Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 17 in English Horror Stories by MITHIL GOVANI books and stories PDF | Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 17

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Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 17

Chapter 17

Jaipal is surprised to see the sleeping man. He asks Sukesh are you here? In response that man says. I am not Sukesh but Sukesh's brother Lokesh. Sukesh has kept me imprisoned here for the last month. So that the crimes committed by him will not be revealed, but who are you and how did you penetrate the tight security here? In reply Jaipal says I am a private detective. Sukesh's spy work has been assigned to my agency. A relative of Sukesh spies on Sukesh's movements and has been assigned to our agency to investigate what game Sukesh is currently playing. While keeping an eye on Sukesh and Virendra, both of them have found someone imprisoned here. That's what my friend noticed and also here digital security also I am expert in how to overcome the security he saw so I came to hack this security and rescue you. Now you will tell me why you are imprisoned. What crime has Sukesh committed that he has to imprison you as his relative?
Lokesh says in reply. When we brothers were ten years old, our parents died in a landslide. My maternal uncle took us both with him but my maternal uncle's financial condition was not strong enough to support a family of four with two children and us two. Then our uncle who was from Africa, who came to India at that time was childless, proposed to my maternal uncle that he wants to adopt one of the two brothers, and he approved the proposal. After settling all the legal proceedings within a month, my uncle took me with him to Africa. In the beginning, once a month, he used to call Mama's neighborhood and talk to him, but gradually that practice also stopped. He would talk to Mama and Sukesh about once a year. The rest of the correspondence took place. Almost seven years after going to Africa, when we came back to India, we happened to meet Mama's family and Sukesh. No one could look at us and decide who is Sukesh and who is Lokesh, so it seemed vivid. Our body movements were also the same. Just because of the mood and atmosphere, our style of communication was different. We were so similar that anyone could tell us apart from our style if we sat dumb. Then we spent two days together and after another five years, Sukesh got a call and he was going to get married. And he called to specially invite me and uncle's family to come to the wedding but uncle's health was very bad so we couldn't go to his wedding. My aunt and I called her and congratulated her. A year after that I invited Sukesh to come to Africa as a family during my wedding but he was the only one in the wedding and my uncle and aunt were upset about it. Because Sukesh chose to stay at home as a son-in-law and his wife could not come due to work. It was only when he came to Africa that I came to know that Mama and Mami cut off relations with him since his marriage was fixed and he decided to stay as a son-in-law, they did not even attend the wedding, nor did Mama's son. Sukesh got married in the presence of few friends and relatives of his wife. When he came to Africa, his foot fell into the trap of smuggling. When he came to Africa for my wedding, he met a drug dealer who was involved in the smuggling of poisonous plants from the forests of Africa and the venom of African snakes. About which I came to know after two years. Somehow his elder brother Ramesh came to know about his criminal activities, so he warned Sukesh to stop all illegal activities and threatened to put Sukesh in jail if he did not stop this. Sukesh also apologizes to Ramesh, knowing that after his threat, all these businesses will be over soon. And for about six months he wrapped up his business and slowly convinced Ramesh that he was doing nothing wrong, Ramesh never let him out of his sight. His opium business in Pithoragarh was also closed when he came to Dehradun as Pithoragarh was now controlled by Shyam. Another six months had passed and now Ramesh had trusted him. That he does no wrong. On this side, the pressure of dealers from Africa was increasing to start the business again, but Sukesh said that nothing can be done for four or six months now, asking him to be patient for some time, I will do something by then. At the same time, as soon as Shyam's marriage was decided, he decided to take over the business of the Pandit family by taking out the money of the Pandit family before his marriage. For this he had to make a dangerous plan and I was unwittingly involved in it. Sukesh called me and told me that India was like this because it was my special work and he needed me for two months, so I planned from Africa and without thinking too much I said yes and came to India as fast as possible. After coming here he told me that he is involved in a syndicate of drug dealers in Africa some people want to kill him then you have to be Sukesh for two days instead of me and stay with my family and staff. In those two days the people behind me will be watching you and I will kill them. Please support me so that I can wipe out the people behind me.Which will get rid of me. No one has seen me except those two people, so I will be released if I settle those two people. They are coming to Pithoragarh shortly. Till then I am taking you to my cottage in the forest near Mussoorie.
And I implant you with Sukesh. This will only be between me, you and my PA Virendra. I was reluctant at first but melted at my brother's request. And I said yes to him. But at that time I did not realize. That person had hatched a huge conspiracy. He prepared me as Sukesh and one day came and told me you will take care of my office today and tomorrow Virendra will be with you you will not have any problem. I am going to Pithoragarh. And he went to Pithoragarh not to kill the enemies of the drug dealer syndicate shown to him but to get rid of the Pandit family gathered in Vasantvila for the preparation of Shyam's marriage. Then that night he massacred the Pandit family and made it look like the killing was done for robbery and he succeeded and came back early the next morning and sent me to Delhi quickly and asked me to leave here soon. As my life is in danger, I believed his words and came to Delhi, where he prepared a flight ticket for me to Africa, so I reached Africa the next day from Delhi. And after staying in Africa for a month, I came to know that there was such a big murder scandal in Sukesh's in-laws because at that time there were no communication tools like today. I was shocked to hear the news and may not have suspected but this massacre was done by Sukesh and I was also used by him. I called him and asked him about it, he answered me in a rude manner. That I had made this foolproof plan. If you are present as Dehradun Sukesh, no one will doubt me that I have done this work. Because if the motive of these murders was clearly suspicious to me. But if I am in the office with my staff and do overtime in the office, I will stay away from suspicion. Because after the entire family was wiped out, the property and business were available and I had to do this whole drama so that I would be the first suspect. Now, if you tell this to anyone, I will make you my partner by saying that he has supported me in these murders, so keep your mouth shut, it is in your and mine's best interest. So I decided to keep silent so as not to let anyone know about this even though I was innocent, I would not be implicated as an accused in this massacre. But when I told him that two months ago the drug dealers of the syndicate he was a member of mistook me for Sukesh and followed me, Sukesh told me that you should come to Dehradun as fast as you can and we will make a way for him. I believed him and reached Dehradun. On coming to Dehradun he brought me back to the same cottage where I had stayed for two months before. He gave me a strict instruction not to leave this cottage and said that all your needs will be delivered to you by this Virendra. When Jayapal and Lokesh were talking, hearing the sound of the car, Jayapal went out. Who has come?