Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 15 in English Horror Stories by MITHIL GOVANI books and stories PDF | Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 15

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Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 15

Chapter 15

Sukesh fell asleep suddenly. But just as the second watch of the night passed, the sound of lightning started to be heard in the drawing room and Suketu woke up from the sound. When he saw it, there were flashes of lightning outside. The sound of owls was also heard. The cry of winter was also heard from far away. The atmosphere became quite scary. The sound of animals was coming from far away in the forest. Suddenly, seven waves appeared in the drawing room from the air. Seeing that Sukesh's condition worsened, he felt his heart stop. These waves were none other than the seven souls. Who was killed by Sukesh coldly. The oldest of these souls was Mahadevi Pandit and the youngest was Jai Pandit who was only nine years old at the time of death. Among the rest, Ramesh Pandit, Rama Pandit, Shyam Pandit, Saroj Pandit were Aradhana Acharya. Seeing them all slowly moving towards him, Sukesh froze in fear but a scream stuck in his throat. Shyam came and lifted him up and threw him in the air and asked why did he give me such a reward for my close friendship? Everyone took turns tossing Sukesh in the air and asking their questions, finally Aradhana asked him the reason for betraying his love while hanging in the air. So Sukesh was very scared and begged him that he made a mistake, he kept begging him to forgive himself, but those people did not listen to him and kept throwing Sukesh from side to side and beat him due to fear. Sukesh became unconscious. The souls slowly dispersed from there. Sukesh regained consciousness after being unconscious for almost an hour. Then he felt that he had seen a desperate dream, and how could the dead come back? With fear I see ghosts of seven people, there can be no such thing in reality. Sukesh remembers the day years ago when he killed these seven people in cold blood. He has driven his brother Lokesh from Africa. And he keeps Lokesh away from everyone in a forest cottage a little way from Mussoorie. And he tells Lokesh that there is some danger from his enemy so he has to stay at this place. And just for a day or two Lokesh will have to be Sukesh and Sukesh will be present at his office in Dehradun. So that his enemies Sukesh would be unaware that he was in Dehradun and he could defeat his enemies in Pithoragarh. Sukesh Lokesh said the same. If he tells the truth to Lokesh that he wants to kill the people of his in-laws and take possession of their property, he will not support himself one day, so he also kept Lokesh unaware of his plan. According to Sukesh's plan, when he goes to Pithoragarh, Lokesh Presence in Dehradun was very important. So that he can prove that he was in Dehradun at the time of the massacre. So that no one suspects that Sukesh is responsible for this murder, because Sukesh was the heir of the property after everyone's murder, so he comes directly under suspicion, so when he himself is carrying out the Pithoragarh murder, Lokesh becomes Sukesh and is present in the Dehradun office. It was very necessary so he trained Lokesh for more than a month and became Sukesh. He introduced characters from his everyday life and fit them perfectly into his routine so that no one would realize that it is Lokesh and not Sukesh. He impersonated Lokesh as Sukesh and also did one or two live trials of Lokesh as Sukesh. So that there is no problem at the right time. When the entire Pandit family was to gather in Vasant Villa for the preparation of Shyam's wedding program and stayed there for a week and then two here to prepare the outline of the wedding program. Shyam's wife-to-be and fiancee Saroj were also called in it. Sukesh knew that he would be two days late in the program and someone would have to take over the Dehradun office. Because a big client was coming for two days. Ramesh also agreed with him and told him to stay two days and reach Pithoragarh. He also accepted Aradhana. Thus he went to Pithoragarh one day late instead of two, he also went into hiding and imposted his location in Dehradun. Sukesh also reached Pithoragarh behind the Pandit family. At twelve o'clock in the night he reached Vasantvila, a short distance from Pithoragarh, where a quiet peace prevailed. There were only forests and fields within a radius of three kilometers from Vasantvila. Sukesh reached Vasantvilla, opened the main door with a duplicate key and first went to Ramesh's room. He knocked on the door of Ramesh's room, as soon as Ramesh got up and opened the door, the spray in his hand sprayed Ramesh in his eyes and shot him dead with a pistol fitted with a silencer and entered his room and also shot his wife Rama and son Jai. gave Then he went to Shyam's room and shot Shyam too. Similarly, he went to Mahadevi's room and shot and killed Mahadevi and Saroj who was staying with him. Finally, he went to his room and shot and killed his wife Aradhana. There were no domestic servants living in Vasantvila, they came in the morning and in the evening they went home after finishing their work, so no one else was present in Vasantvila. Sukesh ransacked the entire villa and took the valuables and cash with him from Vasant Villa and left Vasant Villa so that it seems that someone has killed everyone in the house with the intention of robbery and the robber has escaped with the valuables. Thus, he himself was able to paint a picture of murder with the intention of robbery. He left Vasantvilla at midnight and reached Dehradun by morning. Where Lokesh spent a day and a half being Sukesh. Thus Lokesh's imposting as Sukeh was also successful. No one realized that this was someone other than Sukesh. Next day morning when the house servant reaches Vasantvila, he realizes the massacre in Vasantvila and informs the police. And the police rush to Vasantvilla and inform Sukesh about the incident. As soon as the police informed about this incident on the phone, Sukeshan pretended to be a stranger and pretended to faint as if he was very shocked on hearing this. The office worker next to him picks up the phone and asks the police what he told Sukesh that he fainted. The police tells him about the incident in Pithoragarh and asks him to take Sukesh to Pithoragarh from Dehradun as fast as possible. Suddenly hearing someone's loud crying, Sukesh calms his thoughts and runs in that direction.