika imprisons all the ghosts in the room at the end of the villa and locks the waist and closes the lock with mantras and says that the lock will never be opened. But Sukesh has decided in his mind that he will leave this villa forever. Sukesh leaves Pithoragarh and comes to live in Dehradun, now handing over the farms there to the settlers and buying the produce from them at the market price so that he does not have to go to Pithoragarh. Thus he leaves Pithoragarh permanently but since the villa is not for sale, he keeps a local and salaried man to look after the villa. But after five years an incident happens that the dead body of a salaryman living there is found which is in a very bad condition. Sukesh doesn't go to Pithoragarh but tells Virendra to collect the damp there and then two other people die, so no one is willing to take care of Vasantvilla, so Virendra hires a man to go and clean the villa during the day in that month. It should be done and he should take care of it and see that electricity and water are getting properly. Thus Vasantavila is monitored in this way. So Sukesh doesn't know what is the reason behind the return of ghosts in this villa. Unbeknownst to him, the first person appointed to guard the villa has curiously broken the spell-locked lock, thus freeing the trapped ghosts and not allowing anyone to stay in the villa. Since these ghosts can only work at night, it becomes difficult for someone to spend the night in the villa. Sukesh is also unaware of how tonight will be for him? He is under the illusion that all ghosts are imprisoned. Suddenly some strange sounds are heard from the left wing, then Sukesh runs in the direction of the sound, then those sounds are coming from Ramesh's room. Sukesh gets shocked when he opens the door of the room and starts shaking with fear.